I didn't know that. I know he makes the sign of the Cross upside down, and has had the black eye others get from drinking adrenochrome. Do you have a link to reference on that? Thank you!
Yes to a reasonable degree; 666 is the number of "the beast." Will it be by gematria too - the name of "the instead of Christ" the whole world is deceived by in addition to the number of his (the 2nd beast listed) of his physical appearance here in the last days of the age of mankind, culminating with the 6th seal, the 6th trump, the 6th vial = 666? To Whom soever will know the key of David and "The Parable of The Fig Tree" He = Christ told The Disciples (and you) to learn when they asked him "what will be the signs of your returning?" Mathew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. Very few, sadly, are going to make the first cut, resurrection as it's called because they're falsely taught from 5 of the 7 church types and setup for deception. Only 2 of the 7 church types HE spoke of were worthy for eternity before "The Day of THE LORD."
I think it's written in our hearts and souls. The mark. Not given to us by others. It is how we present ourselves in the world and to ourselves. Many were duped into injections but they are not "marked".
Man was created on day 6 in the account of creation. 3 is Divine perfection. As in Father Son Holy Spirit. And spirit soul body. Etc. 3 6’s is man in perfection. Except that man, 6 is 1 shy of Godly completion, 7. So man apart from God is forever imperfect and incomplete. 666 is man at his best and that can never exceed God. Man is then beastly in his attempt to rule.
There is far more to the story of the Geneva, as well as the dubious making of the KJV, that should be investigated if one has any doubts of which Bible has God's words. But this post is a good start.
Yes, Geneva is the bar I use for lawful study and application. And, I only study Scripture for lawful purposes and instruction to go out of her/Rome. However, don't take my word, but study its history, the players involved, the word/verse changes by the AKJV to convince yourself of the same.
I highly recommend comparing verses with the KJV to see the difference and controversy between the two. The KJV serves the purpose of showing us what Satan wants to hide from us that is given in the Geneva. Some important examples are Isaiah 24:2, 43:7 ( a commandment from God), Psalms 8:4-5, and, in Genesis 1, man wasn't given dominion, but rule. And, in 1 Corinthians 13, love is not charity, which is a commercial term. Charity is not the whole of the law, but love is.
Also, from a practical standpoint. We need the KJV to use secondary sources, such as the Blue Letter Bible and Strong's Concordance. The Hebrew and Greek are not changed, but there is no known similar secondary sources designed around the Geneva. So, to this and other ends, use the KJV as a support tool. And you can either throw away discard for recycling all other "versions" of Scripture issued subsequent to the KJV, as well as the Catholic Jerome Vulgate and its Jesuit successor called Douay–Rheims Bible.
I came upon the Geneva by happenstance., but, now, I believe, by the works of God. I was introduced to it during the course of studying the legal system with fellow truthers on skype. I used and knew well the Authorized King James in those days, as our legal study pointed to it. Another fellow studier had and used a hard copy Geneva, but none of us knew it, including him. It was his wife's bible, and she was not involved in our study.
In the course of study and reading aloud sets of pertinent and significant verses to make points known, several times I could not follow what this guy was reading. They were not the words I was seeing, and they sounded better for our purposes than what I had. Upon questioning this problem, I learned and, for the first time ever, heard of the Geneva Bible.
Over time, I looked into it further because it was becoming distracting to our co-studying. Sometimes it was one word, and in other instances, entire verses were different, as well as the meaning affecting a concept. Still, many of the verses were the same.
After studying the origins, the authors, the source Scriptural material, and the historical times, political conditions, secrecy, and acceptance level that surrounded the production of each, the Geneva v. AKJV, as well as the other Bibles, there was no doubt in my mind that the Geneva was a hidden gem, and more pure.
There was no papal, Freemason, or other Satanic influencers involved in making the Geneva. Most important, the comparison of words used show time and again, the AKJV intentionally either hides, twists, or eliminates key information and concepts we need to overcome the world and its legal system. To this end, I continue to use the AKJV to confirm I am on a significant part of Scriptures message. It is good to know what Satan tries to hide from us.
