? >< need more, it's coming.

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I'm gathering info on more.

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On this video the guy analyzing it indicates the person you have circled in the upper corner of the bleacher was one of the ones shot (he has video of him being led out later) and the bullet then hits the rail creating the puff you mention. He says there were at least two shooters for sure and possibly three.


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To me that "puff" with its pink coloration, is high velocity blood spatter. A bullet strking the human body at greater than 1100 feet per second causes impact cavitation, which turns blood, lymph, and muscle tissue into a fog. It leaves behind a characteristic residue at crime scenes.

So do we now have two additional victims who died at the scene? If so, why aren't they identified?

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I think the man who died was in the stands to the right of Trump. The mom eye witness to the other victim stated in her video that the man in red, white, and blue was one of the two who were injured. Looks like it would be a very bad injury to the abdomen, through and through and exiting the back. God bless both injured, and everyone there!

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Good observation. There wouldn't be any dirt or dust flying from a bullet hitting a railing. Furthermore, I've never heard of a smoke plume from a handgun, which that would have to be if the man with the red, white and blue shirt were firing. It seems he was seriously injured, and the plume could be body fluid.

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If that victim was hit with the first shot, how did he dive in front of his family to protect them as the news reports claim?

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Welll - the noose isn’t all it makes itself to be, eh?!

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As his family also has very clearly stated.

People are trying to make more of this than they should.

One shooter, a failure of SS and BPD and whoever else was supposed to be securing Trump. Possibly intentional. Let’s keep the focus there.

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You know he could have been hit just as he was diving to cover them, right?

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Thanks for digging into!!!

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Respectfully disagree. If the video is legit - HE >>>WAS<<< THE SHOOTER - the kid was a patsy - A DECOY. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good digging! Wow.

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That man that died was on top of his wife and daughter when he was hit. Not only is there video showing them afterward, you can see-forgive me-part of his brains (or some kind of tissue) on the leg of a black man that was in that section who is wearing a white shirt that has the victims blood on it. I watched the video repeatedly of the wife and daughter and those trying to console and aid them and then helping them out of the stands when the authorities asked for the family to follow.

There are too many theories, too many people with so called evidence or “eyewitness” accounts that differ. People need to stop. Did secret service fail, yes. Was it intentional, possibly. The govt is corrupt. We know this.

I don’t believe Trump was hit, or could have been, from a different angle just from watching where his head was, how it was positioned, where he was hit.

What is suspicious is why they didn’t stop the shooter before he shot. All he rest of this is taking focus off of that. They had time and opportunity and information and they didn’t act.

A man is dead and his blood and brains ended up on his family, the bleachers, and nearby strangers.

It’s traumatizing to experience.

Pray for that family. For that daughter who believes if her father wasn’t covering her, she’d be the dead one. For the bystanders that experienced it with them.

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Gunshots can often sound like they’re coming from a different direction especially in a large open area, and with lots of buildings to bounce off of, noise from the crowd etc., it’s easy to be confused.

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I don't know if there was a second shooter

I do know that the security was, at best, incompetent.

In truth, it would have been safer for Trump to remain covered by the SS team until removed from the scene just in case instead of exposing himself multiple times.

Based on the resulting iconic pictures, I'm glad the SS didn't insist on it, as they probably should have

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I slightly cropped the video to get a closer look. Slow the video down and look 1 foot to the left of the 'puff '. Something moves into view then is gone

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The bullet from that POS on the roof hit the railing and made that puff of smoke. In other photo you can clearly see the bullet flying by Trumps head after it hit his ear from the punk on the roof, if there was a shooter behind the black curtain he more than likely would have hit Trump and he wouldn't be alive right now.

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Oh this is good info! Definitely plausible. Then you add the article of a schoolmate saying...he hated Trump and someone SHOULD have known he was planning something! FBI knew and they used that troubled kid...in my not a professional opinion!


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