Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

YES!! ... well Actually perhaps I should say THEY COULD BE! Because they really might be related. Our government..you know, the purported elected representatives WE THE PEOPLE send to DC, have spent untold billions of our hard earned and illegally stolen tax dollars on order to "Control the weather by year 2025". Guess what - they have done so.. The Eastlund patent (which was meant for the good of mankind - a way to dissipate dangerous storms so as to prevent loss of life) was essentially extorted from him (according to his son) and was behind the creation of ionospheric heaters (like haarp). The aerosol program (chemtrails) keeps the atmosphere energized and ready to be activated...At this point anyone capable of critical thinking now knows that (A) we no longer live in a constitutional republic - we lost it, (B) all the machinations of our government have been weaponized and turned against anyone trying to stop what they are doing...actually anyone who is trying to inform the people of what they are doing is in the cross hairs as well...... and (C) There is an ongoing depopulation agenda happening right now as they are trying to fulfill their god's agenda of reducing the population to a more manageable five hundred million........

Yes the world is now governed by a gaggle of "Luciferian psychopaths" ... and that's the GOD'S honest truth.... So when you consider that a man made and highly dubious "pandemic" was created just so people would agree to take a highly dangerous and nanotechnology laden jab (disguised as a vaccine) which will have hundreds if not thousands of untold rammifications later on (it killed my sister) then how outrageous does controlling the weather sound now???

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I am in the process of obtaining more information on exactly WHY, if this was a government-induced storm, it went to the cities most affected. A quite puzzling question for me is,

"How does a flood happen in the MOUNTAINS?"

Mountains have streams. There's never a flood in the mountains!

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

There was an eye witness in NC said the creek was at 10 feet flooding went to 30 feet that is just massive water. Someone brought up Dubai,

Remember the Houston giant rains, they are

Manufacturing weather. I pray this stops at the regime change!!

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I pray they get a break! Amen!

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Me too. Sounds in parts very gruesome. Ham Operators were the only communications.

Liked the guy with a generator saving his refrigerated and frozen food. Makes me think

Generator may be needed.

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We have two small solar generators and one latger gas generator. I canned a bunch of food over this summer and hope to be a bit better iff with that, come storms or power outages.

And look at Verizon - millions without service at the same time as the floods... definitely sus.

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My best friend who lives in Franklin NC was calling me in Florida to see if all was well and we were prepared for the storm (yes, being a native Floridian, we stay prepped & pay close attention). I had also watched to see this frontal boundary stretching across the south east through Georgia & North Carolina dropping a ton of rain and rivers were coming up ahead of the Helene storm. I asked my friend if she was ready because the storm was supposed to track in her direction. She sent me a video of the creek that runs through her property. It’s usually a trickle but at this time before the storm it was roaring from the 6 inches of rain that had fallen the previous day. It’s typically 6 inches deep at the most. After the storm it was all the way up and breached the banks. About 6 feet deep. Her house was built in the 1920’s, the foundation is down into bedrock. Many houses that flooded and were carried off are not on secure ground. The earth gave way and off they went. The people living in the area for the most part are of little means.

Her house has been refurbished and reinforced several times, is elevated above the creek about 20 ft. at near the bottom of the hill and has endured quite a bit of heavy weather.

Thank God it withstood the next 20 inches of rain.

Over time when people have settled through out the Appalachians they settled near rivers and streams to have accessible water source. There are rivers and streams everywhere in the mountains and you can be in a place where the weather is sunny and clear and a rainstorm over on the other side of the mountain will suddenly send the water gushing down through all the pathways of rivers and streams. There’s always a potential for flash flooding.

This storm was the perfect opportunity to tamper with as the conditions were in place to do such. What a perfect way to help achieve the goals of this evil cabal. I believe God will answer to that. There are more of us than there are of them. The resilience of the people to overcome this catastrophe is on full display.

So what immediately followed this event? The ports have slowed to a crawl because of dock workers going on strike and the supply chain that would deliver materials to sustain and rebuild is shut down. Where will the people who just lost everything go now? They will be shuffled into the many apartment- housing complexes erected for the purpose of the 15 minute cities that are being erected all over the country.

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The areas were soaked by three days of rain, according to resident posting so soil was so soaked dams and roads slid away. A 6 foot WALL OF WATER destroyed a house with a neighbor in it. She lived! First its red politically. Second there is lithium.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Well said. Since they tried to poison 8 billion people

Why stop there. Me thinks people can not accept such crazy ideas. Quickly close up down attack messenger.

Chemtrails are not daily rare for days to go without.

