I love your comments. This article came about after a reader asked if these tropical storm surges such as Helene can correlate with worldwide HAARP facility activity. Here is the article, followed by the question:
The Question
Is there any way to tell the usage levels of worldwide HAARP facilities to correlate against storm surges?
I will be one of those doctors who say,
“I don’t know.”
I have no access to knowing the answer to this question. And the question may not be as relevant as seeing with your own eyes some questionable activity noted at the time of the Helene storm.
However, I was on Twitter/X and saw a conversation about a radar video of the storm. My screenshots led me to see Jonah Boltz, who was interviewed by Dr. Jane Ruby. He called these white lines, “a big beam” projecting from the ground. Dr. Jane Ruby called it, “energy beams from the ground shooting at the storm”.
Jonah said,
“This is not a normal beam coming from radar.”
He estimated it came from a radio tower either in northern Florida or a tower in southern Georgia. I lost my connection but found the link to Dr. Jane Ruby's Truth In Medicine, which is only for paid subscribers. Then I found her discussion on Dr. Ruby’s Rumble.
Both Dr. Jane Ruby and Jonah Boltz think that Tropical Storm Helene could be government-inflicted beams sent across land to accentuate the storm.
I personally don’t know if these storms are natural, partly-natural/partly man-made, or wholly man-made, but these white radar energy beams sure seem irregular and unnatural.
Is the government causing these abnormalities on purpose? I would not be surprised if they were government-inflicted.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, HAARP
According to the Geophysical Institute and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks (https://haarp.gi.alaska.edu/):
Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.
Scientific instruments installed at the HAARP Observatory can also be used for a variety of continuing research efforts which do not involve the use of the IRI but are strictly passive. These include ionospheric characterization using satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the fine structure in the aurora and documentation of long-term variations in the ozone layer.
Collaborative Opportunities
The HAARP site is an ideal location for deploying synergistic instrumentation for studying radio and space physics. Investigators interested in deploying diagnostic apparatus including radio receivers and radar, lidar, optical imagers and spectrometers, and interferometers are encouraged to contact the HAARP Ionospheric and Radio Science Laboratory at UAF-GI-HAARP@alaska.edu or 907-474-1100.
Source: https://haarp.gi.alaska.edu/
… and on whether HAAPR is a research facility or a weapons institute:
What do you think? Is it research or a weapon?
YES!! ... well Actually perhaps I should say THEY COULD BE! Because they really might be related. Our government..you know, the purported elected representatives WE THE PEOPLE send to DC, have spent untold billions of our hard earned and illegally stolen tax dollars on order to "Control the weather by year 2025". Guess what - they have done so.. The Eastlund patent (which was meant for the good of mankind - a way to dissipate dangerous storms so as to prevent loss of life) was essentially extorted from him (according to his son) and was behind the creation of ionospheric heaters (like haarp). The aerosol program (chemtrails) keeps the atmosphere energized and ready to be activated...At this point anyone capable of critical thinking now knows that (A) we no longer live in a constitutional republic - we lost it, (B) all the machinations of our government have been weaponized and turned against anyone trying to stop what they are doing...actually anyone who is trying to inform the people of what they are doing is in the cross hairs as well...... and (C) There is an ongoing depopulation agenda happening right now as they are trying to fulfill their god's agenda of reducing the population to a more manageable five hundred million........
Yes the world is now governed by a gaggle of "Luciferian psychopaths" ... and that's the GOD'S honest truth.... So when you consider that a man made and highly dubious "pandemic" was created just so people would agree to take a highly dangerous and nanotechnology laden jab (disguised as a vaccine) which will have hundreds if not thousands of untold rammifications later on (it killed my sister) then how outrageous does controlling the weather sound now???
They absolutely used HAARP to make a storm into a hurricane.
They were already mad that they didn’t get the expected 22 named storms they warned about for this season. They had catching up to do and I said that to someone just a couple of weeks ago. “They’ll have to work hard to even get half that many at this point,” then they did exactly that. They caused Helene.
They cloud seed and they use HAARP and they create storms or increase small ones into bigger ones and they do it intentionally to destroy this country. They want to destroy the economy, the constitution, depopulate, and have complete control. And not just the US, though that is the big fish, but they want to take the entire world to bare bones and full dependence on a human “savior” to fix it all.
If we put all the puzzle pieces together from all the various events and meetings and speeches you can see the big picture. Then compare it to the Bible and it’s prophecies.
Have no fear, God is on the throne.
He knew all that would take place and is using it to fulfill His plans. There is a predetermined end to all of it. Our goal is to know Jesus and share Jesus with others.
We can fight small battles for righteousness sake, and we should, and help one another in whatever way we can until the appointed time, but keep the first thing, first, a relationship with the Christ.
I’m not usually that outspoken but sometimes something just hits me and I have to say it. God bless.