Now, I do not say, believe me, or this is this, or that is that. I urge everyone reading this, and what Margaret posted above, to research and conclude these things for yourselves.
Know that there is, and always was, a huge propaganda machine among us that supports the AKJV; especially among the so-called Christian organizations leaders who profess to be remnants of the Reformation. They are not. If they were then we wouldn't be having this discussion.
The authors and promoters of the AKJV had the Geneva outlawed, then it disappeared in year 1644, off shore in the Netherlands. In its relatively short, but significant public existance, it went through 144 printings, and little changed in the editions.
So, the 1599 is available now in modern English, but, for verification, assuredness, and thoroughness sake, I recommend having a copy of the 1560 facsimile of the original on hand to compare any verse in the 1599 that you wish to be sure on. I have found "the" being changed to "that" in instances, and the commentary in Revelations was added after 1578, but this is not Scripture. Truthfully, I have found nothing significant between the Geneva editions to date, except the non-1599 modern day "version" that is out there. Stay away from that one. It's another Jesuit attempt to pervert the original. Stick with the Reformation period rendering, and pre AKJV.
Also, be careful of the KJV histories shown on the internet. The real history and players involved are available, but may be harder to find now. The search engine lists fluctuate. If any writing purports that it is a Protestant religious faculty design and production, like onto Constantine's Council of Nicea, walk away. This is a lie. There was no diplomacy, nor love, between the sadistic witch, papal puppet, and gay pedophile, King James, and the people.
You're looking for the influences to KJV from the likes of Francis Bacon, Robert Fludd, Guy Fawkes, and other high secret society members, including King James 1, himself.
The KJV's first issue was rejected outright by the people because of all the masonic symbols added throughout. The next printing simply removed the symbols, but not their perversions of Scripture, including writing "God" as "GOD", a nonsensical legal commercial use of a word called dog Latin and glossa, as are all ALL CAPS words. It still wasn't accepted by the people, but was easier for the royals to enforce.
Know that Oliver Cromwell led his Puritan soldiers to battle in the English Civil War in the mid 1600's with a Soldier's Geneva Pocket Bible. It was never completely dead, but it is little to not known today. I even found truther leaders that were pre internet days that presented and discussed the importance of the Geneva Bible. Erwin Rommel's School of Law is one.
You should find that the AKJV is a Jesuit/Freemason/Rosicrucian/Priory of Sion production whose leaders had the power to
1. keep KJV alive to this day against feigned papal opposition
2. outlaw and bury the Geneva
3. genocide those who carried forward the original words of God from the first century onto Calvin and others ; the Waldensee and Cathars/Albigenses.
In short, to me, the Scriptural story of the Geneva is discussed in Revelation 11. I see it as the two candlesticks or witnesses from God (the OT and NT) that were killed in the street, then resurrected after 3 and half days. 1644 to 2006 is nearly 350 years, which can be construed Scripturally and metaphorically to be 3 and half days. Again, this is my opinion, only. You judge after getting the whole picture, both in true history and God's prophetic timeline.
Does this help?
worldprovided substantive information we need, supported my study
Later, I knew it was the best English production of God's words due to the relevancy and clarity of words used to support what I was studying and looking for. It changed everything, whereby I found the AKJV was intentionally designed to hide these messages. stark and significant out thereespecially the notable, but subtle, differences between the two editions,
more often. to be thought this guy butwhich my legal system study pointed to. I came to know it well, and notated it heavily.
Wow, and I thought I had found something when I traded in my NIV for a KJV after finding discrepancies. I really appreciate your wisdom on this matter. Is this the one you recommend?
The one you site may be ok, but I can't vouch for it without comparing it to either or both the Tolle-Lege Press edition.
Unfortunately, their price skyrocketed again. This means the demand has increased, and their supply is getting low. This happened before. I paid $40 about 10 years ago. I've seen it as high as $350 since, and then return down to $50. So, you can wait it out for another printing, or purchase and verify the one you found.
