Not only him but all who were involved worldwide including his family and those of the involved and their families and those who made any business blood money in stocks from Pharma or any other way with the so- called doctors and nurses and heads of state etc.. etc… but! Who will do this? Sadly looks like no one because its tentacles are everywhere from the 3 letter agencies to the highest fake religion leaders.
Only the Almighty will take care of this in His manner and in His time.
Until all involved in the C19, Hospital Death Protocols of 2020-2024 and mRNA Bioweapons attacks on humanity are tried, prosecuted and given death by LETHAL INJECTION will there ever be a shred of credibility again for modern medicine. Doctor should be like relegated to fixing the obvious, like broken bones. NO MORE EXPERIMENTING in people. It took hundreds if thousands or millions of willing participants to pull off such EVIL.
When will Bill Gates be arrested? Bill Gates has been investing in labs in Ukraine to have viruses transferred to humans from dogs and cats, so all dogs, cats on earth will then must be exterminated so the masses will not be allowed to have pets. In the scare tactic that all animals cause pandemics, I mean Planned demics. Studies show it is easier to control a population if they cannot lean on their pets for love and support. Bill Gates also working on his Bird Flu labs in Ukraine to transfer bird flu to chickens, turkeys, cows, goats, sheep so all food animals will be exterminated for the masses. But all that farm land that Bill Gates is buying up will be only for the Classes organic food animals, not for masses. The masses that will be slaves to the Classes, will dine on bug protein, egg protein, lab produced again, by Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has been using innocent people in 3rd world countries for decades of experimentation. This is nothing new. I documented his activities in a college paper over 10 years ago. He is evil to the core.
This is what AI just said: There is no public information or reports indicating that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, are divorcing. They have been married since 1985 and have maintained a strong partnership throughout their careers.
I think, in the most important of ways, it matters not. He is a lower-level stooge who has been effectively used (and is thereby complicit) to facilitate the "sale" of the DOD-administered Bioweapons Countermeasures Prototype injections to "upgrade" humanity with the technological ingredients (that compliment and increase the magnitude of the existing presence of engineered nanoparticulate matter that works in combination with what is being sprayed on us, shot into us, that resides in our air, soil, water and food, all pharmaceutical products and is now being actively used to manage us, in concert with eletromagnetic frequencies inherently available in the 5G weapons system masquerading as an advanced communications system) necessary to complete the globalist's plan of complete surveillance, control and perhaps most importantly, transformation of the human organism into a synthetic biologically managed energy source and data storage/mining mechanism via the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Things and the ongoing 5G (weapons-system) war on all biological life. The gross amount of misdirection and misinformation being disseminated, for which he was the public face, has forever changed our world and the real focus (beyond holding those accountable who were responsible -- which are innumerable in multiple disciplines, industries, governmental agencies,, etc. internationally - all controlled by the hidden hand of the globalists and their powerful agencies of corrupt power and influence) which is how to remediate ourselves and rescue future generations from the devastating consequences of this ongoing war on humanity that began LONG before Fauci and his band of perverted perpetrators became useful in obfuscating and blurring from view the real mechanisms of power and the operation that is going on (at an accelerated pace even now) and the "players" who are part of the conception and execution of this pernicious is my opinion this goes back to Satan realizing his plan for a dark kingdom that is populated by corrupted species that are no longer organic creations of our Holy, righteous God, but instead hybrids -- both humankind and the created world, in every facet, that is being systematically altered to (patented) modified states that grant him (or
so it is believed) ownership and control over all things by force. He cannot succeed because we
who are the LORD's belong to Him and are not subject any longer to the wiles of the evil one --
even if we must suffer bodily in this life the effects of the evil done (and in process now) -- eternal
life cannot be taken from us...but if our fellow creatures are marred, corrupted, mind wiped, or
worse, reprogrammed by satanic technology coupled with psychopathic minds with influence,
power and resources, then truly our battle is against time as we share the love, forgiveness and
solution to every possible ill or problem to every deficiency and issue that is found only in Jesus as
our LORD, Savior and Sovereign God. Our prayer and energy, our giftings and our yearnings to
fulfill the purposes and desires of our LORD for no life to perish apart from Him who holds all
things together should be for the love and grace, and mercy and salvation and rebirth into new life
in Christ (that which is not already being hijacked and repurposed for the advancement of those who are against us) to be disseminated, unimpeded, unencumbered and unfettered by the wiles of
the evil one -- his seducing and his deceitful schemes revealed and his limits exposed, so that Jesus
is clearly exalted for Who He is King of King, Lord of Lords and the Eternal One...who alone is the
solution to every problem faced.Clothed with Christ (for He is our Armor) we STAND against the wiles of the evil one, exposing what is done in the darkness and bringing it to the light.
