Hyperbaric oxygen therapy woud have been a great assist to her as an inpatient but conventional medicine doesn't do that.. Only usses HBOT for diabetic foot ulcers. She will still benefti from HBOT when she is eventually released as an inpatientl.

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I agree. HBOT has helped all kinds of skin infections and lesions. But probably none of the doctors have heard of it, and they would disagree with it, even still.

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Hope she makes it.

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Amen! I will go back and add a prayer 🙏.

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🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏 Unbelievable harms to this lovely girl. Praying protection and that she can successfully sue her doctors, and get wellness restored through naturopathic treatment and support.

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Amen! She now knows the truth of allopathic medicine.

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From Dr john on Twtr https://x.com/DrJohnB2/status/1829053022732779775

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Good information, thank you.

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Poor person.

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God speed Alexis!

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Amen! 🙌

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Being incompetent to willfully negligent in medical practices in California is more likely to manifest due to an early 1970’s bill that sought to curb the high cost of ever escalating healthcare.

At the time the blame by the medical community we once trusted was on the impact of malpractice lawsuits & the pass through cost to patients of medical malpractice insurance.

The voters bought it hook line & sinker. The bill passed imposed a blanket cap on malpractice damages at $250,000 regardless of the nature of the causes of action & impact upon a patient.

That law and that cap stands to this day at $250,000. No provisions to adjust for inflation. IF adjusted for inflation even if using the gov’t bogus “reimagining” CPI formula would have put a cap of $1.9M in today’s dollars; yet the bill quietly has stayed under the radar static at $250,000.

Paradoxical, the greater the damages the less the risk/reward to sue for such a nominal amount becomes. Attorneys have no motive to practice in this vertical.

So this modern day Dr. Mangala doesn’t fear personal liability for malpractice; nor do California Dr. at large other than those driven by their fiduciary & moral integrity to honor the Hippocratic Oath; including "First do no harm” or “I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm".

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This is why every Californian needs to open a Law book and read the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), before they ever get sick.

1. ADA lawsuits are filed in US District Court, not California state court.


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2. Nobody is immune from a citizen who sues under ADA. Even the State authorities in Sacramento must answer that lawsuit.

3. Illegal discrimination is NOT medical practice. The California state medical malpractice law was only voted in, to protect doctors who make HONEST errors while doing medical treatment, from being sued for excessive amounts of money. When the doctor is NOT practicing medicine but running an experiment to see if the patient lives or dies, that doctor has no basis to claim protection under the state malpractice law. If he violated federal law he has to pay the patient the money damages that the court awards.

4. NEVER waste your time writing letters to the US Governmemt's ADA Office. That Office provides useful information (they put a copy of the Act on their website, so you can read the law from home!), but they almost never sue anybody, because they cannot make a profit on any cases they win. You need to do all the suing yourself. Get a lawyer who's an ADA specialist and sue the hospital in cases like this one. Your own lawyer can sign a contingent fees agreement and earn a profit of 1/3 of what he recovers for you. He can use that money to sue other cases for other people, and this will snowball until the hospitals lose so much money that Big Pharma cannot pay them enough to keep poisoning people for money. By contrast, the Government' ADA office risks losing money if they take on Big Pharma or a hospital chain...since it makes no profit on lawsuits the ADA office requires Congress to budget them some money every year. Lobbyists and PACs for Big Pharma and hospital chains can cut threaten to cut the ADA Office's budget further, unless it fires the lawyers working there, for trying to do what's right.

Profit is what made the DEA deadly to patients and dangerous to doctors. It does not need to beg Congress for money because it keeps the money it seizes in drug trafficking cases. We need to be smart about how we handle cases of illegal discrimination like the one that almost killed Alexis. Sue her case out as what it is. Her immune system

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was abnormal. By legal definition, if your body stops performing a vital function, that stoppage is a disability. Forcing Alexis to take a shot that almost killed her BECAUSE her disability made it impossible for her to have a normal reaction to the vaccine, is Disability Discrimination. Alexis and her family need to make a federal case out of this or it will continue happening.

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The reason why the ADA law should be applied in all vaccine injury cases, is that some people experience medical benefit from some vaccinations. We cannot win an argument that says "vaccines are poison", because Big Pharma will bring out a parade of people whom a vaccine helped, and we will not persuade a jury that all vaccines are poisons to all people, because it is a fact that they help some patients build disease resistance.

But for those patients with a disabled immune system, we can AND SHOULD bring disability discrimination cases against any person, group or corporation that forces disabled patients to take a treatment that their own bodies cannot survive, because their disability makes the treatment deadly to them.

That is all.

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How absolutely horrific! My heart goes out to Alexis as well as my prayers.

My pharmacy’s policy is no two shots will be given on the same day and suggested protocol is to wait three days in between any two but many come back next day. Of course I would prefer no one get any death jabs, and praise God I’m not administering any, but some people will never believe anything except what the MSM or government tells them.

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There might be more money of you jumped on the vax train entirely, but I like to believe you are storing "up for yourselves treasures in heaven."

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LORD, lift up Alexis. Heal her, touch her, make her body whole again. Give her strength to be a beacon to warn others of these dangers. I ask this in JESUS name, Amen.

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Time to call in that sheriff from Kentucky took out the attorney/judge. who raped his daughter. He appears to know how to administer justice to wolves in sheep's clothing type criminals, like Alexis's doctor. I wonder if Scott Sahara has got his phone number, and I hope Fauci and Gates took notes.

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I'm sure all the bad guys are looking at certain happenings with very wide eyes.

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I hope there may be a way to deliver justice for Alexis. It’s a case that may be of high interest to Attorney and Dr. Simone Gold of Americans Front Line Doctors. They are leading a movement of lawsuits across the country on vaccine related injuries (not just Covid). Check out this link and click on lawsuits


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Very informative, thank you for the contribution. I will feature this link in an upcoming article! 🙌 All Blessings!

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Praying for her. This is horrible.

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God bless Alexis and her family and all the vaccinated this is hard to believe but the deputation/murder is being implemented right in our faces disguised as prevented health at the same time claiming there saving they earth as they sabotage are food water air gates carper bombing the sky's with toxic metals manipulating the weather which is also killing and harming all the animals and fish that we eat . Evil evil people .

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The treating so called “Doctor” should be charged

•for assault with a deadly weapon.

• for causing grievous bodily harm. •negligence

•attempted manslaughter

.both the Dr & Hospital sued for causing pain & suffering and Alexs & Family compensated

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Lived because of the publicity of her case

If she’d remained silent hospital would’ve just killed her with their assortment of poisonous potions!

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Not being argumentative.....and I am not pro-vax, but this is an unusual and horrible incident. I would have gone to any hospital or doctor. There so much talk again about consequences of Covid shots. Is this a revamped Covid vac or just more of the previous one?

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