The haarp is very troubling

The DEW is even more so.

I suspect the blue beam project soon!!!

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They seem to be getting bolder yet! HAARP, DEW, sa-RNA jabs (more on that today)!

It's as if Anything and Everything goes! Like they're running out of time... before the elections?

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oct 1 desperation time.

Like Lucifer his time is borrowed

They are me thinks rudderless with leadership. Trapped by their own deception. They are fighting to stay out of prison.

Nov 5th is like 30 days away!!

Everything but the kitchen sink

Will be thrown at us now.

They see know the real polling


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I totally agree!!!

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That’s what I’m afraid of. In the time I was writing this I just received a new alert of a tropical storm. Get busy and be prepared for everything & anything. On the other side of the pond WW3 is brewing. They need a way to lock us all down.

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We definitely don't trust any of this is "natural" but I am searching for more info and evidence...

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes bc you are a lioness

Evidence yes!!

Btw good morning and thanks for

Being so open minded.

Most people stop at this point.

I had to know bc I’m serious on Truth

And want to know what on earth is

Truly going on. In prayer

“Vengeance is mine” sayeth the Lord

In the meantime it’s important to know these weather events are

Manufactured. For several reasons.

If the truth be fully known you would have all these people suing the government for wreckless behavior

Endangerment murder and instead they go on blaming climate crisis.

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Thank you! I've never been called a lioness, but I like it! I also just want to know the Truth.

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Me too just give me the Truth

I’ll grind it out down and deal with the consequences.

Lioness you are!! You’re welcome.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


I fell into this HAARP rabbit hole years ago.

This storm could be manufactured idk?

From this video this guy says they have the capacity to mitigate disperse these storms, then

Why not?

Why no warnings?

Why no immediate replies?

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It is quite suspicious. Look at the Hawaii fires, those people refused to sell their land to the government for 15-minute cities! There is much more to these floods - give me some time here, I think that I found out the most likely reason why the mountains flooded...

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It started as “conditions are prime for tropical development” 2 weeks ago. The usual place where storms start brewing in the gulf this time of year off the Yucatán Peninsula. We were all scratching our heads wondering because there was nothing there. Then kaboom Helene developed.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I am not certain. Yet, I know something g is up?

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Concur. It is not the only active ionospheric device in operation but certainly appears to be the most powerful. However, the manipulation of the storm (this and many before it) can be done with atmospheric frequency transmissions as Dane Wigington shows in his latest 90 second update : https://youtu.be/Rekx6Oa6Liw . Elana Freeland has written extensively on this subject in her 3 book trilogy, although she is not a biblical-based source, her research is thorough and undeniable. She has also long worked with Clifford Carnicom who has for 30+ years been analyzing and conducting experiments to affirm the inclusion of what he originally deemed "morgellans" (which are synthetic biology/nanotechnology) in the chemtrails. Chemtrails, HAARP & Full Spectrum Dominance, Under An Ionized Sky (which discusses space fences, the purposeful penetration and destruction of the ozone, etc.) & Geoengineered Transhumanism are the 3 main books (another was or is in process). Dane's work is extensive, however he is not a climate skeptic -- but he is also able to admit that the poisoning of our skies, air, water, soil, plants, insects, birds, and huamnkind is at catastrophic levels and the dangers far exceed any (IMO invented) CO2-related nonsense. THe REAL Climate EMergency is being conducted by our governments on us. ALuminum, Strontium, Barium, Graphene, microplastics, and up to 150 other harmful chemicals (including now sulphur to supposedly "dim the sun"). Agree the psychopaths who rule from the shadows are actively pursuing their aspirations for control and enslavement if those who are not culled in the multipolar events now culminating into an overwhelming-seeming state of play upon us.

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And with an upcoming longshoreman strike, you bet our supplies, food will be severely affected- putting those with limited supplies further at risk.

And I wonder who/where will be their next target!

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Acapulco is certainly reeling from their Category 3 devastation. Bloggers are saying West Tennessee is getting heavily chemtrailed now -- in preparation for what? And in defiance of their own laws about no chemtrails in their skies?

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I agree. Evil in all of it. Thanks for this information.

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I think those of us on this feed know exactly what is going down.. We have years of evidence accumulated of those that want to depopulate. Over the years (Luciferians, skull n bones, CFR, WEF, Club of Rome, ect) have played the people well as to watch and enjoy our demise. We quite frankly allowed them to psyop us into not being able to trust one another. As any relationship goes, without trust it implodes. We the people are imploding. We can't organize, we can't agree to disagree & we fall victims to our own fears. Let me be the first to confirm all your worst fears, they are going to liquidate a huge portion of humanity. Psychopaths are not human. Yes in appearance but biologically there are major differences in them that do not allow them to give a damn about people. Ted Bundy, in an interview once said, "The only way I can feel the tiniest amount of what it's like to be human is while I was coming in my victim while slicing her throat and looking into her eyes gasping for her last breath"

Yes, that's a psychopath... truly cold blooded.