Richard, very wordy, but I can’t argue with any of them. Jesus Christ has gone ahead of us, to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. He said if it were not so, He would have told us. And if He goes ahead, to prepare us a place, He will return for us, so that where He is, there we may be too! Just think of it, for all eternity, we will be with Him, never apart from Him. He also told us we will not have to suffer His wrath during the tribulation, because He will take us away before the tribulation begins. We will be at the wedding feast of the Lamb for that 7 years! What a wedding feast that will be, and we will be so excited to see all our family and friends who have gone on before us, and meet new people who are our Christian family too. We will never stop talking, until our new Husband tells us to hush. But He will be so thrilled and happy that His Father told Him it was finally time to go get His bride, the Church, that He may be a chatter box as well!🤗 I really “can only imagine” how wonderful it will be. Things are looking so very sad and dark down here, I think it may be very close to His return. He said when all these things start happening, to “Look up! Thy salvation draweth nigh!” I will just keep looking up for Him and “hold my eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face”. He is the way, the truth and the life! I need His light in this darkness. And let’s let His light shine through us, so we can save those who will come with us❣️🍒
I agree and second your words. The strongest attestation to the power of God, bringing His light into darkness and exposing the evil while Himself being seen for the Savior, LORD & author of our salvation is lives lived out for Him -- when we exhibit and transmit Jesus, we are offering to the world around us the greatest possible of gifts -- one with eternal value.
Ears are individual, no 2 the same. Even the ears on our heads are different. These 'Fauci' ear comparisons are very different; as well as other feature differences. Looks like a faux Fauci...
I appreciate your efforts in this. There's video of him announcing they introduced aids in the gay community, LA, NY, Chicago. Then there's the animal experiments/murder, the human experiments/murder. If thisnguy remains free, it's clear our whole government is on the take. And I don't want a fake, "we wrapped in white sheets and dropped his body in the sea." excuse.
Please. Get this done. This is brick that when taken out the rest of it will fall.
Yes, please❣️🍒
Let's do it. His central casting doppleganger is just as guilty so all good there.
Fauci at the Mic
The outlook wasn't dancing for the dark triad that day:
The plandemic wasn't working to keep humanity at bay
And then when Tedros lost the plot, and Walenski did the same,
A pall-like silence fell upon the psychos of the game.
A straggling few got up to leave deep in dark despair.
Mankind had some signs of life, and that just wasn't fair
They thought, "If only Fauci could but get his turn to speak
We'd put up even money now on that nihilist antique"
But Xiden preceded Fauci, as did Billy Gates,
The former was a pedo, the latter was ‘the rake’.
Thus upon those stricken maniacs grim melancholy settled,
For mankind might just remain un-murdered and un-mangled
But pedo-joe instilled some fear, to the wonderment of all,
And Gates, subduing laughter, scrawled propaganda on the wall;
And when the dust had lifted, and they saw what had occurred,
Lockdowns were in lockstep and injections were secured
Then from six psychotic throats a lusty yell did linger;
For the seething masses bought the nonsense hook, line, & sinker
Joy rumbled through the WEF, confidence kindled with new vigor
For who knew wicked scumbags could so inspire and deliver
Their lies found their marks like arrows discharged from their trigger
And Fauci, mighty Fauci, was now advancing with his quiver
There was ease in Fauci's manner as he stepped in to advise;
There was pride in Fauci's bearing and a boast lit Fauci's eyes.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his mask
No monster in the WHO could doubt the charm of that braodcast
Ten million ears were straining as he spun his twisted fable
Double masking, triple testing were all on that tinpot's table
Business closures, churches shuttered, plus some social distance
"Are what's needed from you all to end this prisoner existence"
And while the writhing fraudster ground these lies into those brains
Faux fear flashed on Fauci's face as he forewarned the next strain
As this auditory pestilence came hurtling through the room,
And as Fauci stands reciting it, there, in mock terrified doom
Into the minds of children this dread unheeded sped
"The schools must close", said Fauci. "Oh Yes!" those children said
From the couches packed with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;
"Kill him! Kill that Fauci" shouted a parent in the crowd;
And it's likely they'd have killed him had not Fauci said aloud:
"Two weeks is all we're asking to flatten the infection curve"
From his dungeon Klaus Schwab chuckles, "this man has some nerve"
With a smile of Christian charity great Fauci's visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the fraud go on;
He signaled for the president, and once more the pedo came
But drooling at the microphone he forgot great Fauci's name
"Let's hear it for ... this man", said he, he's gonna save us all
For there is no price too great to pay to save just one grandma
"Agreed!" cried the maddened millions, and the echo answered "Greed"
Gates snickers, smirks, & sneers as they chant his apex creed
Walenski laughs hysterically with her predatory grin
While Tedros phones some terrorists and says, "my boys, we're in"
Klaus summons Bobby McFerrin, and tells him, "son be snappy"
And has him play his favorite hymn: "own nothing and be happy"
Oh, nowhere in this favoured land is liberty shining brightly,
McFerrin’s is the only band playing, and no hearts are taking it lightly
Yes, somewhere globalists are dancing, but nowhere children shout
No, there is no joy beyond WEFville - Dr. Fauci just spoke out
Oh my😳🥹😢⁉️. How horrendous and frightful‼️🍒
wishful thinking
Not only him but all who were involved worldwide including his family and those of the involved and their families and those who made any business blood money in stocks from Pharma or any other way with the so- called doctors and nurses and heads of state etc.. etc… but! Who will do this? Sadly looks like no one because its tentacles are everywhere from the 3 letter agencies to the highest fake religion leaders.
