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Yes, this is something that they can do to any crowd of people. I'm glad no one was permanently hurt, that we know of. The police should have at least provided a statement that they were investigating and bormally, the EPA or some other agency should have been called in to do a forensic investigation.

Very disappointing followup.

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Truly frightening! Maybe this was just a trial run for effectiveness testing and the big “event” is forthcoming on a large scale with more sinister consequences such as widespread deaths.

If I were Trump, I can assure you I would have every event’s nooks and crannies doubly covered with my own personal, security detail. The secret service staff on Trump’s detail is clearly infiltrated. Case in point is the second assignation attempt…how did Routh find out the date and time Trump would be playing golf??

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He has to be more careful. And I have a followup on your last question that I will post in the next hours.

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It was consistant with a UV laser (DEW) - handheld device. Can't be seen by human eye so the accuracy of the device was poor hence the blechers got hit, but not Trump. ~250 nA was the probable wave length

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UV light damage to the eyes results in permanent damage to the retina, cornea, and lens.

One would think that we would hear more about permanent damage. I think the jury is still out.

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Mike Adams (Heath Ranger) advanced the theory (further) about the use of Ultraviolet Laser apparatus that would be even more effective in dimmer light due to enlarged pupils, etc. https://www.brighteon.com/aa3849db-c5c5-4374-90bf-42e145484470 It was his understanding several affected attendees were temporarily blinded as well, which, when considered along with the other reported symptoms could be accomplished if the perpetrator was within 500 yards or so of the affected persons. If the intent at the first shooting / rally in PA was to harm attendees, not Trump (and he ended up collateral damage), then this would be consistent in terms of targeting and motives. Either way, Trump must consider safer means for conducting his rallies -- perhaps at least to protect others in attendance, of this is part of the intent for the attacks. It appears secret service is intentionally deficient in every space or the gross incompetence has been arranged to facilitate the vulnerabilities experienced.

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Reminds me of how many ways Dems can cheat. Now it's how many ways they can cause injury, discomfort, and distraction.

God wins is all I know.

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