A facsimile means a copy of the original. It's written in middle English, but your eyes and mind get used to it relatively quickly.
This price is about right, considering only inflation since I purchased it.
Now, I am amazed and pleased at how many reproductions appear this day. There were only two types available when I purchased my first ones years ago, and there were an unending supply of KJVs.
So, this is great news. People are tuning in. However, exercise caution. These other producers may not be on the up and up. Always beware of the works of the Jesuits, who are masters at diversion.
So, it's ok to get another production, but verify it against the 1560 original facsimile, and note the differences for your sake.
The Bible gateway link that Margaret furnished in her article above for the 1599 edition is the Tolle-Lege Press edition, shown above. You can always use this for free. I use it 95% of the time to study, but I keep the hardcopy to sit down and read, and keep another in the front seat of my car in case a cop wishes to know the law and how they are breaking it.
I also found and downloaded a searchable pdf of the Tolle-Lege Press edition. I'm not sure if this is available anymore, but try a search.
Another great way to learn and know the Geneva, as well as trust you have the right words, is to take the 1560 in middle English, and rewrite it yourself into the modern English. Others have done this. I do it on a concept by concept basis. It is fruitful, and my mind retains it better. It also proves to me the Tolle-Lege Press edition is trustworthy, as well as the 1599 v. the 1560 editions in general, have only minor or insignificant changes in God's words.
I hope this helps, and I hope you see things that all of us must know. When you do, share them with everyone. Again, the Geneva really comes alive when one understands the mechanisms Satan's legal system operates under. You need to know both sides of the story to get to the truth.
All the best, Un-silent, and to all who seek this out.
That Tweet - wow! I have never seen those numbers correlated like that before!
Have you seen this below? A Hebrew doctor literally discovered God’s name within our very DNA, in the pattern of sulfuric bridges which appear in a sequence of 10-5-6-5.
10-5-6-5 translates to YHWH in the Hebrew alphabet!
I believe the mark is all about satan trying to corrupt God’s pure and holy DNA within people. He wants to rip our Creator’s name out from within people. It is said that the CRISPR technology changes the 10-5-6-5 sequence to 10-5-6-6-6-5 by cutting the DNA and I believe by inserting an additional amino acid if I’m not mistaken.
You can see the Hebrew doctor in the short video in this article:
Also, regarding the Tyler guy who talks about the sun. What IF the sun already *is* darkened, and Satan, the great deceiver and father of lies, is concealing it? I’ve been a sun-gazer for about 8 years, looking straight at the sun….and something is afoot. The sun does not look like it used to. I have a friend who also looks straight at the sun and she thinks the same thing. They have definitely made sun simulators, and I saw a picture someone took of the sun that was sent through a photo forensics app and it had all kinds of mechanical things in it!
Just a thought that we could be way further along in prophecy than we even know because the supreme evil deceiver is working in full force to try and deceive even those who are fervently looking for the fulfillment of the prophecies.
Thank you so much for writing about this. God bless you!
666 is the number of the pope
I didn't know that. I know he makes the sign of the Cross upside down, and has had the black eye others get from drinking adrenochrome. Do you have a link to reference on that? Thank you!
Sounds like a nice guy! LOL
Yes to a reasonable degree; 666 is the number of "the beast." Will it be by gematria too - the name of "the instead of Christ" the whole world is deceived by in addition to the number of his (the 2nd beast listed) of his physical appearance here in the last days of the age of mankind, culminating with the 6th seal, the 6th trump, the 6th vial = 666? To Whom soever will know the key of David and "The Parable of The Fig Tree" He = Christ told The Disciples (and you) to learn when they asked him "what will be the signs of your returning?" Mathew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. Very few, sadly, are going to make the first cut, resurrection as it's called because they're falsely taught from 5 of the 7 church types and setup for deception. Only 2 of the 7 church types HE spoke of were worthy for eternity before "The Day of THE LORD."
