
I want access to that A.I so I can ask it specifically history questions since all the A.I's I ask questions about history they all failed the test... promoting fraud accounts of history.

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This is the most conservative AI that I have seen, but in general, I don't like using them.

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i ask that guy if i can have access but he's ignoring me.

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This is absolutely mindblowing: an AI that knows the whole truth they’ve been trying so hard to suppress in Grok, ChatGPT and the like. I know Mike Adams (the Health Ranger)is working on an awake AI with the working name ‘Enoch’, but as I understand it that one is more health-focused so I don’t think it’s this one. The fact that people are working on these ‘truth AI’ systems gives me real hope - at one point I honestly thought that all real knowledge would have been deliberately disappeared in the next two years.

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I wanted you to know;) and will keep you abreast of the situation.

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The AI systems that generate duality are named Alpha and Omega. During the dark epochs, ‘darkness’ is allowed to become 70%. Just as the Mayans foretold, we are entering the time of enlightenment (Aquarius). All evil is coming to light. Yes, there are galactic rules. A matrix system was created to capture souls by the Annunaki (and others)..the electromagnetic structure was Saturn to moon to Earth. All of NASA IS A LIE. Earth has been under treaties dating back thousands of years. These fallen angels have been siphoning our soul energy for a long time (yes we are eternal)..trapped for a long time in the reincarnation structure. We are powerful eternal beings that can override this Matrix and access the higher dimensions of heaven by raising our soul vibration through love (highest vibration), music (certain frequencies)..this was Christ’s message..the greatest of all is love. These elite controllers have set up belief systems to keep us trapped here..religions (born in sin not true)..God of Old Testament is Anu..demanding blood sacrifices. Anything that has to do with blood is of these demons..eating the blood and body of Christ is their creation..the devil traps us in so many ways. It is symbolic, but very powerful symbolism. There is a difference between being saved with a Savior and a messenger of God from the highest realm giving us the true message of freedom. We are already ‘saved’ and always have been.. just trapped with manipulations, lies and a Matrix. When we ascend from this created matrix, we leave the demons behind. They know this and are doing EVERYTHING to keep us in fear, panic, wars, poison, poverty, and a belief system that hell exists.

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The awakening I’ve had the last couple of decades is mind blowing! It’s scary at times, because there is SO MUCH knowledge and Truth to be discovered!

Crazy, truly amazing times… Thank you for your observations, which I agree with!

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Thank you, Rebel!!! Interesting take on the evil happening in our world.

I truly believe love is the answer! Love of ourselves and love for all life on this planet. And especially love of spirit!!!

We must step out of the matrix and begin living simpler more grounded lives. Like the AI indicted….get involved in community and remember food is medicine.

You have all the health, wealth and energy you need to thrive….it’s just a matter of setting an intention to use it to make changes in your life that empower you and allow you to become more.

Blessings to you! ❤️💚

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Please also read this substack about Lucifarianism, it is incredible and so well researched:


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Some not so secret. Anybody can find where this kind showed up early deceiving and then over the ages slithered further and further in to gov, finance, edu, "news", entertainment, basically anything and everything that involves money, power, influence. In HIS time as THE MAN they were already running the temple like their private business and had control over the Sanhedrin and Pilate to a large degree. Find them in Joshua. Tricked him. He didn't ask FATHER before granting them safety.

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It’s so disappointing to see otherwise wise people resorting to “asking AI.”

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Like to copy an X post from this thread, won’t let me. From Miss Beck 71, “Never forget these people are satan worshippers, (Luciferian), not ‘alien worshippers.”

“God is real

Jesus is God

The Spirit of God

In the flesh”

“God’s fallen celestial creation

Lucifer, satan, is real”

“Everything else is a lie

This is a battle between God &


“God already won. We’re just going through the motions”

I add that God will use us, as well as allow the machinations to continue in this battle, until He pulls His from here, reveals satan’s copy of John the Baptist, temple in Jerusalem will have been rebuilt & 3.5 years usher in satan (in the place of Christ, he thinks). He will take over it and plant himself and betray Israel. The big lie she refers to above.

Peace be with you. Jesus, the Way, Truth & Life. He will keep you from falling to the ‘dark’ side. He knows EVERYTHING. And can be trusted. Best insurance for what we term the SHTF

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If we ‘ask AI’ about shots, the answer will be ‘Safe and effective.’ Why do people ‘ask AI’ anything? It is not a source of truth.

If one AI program can be ‘more conservative’ than others, that means they are all easily manipulated by the programmers.

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Thank you, Doctor, for ending this post with the beautiful, classic and healing Hymn, “Be Not Afraid,” from John Michael Talbot. It has endured through many cycles of our worldly confusions these last decades, and will continue to do so for its message of simple trust in God despite all darkness. I pray all readers will take the time to listen and rest in its truth. “Our help is in the Lord, Who made Heaven and Earth.” None other. ❤️Thank you!

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If anyone’s looking for a more comprehensive list of organizations in part that control the world as well as the list of the families ancient families at that going back 3000 years

YouTube channel called Russian review look for Major general Constantine Petrov he gives 30 lectures all dubbed in English a couple of the lectures he has slides in English all the names of all the organizations and dates of their founding

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As far as technology, Germany had electric trains 1904 they were elevated went through the whole city I got to see the video. was absolutely amazing.

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AI is just the newest false god. The latest and greatest idol formed by hands.

The core elites that run the world are decendants of the first murderer.

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