Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Exactly. From within.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Pulling unskilled Homeland Security agents to fill in for Secret Service agents shows how very little they care about the lives of their own peeps. I know many don’t want to say anything bad about the Secret Service, but even to the untrained eye, they obviously didn’t know what they were doing. They were reluctant to put themselves between Trump and a bullet, they should have completely covered him, they made him stand full height with the agent in front of him incapable of protecting his head and chest from any bullets, they were not assessing the situation at all well, screaming at Trump to get up was encouraging him to be a target, much less expecting him to jump up Travolta style. Had they done their jobs, there is no way in hell Trump would have been able to give the fist in the air fight, fight Iwo Jima look. The whole thing was pathetically bumbled on so many levels. That Crooks kid was marked from the beginning and it was only by the Grace of God Trump wasn’t killed. What are we supposed to think? We are being ruled by incompetents that are current;y holding the keys to power.

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They think we're stupid.

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Meanwhile 6 SS agents were with Jill Biden for whom no threats existed.

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There are still too many unanswered questions and no one coming forth to explain. Why did they steam clean the roof where Crooks was perched when the investigation was not completed? How many spent shells or magazines? Why was his rifle found several feet away from the body. Upon an unexpected shot to the head, the body has no time to throw a firearm far from the body under siege. Was someone else up there? According to Chris martinson, who did sound analyses and acoustics finding there was resonance that the first volley of bullets were sent from a box! There were small metal box openings just below where Crooks lay prone. Was there a second shooter? Who was the agent who said no drone needed. Who decided not to have an agent on the roof? Was there a ballistics’ report? Which bullets hit Trump, Corey, and the other two attendees who got shot? What bullets hit Shooter and were these only from one SS weapon? Why was Crooks body cremated before the coroner did his full examination? I could go on.

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It was like they were in kindergarten.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Pray to our Almighty God to bind the EVIL upon our land. Read: 2Chronicles 4:16. And do what it says TODAY. Many do not know about our God and have turned toward evil. Taking prayer out of school was the kicker. God is tired of we narcissistic Americans. Do you want to be under President Xi of China and become dead or a slave. It’s coming, if you do not appreciate the freedom God has given you people.

Get on your knees and pray or be sent to the “Eternal Lake of Fire “when you meet God face to face. God’s wrath is mighty. It will be too late to repent then. We all must repent for ignoring our God’s commandments. I know where I am going for sure. You won’t be going to Heaven, if you don’t repent and love God. Good luck. I hope you make a good choice. Eternity is forever and the lake of Fire is bubbling hot mud. It is true.

Start thinking and don’t be an ignorant sheep.

DJT is the only candidate that loves God and knows all the facts because of what has been done to him by a corrupt evil government.

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Amen! Christ is the only answer!

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This has all been forgotten to the casual observer who is now far too occupied waiting to see what color pantsuit the ordained soon to be Queen Cackles. From Afghanistan to the Keystone Pipeline, Hunter’s laptop to Gold-Bar Bob Menendez, from the open border to the cost of electricity - the majority seems preoccupied with the daily “fix” MSM provides their pathetically short attention span.

Maybe this country deserves what’s coming.

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And they go from one distraction to another. All the while, they continue with their evil plans.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

When you’re stupid and incompetent and achieve power through lies and corruption, there’s a tendency to think everyone else is stupid and incompetent. The classic projection. You’re a liar, you think everyone’s a liar.

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... and you want to be the first one to lie and cheat, before someone else does it to you.

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Frankly, I think Crooks was a Project Monarch victim. Through trauma and other mind control techniques he, as well as assassins like Sirhan Sirhan, were "activated" for missions.

Video: https://archive.org/details/youtube-RmX3oiuxgiU

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Could be!

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Only the most indoctrinated or brainwashed would believe the anti Trump “powers” were not involved. They’re so stupid and incompetent, think everyone else is as stupid and incompetent, they actually think no one can see what’s going on. Enveloped in their arrogance, they think our distrust exposes us as the enemy and they can’t fathom the ignorance of that.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They cannot fathom ANYTHING because they DO NOT CARE. Classic Sociopathic Mind.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Part of the indoctrination is to socially engineer sociopaths.

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Of course.

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Starting in Kindergarten. What seems so obvious to us escapes many. My own kids had to navigate the schools and universities in order to pass, giving the teachers what was expected. My oldest loved math, was taking college courses in high school and had to prove herself over and over that she wasn’t cheating. They punished anything extraordinary.

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Anyone who has eyes should be able to see ~ and we continue to pray for those who still have to open them!

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you Margaret. Difficult to know what the truth is, when we get lied to so often or the truth gets hidden by calling it Classified Information!

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Exactly. And I think it's nice to know that we weren't imagining things... they didn't seem very professional.

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Sickest thing is they are getting Away with it, If I was the good truthful SS I would Speak Out Loud and Proud what really happened and find the guilty parties and hold them accountable Now!

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Yes, and it's a good reminder that when you see someone WRONG happening, SPEAK UP before someone gets hurt!

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Very Interrrrrrrrresting?

So Now the $64,000 question?

***WHO**** informed Thomas Matthew Crooks that the coast was cleared ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Secondly , who is telling DEI - ***DIE***** Hires that is NOT OK to abandon their posts to breastfeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Trust nobody with your own security

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A host of parasites

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Quick answer… they were incompetent, no question !!!!

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