Praise The Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Evil 👹monsters ... Throw em in the ocean 🌊 make sharks MAGA 🦈🇺🇲⚖️
I think it's written in our hearts and souls. The mark. Not given to us by others. It is how we present ourselves in the world and to ourselves. Many were duped into injections but they are not "marked".
that does not
cover the scripture which says one must have it to buy and sell
Man was created on day 6 in the account of creation. 3 is Divine perfection. As in Father Son Holy Spirit. And spirit soul body. Etc. 3 6’s is man in perfection. Except that man, 6 is 1 shy of Godly completion, 7. So man apart from God is forever imperfect and incomplete. 666 is man at his best and that can never exceed God. Man is then beastly in his attempt to rule.
Yay! Thanks for this post, Margaret.
There is far more to the story of the Geneva, as well as the dubious making of the KJV, that should be investigated if one has any doubts of which Bible has God's words. But this post is a good start.
Again, thank-you.
So is Geneva a good option? What Bible do you have/trust?
Yes, Geneva is the bar I use for lawful study and application. And, I only study Scripture for lawful purposes and instruction to go out of her/Rome. However, don't take my word, but study its history, the players involved, the word/verse changes by the AKJV to convince yourself of the same.
I highly recommend comparing verses with the KJV to see the difference and controversy between the two. The KJV serves the purpose of showing us what Satan wants to hide from us that is given in the Geneva. Some important examples are Isaiah 24:2, 43:7 ( a commandment from God), Psalms 8:4-5, and, in Genesis 1, man wasn't given dominion, but rule. And, in 1 Corinthians 13, love is not charity, which is a commercial term. Charity is not the whole of the law, but love is.
Also, from a practical standpoint. We need the KJV to use secondary sources, such as the Blue Letter Bible and Strong's Concordance. The Hebrew and Greek are not changed, but there is no known similar secondary sources designed around the Geneva. So, to this and other ends, use the KJV as a support tool. And you can either throw away discard for recycling all other "versions" of Scripture issued subsequent to the KJV, as well as the Catholic Jerome Vulgate and its Jesuit successor called Douay–Rheims Bible.
I came upon the Geneva by happenstance., but, now, I believe, by the works of God. I was introduced to it during the course of studying the legal system with fellow truthers on skype. I used and knew well the Authorized King James in those days, as our legal study pointed to it. Another fellow studier had and used a hard copy Geneva, but none of us knew it, including him. It was his wife's bible, and she was not involved in our study.
In the course of study and reading aloud sets of pertinent and significant verses to make points known, several times I could not follow what this guy was reading. They were not the words I was seeing, and they sounded better for our purposes than what I had. Upon questioning this problem, I learned and, for the first time ever, heard of the Geneva Bible.
Over time, I looked into it further because it was becoming distracting to our co-studying. Sometimes it was one word, and in other instances, entire verses were different, as well as the meaning affecting a concept. Still, many of the verses were the same.
After studying the origins, the authors, the source Scriptural material, and the historical times, political conditions, secrecy, and acceptance level that surrounded the production of each, the Geneva v. AKJV, as well as the other Bibles, there was no doubt in my mind that the Geneva was a hidden gem, and more pure.
There was no papal, Freemason, or other Satanic influencers involved in making the Geneva. Most important, the comparison of words used show time and again, the AKJV intentionally either hides, twists, or eliminates key information and concepts we need to overcome the world and its legal system. To this end, I continue to use the AKJV to confirm I am on a significant part of Scriptures message. It is good to know what Satan tries to hide from us.
Now, I do not say, believe me, or this is this, or that is that. I urge everyone reading this, and what Margaret posted above, to research and conclude these things for yourselves.
Know that there is, and always was, a huge propaganda machine among us that supports the AKJV; especially among the so-called Christian organizations leaders who profess to be remnants of the Reformation. They are not. If they were then we wouldn't be having this discussion.
