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I think, in the most important of ways, it matters not. He is a lower-level stooge who has been effectively used (and is thereby complicit) to facilitate the "sale" of the DOD-administered Bioweapons Countermeasures Prototype injections to "upgrade" humanity with the technological ingredients (that compliment and increase the magnitude of the existing presence of engineered nanoparticulate matter that works in combination with what is being sprayed on us, shot into us, that resides in our air, soil, water and food, all pharmaceutical products and is now being actively used to manage us, in concert with eletromagnetic frequencies inherently available in the 5G weapons system masquerading as an advanced communications system) necessary to complete the globalist's plan of complete surveillance, control and perhaps most importantly, transformation of the human organism into a synthetic biologically managed energy source and data storage/mining mechanism via the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Things and the ongoing 5G (weapons-system) war on all biological life. The gross amount of misdirection and misinformation being disseminated, for which he was the public face, has forever changed our world and the real focus (beyond holding those accountable who were responsible -- which are innumerable in multiple disciplines, industries, governmental agencies,, etc. internationally - all controlled by the hidden hand of the globalists and their powerful agencies of corrupt power and influence) which is how to remediate ourselves and rescue future generations from the devastating consequences of this ongoing war on humanity that began LONG before Fauci and his band of perverted perpetrators became useful in obfuscating and blurring from view the real mechanisms of power and the operation that is going on (at an accelerated pace even now) and the "players" who are part of the conception and execution of this pernicious plan...it is my opinion this goes back to Satan realizing his plan for a dark kingdom that is populated by corrupted species that are no longer organic creations of our Holy, righteous God, but instead hybrids -- both humankind and the created world, in every facet, that is being systematically altered to (patented) modified states that grant him (or

so it is believed) ownership and control over all things by force. He cannot succeed because we

who are the LORD's belong to Him and are not subject any longer to the wiles of the evil one --

even if we must suffer bodily in this life the effects of the evil done (and in process now) -- eternal

life cannot be taken from us...but if our fellow creatures are marred, corrupted, mind wiped, or

worse, reprogrammed by satanic technology coupled with psychopathic minds with influence,

power and resources, then truly our battle is against time as we share the love, forgiveness and

solution to every possible ill or problem to every deficiency and issue that is found only in Jesus as

our LORD, Savior and Sovereign God. Our prayer and energy, our giftings and our yearnings to

fulfill the purposes and desires of our LORD for no life to perish apart from Him who holds all

things together should be for the love and grace, and mercy and salvation and rebirth into new life

in Christ (that which is not already being hijacked and repurposed for the advancement of those who are against us) to be disseminated, unimpeded, unencumbered and unfettered by the wiles of

the evil one -- his seducing and his deceitful schemes revealed and his limits exposed, so that Jesus

is clearly exalted for Who He is King of King, Lord of Lords and the Eternal One...who alone is the

solution to every problem faced.Clothed with Christ (for He is our Armor) we STAND against the wiles of the evil one, exposing what is done in the darkness and bringing it to the light.

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Richard, very wordy, but I can’t argue with any of them. Jesus Christ has gone ahead of us, to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. He said if it were not so, He would have told us. And if He goes ahead, to prepare us a place, He will return for us, so that where He is, there we may be too! Just think of it, for all eternity, we will be with Him, never apart from Him. He also told us we will not have to suffer His wrath during the tribulation, because He will take us away before the tribulation begins. We will be at the wedding feast of the Lamb for that 7 years! What a wedding feast that will be, and we will be so excited to see all our family and friends who have gone on before us, and meet new people who are our Christian family too. We will never stop talking, until our new Husband tells us to hush. But He will be so thrilled and happy that His Father told Him it was finally time to go get His bride, the Church, that He may be a chatter box as well!🤗 I really “can only imagine” how wonderful it will be. Things are looking so very sad and dark down here, I think it may be very close to His return. He said when all these things start happening, to “Look up! Thy salvation draweth nigh!” I will just keep looking up for Him and “hold my eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face”. He is the way, the truth and the life! I need His light in this darkness. And let’s let His light shine through us, so we can save those who will come with us❣️🍒

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I agree and second your words. The strongest attestation to the power of God, bringing His light into darkness and exposing the evil while Himself being seen for the Savior, LORD & author of our salvation is lives lived out for Him -- when we exhibit and transmit Jesus, we are offering to the world around us the greatest possible of gifts -- one with eternal value.

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Amen, Richard❣️🍒

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