"Although severe psychopathy affects just about 1% of people, some research suggests that close to 30% of us have some level of psychopathic traits.

https://www.apa.org › podcasts › p...

Why psychopathy is more common than you think, with Abigail Marsh, PhD"

Yes, even at 1% hard core, very intelligent & in most cases charismatic psychopaths, that lives amongst us at a staggering 3,600,000.

Add in a dash of anti social, boom you got nwo..

Psychopaths are NOT sociopaths... Sociopathy is a defense mechanism of a normal human... in fact it's generally sociopaths in prison that murder pedophiles... pedophilia is a very common trait of psychopaths...

Ever think of where psychopaths gravitate to for career choices? One sec

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According to some sources, the following careers are most likely to attract psychopaths:

CEO: Psychopaths may be able to keep calm under pressure and create chaos for others around them.

Lawyer: Psychopaths may have traits like self-confidence, cold-heartedness, and deceitful charm.

Media: Psychopaths may enjoy attention and be calm under pressure.

Salesperson: Many of the jobs that are attractive to psychopaths are often found in the tech industry.

Surgeon: One of the top 10 careers that may attract psychopaths.

Journalist: Psychopaths may have the qualities needed to extract information from sources who are reluctant to give it up.

Police officer: Psychopaths may be able to stay calm in a crisis.

Clergy person: Psychopaths may like to control and exploit others.

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There's a special word for the thought that all surgeons had to find a socially responsible way to cut on people, rather than being murderers. Trans~something .

I will try to find it, but we learned it in medical school.

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Few examples, the zodiac killer was a cop, Larry fink ceo, Joel olsteen, Pope ect clergy, covvid shots medical/surgeons... the list goes on...

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Sociopaths typically become cult followers of the psychopath. They mistake his lack of empathy as strength and envy it.

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You have shown your lack of reading on this topic... keep studying you'll get it.

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Makes complete sense. Frightening!

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They absolutely used HAARP to make a storm into a hurricane.

They were already mad that they didn’t get the expected 22 named storms they warned about for this season. They had catching up to do and I said that to someone just a couple of weeks ago. “They’ll have to work hard to even get half that many at this point,” then they did exactly that. They caused Helene.

They cloud seed and they use HAARP and they create storms or increase small ones into bigger ones and they do it intentionally to destroy this country. They want to destroy the economy, the constitution, depopulate, and have complete control. And not just the US, though that is the big fish, but they want to take the entire world to bare bones and full dependence on a human “savior” to fix it all.

If we put all the puzzle pieces together from all the various events and meetings and speeches you can see the big picture. Then compare it to the Bible and it’s prophecies.

Have no fear, God is on the throne.

He knew all that would take place and is using it to fulfill His plans. There is a predetermined end to all of it. Our goal is to know Jesus and share Jesus with others.

We can fight small battles for righteousness sake, and we should, and help one another in whatever way we can until the appointed time, but keep the first thing, first, a relationship with the Christ.

I’m not usually that outspoken but sometimes something just hits me and I have to say it. God bless.

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That TOTALLY MAKES SENSE- they are paving the way for the anti-Christ.

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You are so right. Here in Florida we just had a 1-2 punch with Hurricane Debbie that didn’t quite get the job done. There is prime real estate they want to capture in the Southeastern US. The Gulf coast is easy pickens, much easier to manipulate than the vast, Atlantic basin. If you haven’t heard of Monkey Werx on YouTube you need to follow him. He watches air traffic all over the globe on Flight Aware and prior to Hurricane Helene he was tracking German weather aircraft in the Caribbean. Then you also had USAF & NOAA Hurricane Hunters flying through the Gulf of Mexico with the anticipation of Helene development. I can’t help but wonder if they were also seeding the storm.

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I’m sure they were. I follow Monkey too. I followed him before he started watching the weather planes or even had any certainty about what was going on with weather mod. I was so glad when he added those into his flight vids. I knew if he started watching them we’d get a lot more info. He sees the HAARP beams too. This world is nuts!

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

An narrator in the second video said that Haarp excites the Ionosphere and creates the light shows, the Aroura borealis.. I find that interesting since I have never in my life seen as many news announcements of such light shows to be seen in the sky here in New York as I have this year.

