Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

For what it's worth, I'm not buying any of this. That said, this is a fabulously comprehensive summary! Thank you.

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That's a lot of excruciating, made-up detail, to have a witness take a pic. Also seems like an inside job.

Perhaps Trump should stay out of public view until after the election.

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It seems like a National Security State op. To what end is anyone's guess. Maybe just to stir the drink and whip up frothy chaos.

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Sep 16Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Very thorough. Very disturbing and “they” won’t stop. Inside job.

Pray for Trumps protection🙏🏻

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Someone told Routh exactly where to be. Looks like he got there too early and made himself prematurely known.

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Sep 16Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The scary thing is a good sniper could have taken a kills shot from where the assassin was lying in wait. Thankfully he didn’t have the chance before SS discovered him. But still, the fact he was able to even get in there and take up a position in the 1st place is disturbing. His security is horribly inadequate. The entire are should have been swept before Trump went out on the golf course.

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Exactly. 👍

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As of today at 12:00 noon EST, Routh has only been charged with only gun crimes: possession of a firearm and having a gun with an obstructed serial number.


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This comes as zero surprise yet I expected better coming out of Florida!

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