Unusual Events in the Wake of Hurricane Milton: Birds and Moths Drop from the Sky, Black Smoke Circles and Shapes
Thank you for having a sense of humor on the last post ~ I got some nasty emails. NOTE: You can unsubscribe anytime by hitting the “Unsubscribe” button from the Substack article (not the email) - just click on the title.
I have added a category, “Weather and Weather Modification”.
We reported on this:
The Video
Source: https://x.com/real1fisherman/status/1844388437555806279?s=46
Source: https://x.com/danpeacock12/status/1844147478284861731?s=46
We reported on this:
Birds and Moths Drop from the Sky
Is this from weather modification, or “shifting barometric pressure”?
From a Cruise Ship Port outside of Tampa. The captain said he has never seen anything like it before.
Source: https://x.com/_louise__/status/1844294370264219866?s=46
In a second video, he says the white flashing light/cloud is a bird dropping from the sky. | Source: https://x.com/danpeacock12/status/1367817222106853376?s=46
The Text
When birds and moths fall from the sky in large numbers from a hurricane, it's often due to the extreme weather conditions disrupting their natural behaviors. Here are a few reasons:
1. Strong Winds: The high winds of a hurricane can disorient and physically exhaust birds and moths, pushing them far off course. They may struggle to navigate, and in some cases, become so fatigued that they collapse or fall.
2. Rapid Air Pressure Changes: Hurricanes cause dramatic drops in air pressure, which can confuse animals that rely on subtle environmental cues to orient themselves. For birds, this may cause disorientation, while moths may lose the ability to maintain their flight paths.
3. Sudden Temperature and Humidity Shifts: Hurricanes drastically alter the temperature and humidity in affected areas. This can shock birds and moths, especially if they are not adapted to such conditions, leading to stunned or weakened states.
4. Loss of Habitat or Food Sources: The destruction of habitats, including trees or plants, eliminates resting places and food sources. With nowhere to land or refuel, birds and moths may become weakened and fall from the sky.
5. Exhaustion: Prolonged exposure to the storm's conditions, especially if they were caught in it for an extended period, can leave them too tired to stay airborne.
These factors combined can explain why these animals might appear shocked or stunned after a hurricane.
Source: https://x.com/cj_nfa/status/1844218892865925491?s=46
Black Smoke Circle in the Sky
Tampa, Florida: 1.8 Million Views
I was unable to download the video. | Source: https://x.com/thinktankfranks/status/1844057859614703959?s=46
Source: https://x.com/trippfrankx/status/1844169650403459545?s=46
A Mysterious Ring in Williamsburg
These three clips are from the same tweet:
Source: https://x.com/curbsiderx/status/1844107701296750600?s=46
The Thread
Intelligent Smart Dust and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)
Source: https://x.com/curbsiderx/status/1844107197996990736?s=46
Julian Assange’s Video: https://streamable.com/19sfxj
⬆️ The smoke ring floats upward to the right, and then dissipates from the top right portion.
The Video
And Lastly,
The Video
Source: https://x.com/tarabull808/status/1844362254252376160?s=46
Source: https://x.com/boo_ima_ghost10/status/1844383394173682100?s=46
Thank You, Oh Lord, for giving us Your Son, so that we may have His light and love!
“For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
Galatians 6:8 KJV
Awesome great have some tangible info to go back to scoffing friends and family who still think they can't control the weather. Shucks ever since that speech from Kennedy on the ability to control weather in a mandate the before then *innocent" UN now they went evil this post provides some of that stuff called science (which they only play with the things God has made...but He gotz they number) to manipulate
These remind me of the black rings seen in blood with a microscope!