We are a nation of laws… until we aren’t. IF we can’t get a just and honest solution to this and many others we will be left with no other option but to take matters into our own hands and hold those who are poisoning, robbing and lying to us accountable the old fashioned way. The corruption must end and the Constitution and ALL of our Inalienable Rights restored. Shall not be infringed should apply to ALL of our Sacred Inalienable Rights.

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We should think that someone somewhere is doing something behind the scenes.

There are posts on Telegram about this; I will share tomorrow.

Those who protest will probably tag themselves in the first wave that disappears.

Depending on your gifts, you may pray about where God wants you to be - perhaps you are better used for a longer period of time or in a different way than presently. 🙏

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Now we shall see by their votes on this bill how many congressmen have investments in Big Pharma.

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At least there are 30 co-sponsors!

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That's fantastic!

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The bill would be a step in the right direction, but we should also be able to sue the federal and state law makers, who passed the mandates on states, schools, and the military, locked down the nation and perpetrated the hoax to begin with -and sue influencers like Fauci, and Gates, and Trump and De Santis and all the rest of the lying through their teeth svolichi.. The drug companies are the drug makers, but then there's the drug pushers.. It's a toss up to say who is guiltier..

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The lawsuits could go on and on!

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or the hangings..

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Praise God!!

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Amen! 🙏

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Will the commies fight it? After all it is really about control...

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They are probably all in on it, this time putting some “good guys” out there… idk.

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I may be mistaken, but it is my understanding through the legal research done (and published., re-published/packaged and made available for a couple of years now) by Katherine Watt (Baliwick -- https://substack.com/@bailiwicknews ) & Sahsa Latypova (https://substack.com/@sashalatypova ) confirmed by other sources, that a series of changes to the law that occurred over mutliple administrations from Regan forward enabled the transfer of the oversight, manufacture and distribution of the "Bioweapons Countermeasures" jabs which obtained EUA that included the waiver of any testing or other QC measures and the only rationale for its manufacture and distribution was the "possibility" it could work against what many of us believe were not imaginary "viruses" (whcih have never been isolated or proven to exist) but instead were the result of toxins in our chemically-laden skies / lungs, water, food and plant/soil which along with the jabs made humans even more susceptible to the use of electromagnetic frequencies that through radiation poisoning of varying kinds can induce symptoms that happen to correspond to those brought on by the "virus" which would not if it existed, be transmissible by air from one host to another. The "sequencing" of the "virus" was simply a series of algorithms (computer-based "guesses") that were evaluated and one was deemed most likely to be the "virus". So the notion that the pharmaceutical companies, who were used ob a contract basis by the Department of Defense to aid in the manufacture of the bioweapons jabs guaranteed them immunity -- and the DOD, since it was operating under a state of medical emergency and an EUA had no continuing liability because it did not have to prove efficaciousness in order to complete the job it did via Operation Warp(ed) Speed. SImplar eforts ot prosecute by the Military and the Pharma companies have failed because the whole notion of agency approval, testing and effectiveness was theater since none of these were required or relevant to the ways in which the toxic jabs were created, manufactured and adminstered and the resulting, ongoing injuries, deaths and growth of nanotechnological synthetic biological devices in humans jabbed and now the unjabbed who are being prepared (many beleive are already participating in) the internet of bodies (WBAN) and their bioenergy being used as are their bodies as nodes on a vast human network for data processing and crypto mining (up to 47% of bioenergy in our biosystems is being diverted for these purposes and MAC addresses are being generated by those affected). THis seems like another diversion/distraction -- as the "test" sampling was the hunderds of thousands of military men & women who were forced to take the jabs or fight in court for the right to have this waived, etc. Todd Callender and his group filed 12+ times against the Feds on behalf of servicepeople in an attempt to create an exception group of jab resisters with protection from retaliation and punishment (vaxxchoice.com). If they prevail in holding to account the pharmaceutical industrial complex, it will be overturned or paid off quietly, because this is part of an ongoing plan to administer up to 500 jabs to all remaining residents post-culling....as part of the new world order and the imprisonment of survivors in 15 minute/C-40 "cities" (think Gaza but with less benevolent guards).

