Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Test message.

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Got it.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is proof to me that this assass. attempt is both a fake and inside job as this FBI would not release something like this unless it wanted to be seen. Not one thing was redacted or blacked out for "National Security" reasons. That's the first giveaway. The second is, its all a lie. The whole of the rest of the world doesn't hate Trump. The Hungarian president was loud and clear. He also appeared sane, and not alone in his beliefs.

Third, where did this shill get $150,000. Looks like Biden and his Jesuit team is playing this to get off cheap. They are simply fishing for another fall guy that they'll kill shortly after and pay nothing, like the first assass. attempt.

It is well written and known, that throughout their history, the Jesuits and the papacy controllers use these tactics to incite others' passions to do their dirty work and start wars, especially ones that change the world such as the 30 years war, the American, French, and Russian Revolutions and Civil wars. They and their banker friends love war, and they love off the wall zealots to carry out their missions. Marx was one, as well as Hitler and Himler, and the Bolchevic gang of thugs.

This whole theatrical event is staged in my view, and, more than likely, by all involved. Their worthless carreers depend on it. Red flag after red flag is distraction after distraction so they can move forward on plans not known to the public. Years after the effects of their completed parts are felt, then they yell conspiracy theory to the clueless about those who see what they did. It's the same script over and over again.

If people understood Isaiah 9:6-7, then none of this, nor a shell corps called US, UN, UK... in whole would matter or exist.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I've been wondering where his funding is coming from for the reward he posted.

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And where it came from for his $800,000 house in Hawaii, when he couldn't make child support payments!

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That bears the question of what possible illegal activities he may have been involved in.

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Or "who he knows" in the cabal/opposition.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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I think y'all are missing some context. Routh left a cardboard box at a friend's house. After he was arrested and charged, the friend opened the box, found numerous live bullets jn it, and this letter...and gave the box to the FBI

So obviously Routh wrote it as an apology for failing, leaving it at the friend's house in case he was killed while trying to murder the ex-President.

What's baffling is the offer of money to another killer. If he failed and was killed or locked up, Routh could not pay the $150k to anybody, because his assets would be frozen. Anyone who writes him in prison about collecting the bounty will get caught. Letters to inmates are inspected before they are given to the inmate.

So the letter implies a second conspirator remains at large

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

How did he know he would fail? Lol

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That's what I'm saying- it had to be written after the failed deed

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By someone who forgot to consider plot, timing, etc.?

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Just like someone wrote Biden's drop out of the race letter. They even signed it with a strange signature. They know most people buy this stuff.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

So sloppy, or they just don't even bother to make it look good.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

There is much arrogance among them. It's because they have gotten away with so much over the years. They probably believe they can get away with anything. Unfortunately, they do. Until Rothschild's, Papacy, its Jesuits and other orders, Gates, Rockefellers, Faucis... are truly ended, and their criminal power structure is dismantled or destroyed, it will be business as usual for them, and crappy world for mankind.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen. I pray with you. This is in our faces, so disturbing. Whether or not it is fabricated, it’s going to entice someone to make another attempt on Trump’s life.

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It's a crying shame.

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