Expect Biden to sabotage anything and everything, against Trump, until Biden is on Marine One, flying out of White House airspace. No one is going to stop him💀

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Margaret Aranda-I watched the videos you recommended and I’m familiar with this pastor’s work and specifically disagree with him on the Jesuit influence of the KJ Bible. Not all Jesuits are equal; not all Jesuits are evil and The Holy Spirit completely controls what’s in His Word and no sinner (which is all of us) has any right to tell God what to do with His Word. The Holy Spirit has complete sovereignty over the Established Cannon and this is inherently the KJ and NKJ Bible, etc. I also believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture, no matter how much I get made fun of, for it🙏

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You mean the jeWsuits?😉🤣🤡🌎😎

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All congress has to do is stop the money flow. Shut down the government

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I’d love to know how much Biden’s getting from this thievery.

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How do you give $24 Billion to another country in a conflict,

What banks and channels does it travel through ?

If a country is in debt ?

How is it created and sent ?

Whilst you have cities in severe poverty and people with no form of income ?

People living on the streets ?

Why is it even allowed ?

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A thank you to The American People for the 24 Billion. WTH did Congress sign off on this Fraud! Will Trump do what needs to be done to hold the deep state and the swamp accountable? I do Not think he will for Unity’s sake.

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Thanks, Reverend Margaret, It's totally Outragous and disgusting! Did anyone see that photo of Biden bending down and over for the synagogue of satan? That's what all the shabbos goy are doing now!

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Amen to your prayer.

I’ve also enjoyed Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin radio conversations.

The theme of your prayer is one of theirs as well.

There’s a war on and we need to each do our part without becoming an overwhelmed casualty.

Your scripture choice from Philippians is Gold.

The One who calls us is faithful

And He will do it. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:24 )

I loved the worship song too. Thanks

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Biden family has obvious interest in all things Ukraine!

The American people do not benefit from the spoils as the greedy Biden’s and their hang on’s!

The people of Helene are desperate for warmth, shelter, Food… you know the basics in the hierarchy of needs. And that perverted Democratic president destroys everything we all have worked so hard for.

T R E A S O N O U S!!!! Firing squad for the thief giving away our sovereignty, our land, our peaceful homeland!

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Whispering 5 for you 10 for me

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I will be so glad when Biden leaves office, so that free giving to other countries with no real oversight will stop.

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What a fascinating and disingenuous slant.

Glad I got to read this one post.

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