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Ya, just trust Sasha's lies! Dimwitdipshit!

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Indeed, there is no protection for intending to harm!

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I sincerely hope that you are correct in the environment in which we find our selves living (I concur entirely but am dubious about how far it will get in an already compromised "justice" system -- see above - a landmark case with great potential as a whistleblower from the inside, which could not get traction but did unearth some very telling rationale), including admission that they had no liability because of the DOD involvement)! My concern is that the damage already inflicted was not limited in time or range of outcomes; that is, that additional disease vectors can be released making it still possible to "stage" the intended culling, reproductive disablement, inflicting of mental/psychological debilitation, heart/stroke-related issues that progress over time, the establishment of enhanced nanotechnological access to and manipulation of subject (along with the shedding to unvaccinated) at will through EMF frequencies. Thousands of documents, scientific studies, and evidence from those examining the blood, urine and other bodily fluids of jabbed and unjabbed evidence the intent (and I believe existing capability) to make the WBAN / internet of bodies a fiercely dangerous threat to our sovereignty of body and mind. If you've watched any of Sabrina Wallace's presentations (often via non-vaxxer420 on Rumble), she contends it's operative now.

In response to negative reactions to Sasha & Katherine's findings, which of the multudinous official documents produced and the analyses performed would make anyone feel that what they've published is suspect and not indicative of a government that has been compromised and actively participate in the "control" of a potential revolutionary force of those who love life and liberty more than the digital gulag planned for them?

I am of course, disappointed that they, like so many (otherwise qualified, respected and knowledgeable professionals), refuse to venture into nanotechnology and away from the initial notion of "spike protein" (a form of controlled opposition for whatever reason - perhaps because Shasha has been in the Pharma cult for most of her career?) -- this is synthetic biology, not organic, and it includes implanting technology in humans, as far fetched as it seems (I am a retired banker - but after 3+ years now of studying all of this is is not out of the realm of both likelihood and reality). Even well-seasoned, rational academics like David A Hughes understand the dangers of an imminent, bioconvergent-controlling transnational deep state superintending, funding and enabling the capture and control of each of us through the latest 5Generation warfare that has been and is being waged against us. My prayer and hope is that we realize our recourse is both spiritual and individual - that the illusions of politically intact, judicially unbiased and legislatively responsive powers are untrustworthy and unfounded in today's society and unless we face that, we will simply be absorbed into the machine. The "social contract" exists no longer - it is a fiction that we cling to because we have been brainwashed into believing the "state" - the "delegation" of our human rights and the care of them, can safely and securely and trustworthily be handed over to a "representative governing body of individuals" possessing supernatural powers, who are uncompromisable and who will always act in the best interests of those they "serve" when in fact generations of history attest otherwise? This is spiritual warfare agains principalities and powers that are subject to our LORD and as we join en masse together across all of the existing and imagined "divisions" we are strong and the enemy is weak.

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Great news!

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At least it gives a bit of HOPE!

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Hopium Continuum . . . .

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I was thinking same thing. How many people want to bet nothing comes from this?! I've learned these last 4 years politicians do things that "look" good that never come to pass or if they do get shot down by some crooked judge! It's like all the campaign promises that never come to fruition! Big Harma, filthy rich elites, and our HORRIBLY corrupt government is a big ole club and we ain't in. We don't have enough money to out bribe them and never will because we don't put our feet down and pitch a bitch fit!!! We just try to meme everything to death. 🤦‍♀️

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Agree it leaces hope but I want to see substance! Jail time!

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Gossar's introduction at least acknowledged so far that accounta ility should be restored.

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I pray it comes true Dr. MARGARET 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌 Amen!

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Me too! 🙌

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My question is, “ How the hell did this get so out of hand??

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Gosar is AWESOME.

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