What are they doing?

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So interesting!

There shouldn't be any Aurora borealis' in NYC! 🤷‍♀️ Definitely makes one think 🤔 !

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You should see the Northern lights that we are seeing in northern Canada. At getting close to age 60 and living here all of my life… I have seen my share of aurora borealis. But what we have seen this year have been extra bright, extra colourful and extra vivid… This ain't normal. Very beautiful, beautiful… But not normal.

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Blaming it on increasingly active solar storms with massive eruptions. Northern lights as far south as Alabama and the panhandle of Florida.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Monkey Werx YouTube Doc 👍

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Yes! I follow him.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Could HAARP cause the storm surge we see? Answer, most assuredly. Did this happen this time, well that is more complicated, I no longer hold a secret security clearance but my time involved in my work has clear indications of HAARP's capabilities. Did "they" well go ahead and speculate...

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Appreciate your insight, thank you.

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Why did 4 dams all collapse during the storm

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Lol .. I called this when she turned right

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes. Too many coincidences and suspicious signals.

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Thanks much! We are a combined Armor of God team and maybe God will still even now if we rise up, He’ll show mercy to us. Joel 2. But if not He will repay the destroyers of the earth and His people.

Spiritual AoG Warrior Ethos Remember that you we not alone. God has sent His Son and His Holy Spirit – the Helper. The U.S. Military backs its Warriors with the most powerful combined arms force ever.

Is it really validated that global warming is the cause of the issues the earth is experiencing; have they truly identified the real issues, such as poor water management, as the root cause? What other issues are there w/their assumption of the scale & scope & what is the real threat?

I want to see reports of weather control type (HAARP’s), true earthquake statuses, etc.

Before we can validate a cause-effect relationship of “global warming” - I would like to see the energy/activity records of all-weather impacting facilities worldwide, then perhaps we can understand the root cause of planetary weather phenomena.

Christians may fail to realize a proper perspective on the subject of problematics from issues with global fitness. Many Christians think, “God is in control as He created the Heavens and the earth, His creation was perfect, and there is nothing wrong with the planet.” It is true that God WAS, IS, and WILL BE, but we cannot fail to realize the correct context for Christians toward the planet. Yes, God created the Heavens and earth, and they are His, but the view/perspective was before the fall of man. We must retain the proper RVG’s to scope in on a pre- or post-forbidden fruit fall-of-man moment. The earth was perfect before. Since the moment of the forbidden fruit, the earth has been cursed, and a prophecy foretold of weather catastrophes, food scarcity, inflation, famine, and death. Therefore the view that there is no problem with the planet is wrong. It may not necessarily be warming occurring due to the reasons the elite globalists are pushing, which are targets for them to gain control (i.e., manipulating farming, food supply, energy source control, etc). I do not know if God makes these events occur or if they are part of a warning from a historical perspective, in part due to the consequences of man’s greed resulting in mismanagement of the planet and the added purposeful manipulation being executed to move their Satanic agenda along. Realistically humanity should find a middle ground to take the proper corrective actions to stop the tangible destructive forces leading to a degraded planet health and production capacity. We should reduce contaminating oceans, lakes, and waterways, stop the violent cycle of chemical herbicides and pesticides, and reasonably reduce energy needs through self-reliance or reduced grid reliance. Many other initiatives could also help ensure more responsible planet management, such as removing patent controls on high-efficiency engines, waste, and recycling management, promoting better-balanced eating (i.e., less chemically synthetic manufactured foods), and many more strategies which could help with managing earthly pangs. Source: The website Pete Garcia’s program https://yesterdaysprophecy.com/

Bottom-Line: We should use the proper context of the viewpoint of an issue. Utilizing the traditional correlation to assess a subject leads to faulty generalizations or fallacies of distraction. You cannot apply the framework of thinking to make assumptions there is no global warming because God made the perfect garden. The Lord foretold the terrible events that would come in the “perilous times” either as a historical record of events that occur due to man’s mistakes or the result of divine intervention…regardless of the prophecies are & will come true.

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I agree that things will get worse before they get better, per the Book of Revelations. We will refuse to bear the Mark of the Beast, so they will behead us. And we will spend forever together with God, all things passed and we shall have no more tears 🙌

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I know this sounds crazy but I'm hoping God will allow me to make a deal with Him. I want to take all my friends and family when the rapture happens and send me back in. With the confidence of all ties to this world gone I know we will be like the Alamo 🥰

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes sorry Dr had to take a nap

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Oct 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They'll satisfy any questions excellent people 👍

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