The authors and promoters of the AKJV had the Geneva outlawed, then it disappeared in year 1644, off shore in the Netherlands. In its relatively short, but significant public existance, it went through 144 printings, and little changed in the editions.
So, the 1599 is available now in modern English, but, for verification, assuredness, and thoroughness sake, I recommend having a copy of the 1560 facsimile of the original on hand to compare any verse in the 1599 that you wish to be sure on. I have found "the" being changed to "that" in instances, and the commentary in Revelations was added after 1578, but this is not Scripture. Truthfully, I have found nothing significant between the Geneva editions to date, except the non-1599 modern day "version" that is out there. Stay away from that one. It's another Jesuit attempt to pervert the original. Stick with the Reformation period rendering, and pre AKJV.
Also, be careful of the KJV histories shown on the internet. The real history and players involved are available, but may be harder to find now. The search engine lists fluctuate. If any writing purports that it is a Protestant religious faculty design and production, like onto Constantine's Council of Nicea, walk away. This is a lie. There was no diplomacy, nor love, between the sadistic witch, papal puppet, and gay pedophile, King James, and the people.
You're looking for the influences to KJV from the likes of Francis Bacon, Robert Fludd, Guy Fawkes, and other high secret society members, including King James 1, himself.
The KJV's first issue was rejected outright by the people because of all the masonic symbols added throughout. The next printing simply removed the symbols, but not their perversions of Scripture, including writing "God" as "GOD", a nonsensical legal commercial use of a word called dog Latin and glossa, as are all ALL CAPS words. It still wasn't accepted by the people, but was easier for the royals to enforce.
Know that Oliver Cromwell led his Puritan soldiers to battle in the English Civil War in the mid 1600's with a Soldier's Geneva Pocket Bible. It was never completely dead, but it is little to not known today. I even found truther leaders that were pre internet days that presented and discussed the importance of the Geneva Bible. Erwin Rommel's School of Law is one.
You should find that the AKJV is a Jesuit/Freemason/Rosicrucian/Priory of Sion production whose leaders had the power to
1. keep KJV alive to this day against feigned papal opposition
2. outlaw and bury the Geneva
3. genocide those who carried forward the original words of God from the first century onto Calvin and others ; the Waldensee and Cathars/Albigenses.
In short, to me, the Scriptural story of the Geneva is discussed in Revelation 11. I see it as the two candlesticks or witnesses from God (the OT and NT) that were killed in the street, then resurrected after 3 and half days. 1644 to 2006 is nearly 350 years, which can be construed Scripturally and metaphorically to be 3 and half days. Again, this is my opinion, only. You judge after getting the whole picture, both in true history and God's prophetic timeline.
Does this help?
worldprovided substantive information we need, supported my study
Later, I knew it was the best English production of God's words due to the relevancy and clarity of words used to support what I was studying and looking for. It changed everything, whereby I found the AKJV was intentionally designed to hide these messages. stark and significant out thereespecially the notable, but subtle, differences between the two editions,
more often. to be thought this guy butwhich my legal system study pointed to. I came to know it well, and notated it heavily.
Wow, and I thought I had found something when I traded in my NIV for a KJV after finding discrepancies. I really appreciate your wisdom on this matter. Is this the one you recommend?
Check out Jason’s work on Archaix/ Archaic on YouTube according to his research the Covid vaccine was the second seal break of revelations.
Hi Un-silent.
No, but it may be ok, or made ok. They have to be verified one at a time.
This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/1599-Geneva-Bible-Patriot-God/dp/145071398X/140-6966718-5825023?pd_rd_w=9aufW&content-id=amzn1.sym.46e2be74-be72-4d3f-86e1-1de279690c4e&pf_rd_p=46e2be74-be72-4d3f-86e1-1de279690c4e&pf_rd_r=V3J09T0FSXD0BR5GGM1Q&pd_rd_wg=IzvrK&pd_rd_r=5d734124-2c5f-4bf9-a91f-702fc14a0a1f&pd_rd_i=145071398X&psc=1
The one you site may be ok, but I can't vouch for it without comparing it to either or both the Tolle-Lege Press edition.
