Some of the articles which I used to make points with in debates online were censored, deleted or otherwise somehow removed from the internet. I decided I have to start a blog for the purpose of publishing those hidden gems of knowledge.
Future Insight proving in-depth analysis at the nexus of global technological and financial trends. We'll also cover alternatives to vaccination strategies, and the agenda of the Globalist Elites.
Speaking truth about what I am seeing and hearing in this world today. And finding my way through the labyrinth of deception through the use of logic and reason.
The Honerable Reverent Merrick's Oracle of Righteous Indignation. A Warrior Eternaly Exposing the Babalonian, Talmudic, jew, and their Fuckin' Evil Luciferian, deeds! Oracle "a person through whom god speaks".
We love to Inspire artist creativity and help you create art, then promote it in the community, on social media, and through local and national events.
Just a 20-something girl trying to *stop* figuring it all out. From New Age to God (in the fledgling state)..I just walked away from my business, moved & started writing my (first ever?) resume. I have no clue what I'm doing but i know I need to write.
AI is suddenly everywhere, but that doesn't mean we have to go along. I'm posting about factual articles and stories that don't praise AI. This newsletter provides balance in the face of AI enthusiasm. Support creators. Stay human. Don't be a sheep.
A firm foundation is necessary to withstand the storms and see past the deception to the truth about the world, its current events, the fast-approaching final days, and how it all fits Bible prophecy.
CHBMP has been documenting COVID-related crimes against humanity since 2021.
If you believe a friend or family member died of COVID, it is possible something more sinister happened. Find out more at