Only the Almighty will take care of this in His manner and in His time.
And it is coming very soon.
Until all involved in the C19, Hospital Death Protocols of 2020-2024 and mRNA Bioweapons attacks on humanity are tried, prosecuted and given death by LETHAL INJECTION will there ever be a shred of credibility again for modern medicine. Doctor should be like relegated to fixing the obvious, like broken bones. NO MORE EXPERIMENTING in people. It took hundreds if thousands or millions of willing participants to pull off such EVIL.
Justice in this age would be a GOoD start. There will be justice anyhow.
It would be so nice to actually see the justice done to these satanic demons.🍒
Pharma is witchcraft by witches. Fauci is a witch and God's law says this:
Exodus 22:18
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
I wasn’t familiar with this verse. Nice input.
Good verse! It fits perfectly.🍒
When will Bill Gates be arrested? Bill Gates has been investing in labs in Ukraine to have viruses transferred to humans from dogs and cats, so all dogs, cats on earth will then must be exterminated so the masses will not be allowed to have pets. In the scare tactic that all animals cause pandemics, I mean Planned demics. Studies show it is easier to control a population if they cannot lean on their pets for love and support. Bill Gates also working on his Bird Flu labs in Ukraine to transfer bird flu to chickens, turkeys, cows, goats, sheep so all food animals will be exterminated for the masses. But all that farm land that Bill Gates is buying up will be only for the Classes organic food animals, not for masses. The masses that will be slaves to the Classes, will dine on bug protein, egg protein, lab produced again, by Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has been using innocent people in 3rd world countries for decades of experimentation. This is nothing new. I documented his activities in a college paper over 10 years ago. He is evil to the core.
His wife too. Divorce only to hide. Imo
I believe Fauci and crew used people in Africa as subjects also. You pay the leader of a city for free access to their community. Evil and corrupt!
Are Fauci and wife divorcing?
Not sure but I could swear I heard something to that nature the other day. Let me see if I can research that. Thx.
This is what AI just said: There is no public information or reports indicating that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, are divorcing. They have been married since 1985 and have maintained a strong partnership throughout their careers.
