Thanks Joe

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It's not Islamic terrorists we have to fear. They're being ruled by the same group that is trying to control the rest of the world and lead Christians into a fake war with Islam. If you want to know who controls you, look at who you're not allowed to criticize. Period full stop 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

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The global cabal is not only Israeli, it's multi-ethnic, multi-racial, it's a certain class of people against the rest of us.

This class of people who have been pushing for a New World Order for over a century will cull people of all nations, of all races, of all religions, most Israelis will likewise be targeted.

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Like that response. I agree as it seems the is something to reality show about all the prominent characters....its like they are working together to create the problems to force solutions. Ultimately Revelation 13 style impositions.

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While I believe that 13 min. interview is an Intel job, it's a scam, I do believe that this is being released the same way that other such "predictive programming" information is released, it is being released to prepare us, or maybe just to gauge the public's reactions, their buy-in, their fear response, etc.

Maybe someone reading with actual experience in the field of psychology can explain why they tell us these things in advance.

I think this video is confirmation that these scenarios discussed are things they are considering to employ against us.

This is also a continuation of the highly ramped up Islamophobia that I see being spread ubiquitously over the past few years, so as to try to create conflict between religions.

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Their psychology experts are not experts but mouthpieces full of liberal garbage.

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I read in the Bible that evil has to tell you before it does it. Event 201 was telling us about the plandemic before they actually pulled it. The thing is most people aren't aware or know where to look to find it but usually someone does. Such as; A movie on Netflix called," Pandemic" came out just before they said we have a pandemic in real life. They canceled it right when it happened. Several people I know told me about it including my son right when the news started reporting. Not a coincidence. Imo.

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The false flag fabricated they made this situation ....I got a bad feeling about this one. We were supposed to have this HUGE wall Mexico would pay for. I personally saw money for new soldier housing and other solider welfare programs cancelled and the money went to the wall. But I guess I'll never know because I wasn't there. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/what-happened-to-the-trump-border-wall-385881/

Then comes Biden admin which allowed millions in many of which are nefarious charecters.....convienet to "enlist" a rental army to create chaos (a problem) so by Jan 25 the solution will be increased government powers thru massive unrest. Oh some left complain the "bipartisan" bill was right stopped ...they all who work for whoever is crafting the direction we are on with this disastrous reality show. Truth is they did not want to stop it until a good number of the infiltrators are in. Now is too late for anything except fabricated internal war

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The Death-Cult is alive and well within the United States Corporation. Around us. It's not coming from elsewhere.

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Best practice these days, and I have been saying this since well before the Election, stay away from all gatherings, celebrations, and places where crowds of people congregate. If you aren’t in danger from lunatics trying to murder you, there’s always the possibility your government is going to try and fabricate another J6 event and throw you in jail or much worse.

We live in auspicious times, evil abounds, and whenever possible pray to God to keep you safe yet don’t put yourself in places where you or your loved ones might get harmed!

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And stay away from NYC subways. One of our readers shared that some people are tying themselves to posts when near the train tracks, so no one pushes them onto the tracks.

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Yes, that is terrifying. And the worst of it is that folks are just trying to get to work or home, trying to keep their heads above water with the incredible expense of living in NY State and now they need to worry about being killed or burned up!

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What entity spent the years 2019 - 2022 (ish) poison injecting, gaslighting, and economically strangling Americans?

Was it badguys overseas in turbans?

That same entity is still very much in charge of every institution that nudges, persuades, and outright coerces us.

And we're supposed to forget and just reset our mindset to mid sept 2001? Sorry, too much has been revealed already.

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OK, this Sarah Adam's person said "Everyone wanted Ghaddafi dead". That is not true! The Libyans, that I knew very well, while living in North Africa, loved him. He gave them every opportunity to thrive, as a culture and a people, personally and professionally. This BS of who our Government, convinced us, that he was, was all lies! He put an end to Central Banking in Libya, stood up to and called out the Deep State US government....the Bankers and Deep State Carteks couldn't have that! Therefore, I think she's a Co-Intel Pro, creating fear, just my opinion, you can have yours as well.

Not saying that any of these things might not happen, but if they do, it's because it was planned by our DS/Banking/Drug/Human trafficking etc... Cartel captured government. Trust NO ONE...open source is open source, read and discern for yourself.

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I think you would find this interview to be very interesting: https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com/p/richard-poe-the-british-the-jews

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BUYDEN regime in full force. Transfer of power will not be easy without a major black swan event sooner or later! You can expect it!

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I've been warning of this for years watching this happen under Obama. I was going to the local SS Office retiring and Everytime there was 2 20 something non English speaking Muslim men with interpeter there getting, what I believe were SS cards. In 2012, Obama was ordered by a TX Federal Judge Hanson, to stop giving these illegals he was bringing here as Syrian refugees ( Putin ran them out of Syria), Obama ignored this Federal Judges orders and I think he was the Judge who was first one shot along with a 12 yr old girl and Cong. Gabby Gifford was brain injured. They blamed it on a young man ( Democrat background) who was said to be on drugs for mental illness. Sound familiar? Yes. They are going to create very dangerous events and everyone needs to be on alert

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Remember who was in our Congress and Senate. They controlled the purse and even Rhino Republicans , McConnell, Graham, Susan Collins, L. Murkowski...( don't blame Trump, that Congress, Senate sabotage his every attempt) These Rhinos, at least 35 kept voting with Democrats, moving money around. It was illegal but there's been no checks and balances even since Ronald Reagan. Congress controls the purse. The latest crime was taking Billions from FEMA and moving those funds to house, give aid and comfort to these illegals who are mostly Military aged men. CCP, Islamic terrorist. Treason. They're going to committ more attacks, create lockdowns and call for ML. I woke up this remembering what my father warned me at aged 17. It was my High School Graduation in 1970. He told me, very seriously not to allow our borders to be left unprotected and to not allow our military to be spread out over the world, to keep our military here. At 17, I thought our Government would protect us. I was married between my Jr and Sr year because my rhen husband was drafted. I later joined him over seas and had a baby. Again, I saw our Constitutional Government as keeping our rule of law. Well, then came the Clinton's. I trusted the Bush's not knowing their connection to Clinton or Obama which Bushs are cousins to Obama. We've been lied to for decades. This is the result. I wish I could go back in time and should've gone to law school...at least that's what I was told when I beat a big bank in a loan they gave to my first husband. We couldn't afford a lawyer so I worked with a woman whose cousin was one. She gave me examples to use to file my answer to the court. I remember I filed 2 answers. I got a call from the Judge Congratulating me I won my case. He asked me what diem I worked for. I told him I didn't work for a firm, so he asked if I had my own practice. I said "no", and he responded I should be. But by then my marriage was escalating to where I needed to get out. We divorced and I worked 2 jobs. So at 34, college wasn't in my future. I did try to get my accounting degree but again 2 jobs and a mom, I dropped out and built my career the best I could.

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I don’t fear because my voice travels at greater than 800fps.

I do, however, get damn mad at the JackAss party and the traitors like the RINO’s and those who sell out our country and are applauded.

I SAY NO MORE! Send these people packing! If they are traitors, arrest them and try them! That includes Judges and DA’s!

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