Unfortunately, their price skyrocketed again. This means the demand has increased, and their supply is getting low. This happened before. I paid $40 about 10 years ago. I've seen it as high as $350 since, and then return down to $50. So, you can wait it out for another printing, or purchase and verify the one you found.
The 1560 facsimile I have is: https://www.amazon.com/Geneva-Bible-Protestant-Reformation/dp/1598562126/140-6966718-5825023?pd_rd_w=9aufW&content-id=amzn1.sym.46e2be74-be72-4d3f-86e1-1de279690c4e&pf_rd_p=46e2be74-be72-4d3f-86e1-1de279690c4e&pf_rd_r=V3J09T0FSXD0BR5GGM1Q&pd_rd_wg=IzvrK&pd_rd_r=5d734124-2c5f-4bf9-a91f-702fc14a0a1f&pd_rd_i=1598562126&psc=1
A facsimile means a copy of the original. It's written in middle English, but your eyes and mind get used to it relatively quickly.
This price is about right, considering only inflation since I purchased it.
Now, I am amazed and pleased at how many reproductions appear this day. There were only two types available when I purchased my first ones years ago, and there were an unending supply of KJVs.
So, this is great news. People are tuning in. However, exercise caution. These other producers may not be on the up and up. Always beware of the works of the Jesuits, who are masters at diversion.
So, it's ok to get another production, but verify it against the 1560 original facsimile, and note the differences for your sake.
The Bible gateway link that Margaret furnished in her article above for the 1599 edition is the Tolle-Lege Press edition, shown above. You can always use this for free. I use it 95% of the time to study, but I keep the hardcopy to sit down and read, and keep another in the front seat of my car in case a cop wishes to know the law and how they are breaking it.
I also found and downloaded a searchable pdf of the Tolle-Lege Press edition. I'm not sure if this is available anymore, but try a search.
Another great way to learn and know the Geneva, as well as trust you have the right words, is to take the 1560 in middle English, and rewrite it yourself into the modern English. Others have done this. I do it on a concept by concept basis. It is fruitful, and my mind retains it better. It also proves to me the Tolle-Lege Press edition is trustworthy, as well as the 1599 v. the 1560 editions in general, have only minor or insignificant changes in God's words.
I hope this helps, and I hope you see things that all of us must know. When you do, share them with everyone. Again, the Geneva really comes alive when one understands the mechanisms Satan's legal system operates under. You need to know both sides of the story to get to the truth.
All the best, Un-silent, and to all who seek this out.
Thank you so much, Dr. Margaret!!
That Tweet - wow! I have never seen those numbers correlated like that before!
Have you seen this below? A Hebrew doctor literally discovered God’s name within our very DNA, in the pattern of sulfuric bridges which appear in a sequence of 10-5-6-5.
10-5-6-5 translates to YHWH in the Hebrew alphabet!
I believe the mark is all about satan trying to corrupt God’s pure and holy DNA within people. He wants to rip our Creator’s name out from within people. It is said that the CRISPR technology changes the 10-5-6-5 sequence to 10-5-6-6-6-5 by cutting the DNA and I believe by inserting an additional amino acid if I’m not mistaken.
You can see the Hebrew doctor in the short video in this article:
Also, regarding the Tyler guy who talks about the sun. What IF the sun already *is* darkened, and Satan, the great deceiver and father of lies, is concealing it? I’ve been a sun-gazer for about 8 years, looking straight at the sun….and something is afoot. The sun does not look like it used to. I have a friend who also looks straight at the sun and she thinks the same thing. They have definitely made sun simulators, and I saw a picture someone took of the sun that was sent through a photo forensics app and it had all kinds of mechanical things in it!
Just a thought that we could be way further along in prophecy than we even know because the supreme evil deceiver is working in full force to try and deceive even those who are fervently looking for the fulfillment of the prophecies.
Thank you so much for writing about this. God bless you!