Thank you for clarifying
How awful.🍒
I think, in the most important of ways, it matters not. He is a lower-level stooge who has been effectively used (and is thereby complicit) to facilitate the "sale" of the DOD-administered Bioweapons Countermeasures Prototype injections to "upgrade" humanity with the technological ingredients (that compliment and increase the magnitude of the existing presence of engineered nanoparticulate matter that works in combination with what is being sprayed on us, shot into us, that resides in our air, soil, water and food, all pharmaceutical products and is now being actively used to manage us, in concert with eletromagnetic frequencies inherently available in the 5G weapons system masquerading as an advanced communications system) necessary to complete the globalist's plan of complete surveillance, control and perhaps most importantly, transformation of the human organism into a synthetic biologically managed energy source and data storage/mining mechanism via the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Things and the ongoing 5G (weapons-system) war on all biological life. The gross amount of misdirection and misinformation being disseminated, for which he was the public face, has forever changed our world and the real focus (beyond holding those accountable who were responsible -- which are innumerable in multiple disciplines, industries, governmental agencies,, etc. internationally - all controlled by the hidden hand of the globalists and their powerful agencies of corrupt power and influence) which is how to remediate ourselves and rescue future generations from the devastating consequences of this ongoing war on humanity that began LONG before Fauci and his band of perverted perpetrators became useful in obfuscating and blurring from view the real mechanisms of power and the operation that is going on (at an accelerated pace even now) and the "players" who are part of the conception and execution of this pernicious is my opinion this goes back to Satan realizing his plan for a dark kingdom that is populated by corrupted species that are no longer organic creations of our Holy, righteous God, but instead hybrids -- both humankind and the created world, in every facet, that is being systematically altered to (patented) modified states that grant him (or
so it is believed) ownership and control over all things by force. He cannot succeed because we
who are the LORD's belong to Him and are not subject any longer to the wiles of the evil one --
even if we must suffer bodily in this life the effects of the evil done (and in process now) -- eternal
life cannot be taken from us...but if our fellow creatures are marred, corrupted, mind wiped, or
worse, reprogrammed by satanic technology coupled with psychopathic minds with influence,
power and resources, then truly our battle is against time as we share the love, forgiveness and
solution to every possible ill or problem to every deficiency and issue that is found only in Jesus as
our LORD, Savior and Sovereign God. Our prayer and energy, our giftings and our yearnings to
fulfill the purposes and desires of our LORD for no life to perish apart from Him who holds all
things together should be for the love and grace, and mercy and salvation and rebirth into new life
in Christ (that which is not already being hijacked and repurposed for the advancement of those who are against us) to be disseminated, unimpeded, unencumbered and unfettered by the wiles of
the evil one -- his seducing and his deceitful schemes revealed and his limits exposed, so that Jesus
is clearly exalted for Who He is King of King, Lord of Lords and the Eternal One...who alone is the
solution to every problem faced.Clothed with Christ (for He is our Armor) we STAND against the wiles of the evil one, exposing what is done in the darkness and bringing it to the light.
Richard, very wordy, but I can’t argue with any of them. Jesus Christ has gone ahead of us, to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. He said if it were not so, He would have told us. And if He goes ahead, to prepare us a place, He will return for us, so that where He is, there we may be too! Just think of it, for all eternity, we will be with Him, never apart from Him. He also told us we will not have to suffer His wrath during the tribulation, because He will take us away before the tribulation begins. We will be at the wedding feast of the Lamb for that 7 years! What a wedding feast that will be, and we will be so excited to see all our family and friends who have gone on before us, and meet new people who are our Christian family too. We will never stop talking, until our new Husband tells us to hush. But He will be so thrilled and happy that His Father told Him it was finally time to go get His bride, the Church, that He may be a chatter box as well!🤗 I really “can only imagine” how wonderful it will be. Things are looking so very sad and dark down here, I think it may be very close to His return. He said when all these things start happening, to “Look up! Thy salvation draweth nigh!” I will just keep looking up for Him and “hold my eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face”. He is the way, the truth and the life! I need His light in this darkness. And let’s let His light shine through us, so we can save those who will come with us❣️🍒
I agree and second your words. The strongest attestation to the power of God, bringing His light into darkness and exposing the evil while Himself being seen for the Savior, LORD & author of our salvation is lives lived out for Him -- when we exhibit and transmit Jesus, we are offering to the world around us the greatest possible of gifts -- one with eternal value.
Amen, Richard❣️🍒
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Doctors
Of The Medical Freedom Movement
Are Fighting For Their Reputations.
They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.
Because The Truth
Will Destroy Their Profession
And Consequently Their Reputations.
There will be someone that turns the table over.
Paul Marik is close.
He just doesn’t realize, yet, that it’s all sepsis.
But he has his thumb on it.
Ears are individual, no 2 the same. Even the ears on our heads are different. These 'Fauci' ear comparisons are very different; as well as other feature differences. Looks like a faux Fauci...
Is that ever going to happen? I think it will.
Agree 100% and, when either Fauci or Gates are arrested, the domino effect kicks in...
We need the all down this time and, certainly not just in the US...I can't wait to see the old Colonials crumble and fall...
The sweetest words I've heard all week! Can we please arrest Fauci today?
I appreciate your efforts in this. There's video of him announcing they introduced aids in the gay community, LA, NY, Chicago. Then there's the animal experiments/murder, the human experiments/murder. If thisnguy remains free, it's clear our whole government is on the take. And I don't want a fake, "we wrapped in white sheets and dropped his body in the sea." excuse.