Jul 29·edited Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

We can only be thankful that such shameless election fraud can't happen here. (Edit: OK, so I guess I should have added a /sarc tag here. Firgive give, and enjoy this from the Babylon Bee: https://babylonbee.com/news/americans-thankful-that-socialists-rigging-elections-only-happens-in-venezuela

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The pessimists would say that our machines are made in China, easily turned to fraud. Or that Biden will declare war and there won't be an election at all. The optimists would say that the popular vote will always be represented.

No matter what, we keep our eyes open and on things above! 🙌

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Venezuelan government burned down the warehouse where all of their election machines were stored just as soon as they realized the CIA had been using them to rig their elections.

Did those loyal to Trump tell Venezuela that the CIA was rigging their elections? Or did they figure it out after watching how the CIA rigged our 2020 elections?

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Either way, it's just awful! They are desperate!

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What's awful? Who is desperate? You've published a post that supports the narrative of the Satanists. I politely pointed out that you're supporting the wrong side, which I know because I've followed events in Venezuela very closely for 24 years. Either your claim is correct and the Venezuelan opposition are good people and Milei is a good leader, or my claim is correct and the opposition and Milei are fascists. One of us is right and that other is wrong, and after 24 years, I know what I know.

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The CIA has been awful, the Satanists are desperate.

Again, thank you for your perspective and I trust that you are correct.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I was in Venezuela in 2004 as an elections observer and co-wrote and article with Justin de la Cour on the Carter Center's meddling. Justin got his PhD demonstrating how the ruling class--backed by the U.S. government--rigged polls in order to justify their various forms of destabilization.

Eva Golinger wrote The Chavez Code, which demonstrated how the CIA used "civil society" groups to support the 2002 military coup against Chavez. It's excellent.

Nicolas Maduro won fairly; Maria Corina Machado, backed by the Luciferian Brotherhood, lost. We should all be celebrating the victory of good over evil that happened yesterday.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Incidentally, Jimmy Carter was a Satanist. He and George Bush tortured Randy Turner to turn him into an MK-Ultra mind-controlled sex slave and assassin. Jon Voight began as a sex slave and then became a handler of the child sex slaves for the Reagan administration.

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Yes, I have heard all of this.

Our government has been without God for a long time.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

If you listen to Jessie Czebotar, who has a trove of information on the Brotherhood, they've been manipulating things from behind the scenes since before the War of Independence--13 colonies, one for each bloodline family. After WWII, however, they began to run the U.S. overtly, taking corruption, organized crime, human trafficking and sexual misconduct to another level. I would say that 1947 was when everything went to sh** in the U.S.

"Elon read those affidavits, and he cried when he read them." https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/elon-musk-read-those-affidavits-and-he-cried-when-he-read-them-satanic-cult-defector-jessie-marie-czebotar-federal-rico-witness-joins-operation-red-pill/

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Please tell me you watched this, Dr. Margaret, your thoughts mean a lot to me! Let me know how you feel about Austin Whittsitt? 🦧🤔😉😎



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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

Ok, you definitely know more than I. My content were the main issues that were supported by the main hashtags that were trending at the time, on Twitter.

How did your position get so drowned out - thank you for your perspective. I will look into this more.

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