It’s getting very serious! The kid gloves are off. Freedom of speech is under attack. Witness Brazil on X witness EU ON X now Telegram. They the deep state are losing the message so they attack

The people who are the leaders. They are getting desperate. Next is to pull the plug. 10 days of darkness … to be continued.

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They are getting desperate.

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Sounds about right. 10 days.

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OUR Freedom is being removed, and its happening quicker than we think it will.

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It's as if they are making a last ditch effort to silence people who can talk to one another on an encrypted app.

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Just look at the UK

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The main fact about which le gouvernment Français fears public awareness is the size of its national debt relative to its gross national product. If they were an ordinary citizen they'd have a credit rating of about 70. Not 700. Not 500. Not 450. Not 100.

No banker in his right mind will loan them more money.

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(Cont'd). When Austria was "annexed" by Hitler (who took their President hostage and screamed at him for 6 hours, until he couldn't take it any longer and signed over the country), the Economic critics of Fascist economic theory, notably Professor Ludwig von Mises and colleagues, found their homes ransacked, their book collections set afire, and their jobs terminated. Sciessemacht founder Joseph Goebbels had crafted a perfectly good lie about how to make Germany rich again and it was impolite to call it bullsh@t. Von Mises ended up a refugee in NYC who stayed alive by tutoring kids.

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France is now under supervision of the European Union because of excessive debt.

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Thanks for that, Marty! I remember Greece ending up on the EU deadbeat list, the Greek PM resisting some of Brussels' demands, and the ECB turning off every ATM in Greece and allowing Greek depositors to line up at their bank branch on Thursdays and withdraw €50 in cash...if they still had it in the bank.

What screwed things up for Brussels is that the UK has lousy weather and many Britons take a Spring holiday in sunny Greece. There had been talk of the UK joining the ECB and swapping out sterling for Euros. But so many Britons had personal friends in Greece, whom they met taking those Spring holidays repeatedly, that the horrors of empty wallets and empty store shelves led them to vote for Brexit. It took a few tries but the UK is finally out. So stabilizing the ECB by bringing all the UKs assets aboard, is no longer an option.

Modern Monetary Theory may do France as much damage as Scots banker John Law did when he took Louis XIV to the cleaners over Le Banc du Mississippi, which had a royal monopoly over all trade coming out the Mississippi Valley at New Orleans. The royal monopoly was useless because at the time, there was no trade with the Miss Valley. King James of Scotland and England got such a laugh at Louis XIV's scamming that he gave John Law a royal pardon for his previous murder conviction in London and let him live out his days in England.

As it stood, France got buried in debts that led to the French Revolution

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You're a history buff, no doubt ! Yes France is buried in debts and Macron will end up buried in manure.

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France's BFM and TF1 said that Durov, who has dual French and United Arab Emirates citizenship, was arrested as part of a preliminary police investigation into allowing possible criminality due to a lack of moderators on Telegram and a lack of cooperation with police. Reuters' police source could not confirm that.

Source : Reuters

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Men shouldn't silence women when they call out men for their wrong doings because of the eternal laws. Cause and effect. Men shouldn't think that they can treat women any old way. They are getting their karma. No matter how you look at it. This all stems from a use of woman and silencing woman. Woman are God's people. If woman are right then they are right. Calling out men by men who see the wrongs men do is the same as a woman calling out a man. Can you see the dynamics of cause and effect playing out? It is very clear to me.

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It’s not just the social media platforms where the attacks on free speech are occurring. Starting about two weeks ago, the email about this story and all others from Dr. Aranda had to be retrieved from the Outlook Junk folder. The last three from Dr. Malone’s SubStack also had to be retrieved so I think Microsoft is doing this intentionally to suppress speech that doesn’t support the narrative. Who will they target next?

BTW, I have contacts defined in Outlook for both Drs. Aranda and Malone!

Make sure you check your Junk folder regularly, you may be surprised at what you find.

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This is why you need an email from proton, tutanota or mailfence.

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I’ve been thinking about just that or maybe the new one that Musk is reportedly developing.

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I wouldnt trust eel on...clowns in america asset.

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Thank you Margaret. Our world is getting scarier every day, as we push back on these madmen and madwomen, feeling the pressure!

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This is sickening.

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Shocking stuff.

Are we to assume that all other means of communication are under surveillance?

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Yes. Roughly since transistors were invented in the 1950s, anybody can be tapped and bugged. It's just a matter of the cost of paying someone to listen to what is said.

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Are we to go back to printed media (zines) and HAMM radios? Is there a substack tutorial page on how we can keep the flow of information continuous? We know we are the majority thus the need to stifle free speech. Never give up and never give in. God is on our side and He wins every victory!

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I haven't really heard of him before the Carlson interview but ... is it just me or does he come across like a sane man with a good mission?

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Least we forget France gave the world 2024 Olympics.

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Someone helps him

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With Zuckerberg's letter to congress.. idiots are going after him instead of the factions of government that bullied him to follow their instructions... when you weed a garden, you must pull the plants out by the roots.. otherwise it just grows again...

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