Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Nailed it Doc 👍 VOTE HELL NO KAMALA 😭😭😭😭

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She should be confronted on this at the next debate.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I knew she couldn't be trusted

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We don't know this to be 100% true, but it sounds reasonable that she cheated.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I know

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Alternate lifestyle Obama's boyfriend

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They certainly play by their own rules.

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Yeah, out in left field!!

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Nice find. She definitely seemed much too polished for someone with an IQ of < 0.0, and proven by all her other Public appearances and historical exibited fruits and values.

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I was surprised that she could speak half as well as she did without cackling, but that's just me.

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I agree. She has probably devoted all her time to being coached and practicing her lines. God knows she was doing nothing that her current position requires.

One thing of a few things I found interesting was that she accused Trump of making calls to congressmen to kibosh her attempts to handle the border. In effect, saying that Trump created this border crises to use it to come in with the solution. Trump never answered if this was true or not, even when ABC wanted an answer. I wonder why. Or did I miss something?

It was obvious that Trump was focused on the migrant issue, and steered most questions asked of him to this point, which was a good strategy. He needs to answer that accusation.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Excellent find. Who would have thought that! She took notes and I thought that wasn’t allowed.

Wimp. Can’t handle the heat alone😂

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Trump should confront her on this during their next debate, if there is one - woth better moderators.

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Yes, exactly 👍

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Touchè, Dr. Aranda!!!

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It's crazy that those earrings were just too conspicuous. I didn't find it but I saw right away that others did, and wanted to share it with you.

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Thank you. I'm certainly glad you did!

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'd be blown away , shocked is more like, if it's proven that she didn't cheat!!! It's just not in her to be honest, honestly 😅

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Wow! I thought her spoken word had improved liked she was coached…..looks like she was!

Nothing surprises me anymore from the Kamala evil dark side!

🙏 for light, and Gods will to stop them!

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Doctora Aranda

They can't pull the wool over your eyes - spot on .

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Needs those 24/7

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Interesting Trump and his team are not bringing this up for fear it will be used against him. Can’t seem to prove it

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