I tried to sign this multiple times..kept telling me my email was not valid. It is the only one I have. I checked spelling and input which were correct.
Amen - depart the WHO and never look back (actively lobby other countries to do the same).
Depart the U.N.
Depart the Paris Climate Agreement.
Depart NATO.
Bring all troops home (including the undercover armies in various countries that have been there since the 1960's).
Exit Ukraine (after we destroy all biolabs, child trafficking centers, and recall all U.S. weaponry from the country) & reinvigorate our commitment to honor our past agreements with Russia to keep NATO off their borders.
Exit all support of the nation state calling itself Israel and condemn the genocide. Resist becoming entangled in the Iranian conflict. No U.S. intervention whatsoever in the middle east. They are on their own, no matter how many congresspeople and Senators AIPAC has purchased or how much the Zionists donated to Trump for his campaign.
Renegotiate any and all treaties with foreign nations with a view to mutual constraint, and to commerce that is mutually beneficial (tariffs are NOT a solution - they will break our already failed economic system).
End the Federal Reserve bank (here and urge other countries to do the same) and reestablish a constitutionally-authorized, treasury-issued, gold, silver or precious metal-backed monetary system that is NOT digital or based on tokens, stable coins, bitcoin or any distributed ledger system.
Declare a debt jubilee.
Scrap ALL 3 letter (or 4 letter) agencies and create a minimal federal governance that is solely focused on original Constitutional prescribed activities remaining within the limited powers (only those enumerated!) to the Federal Branch -- giving back the sovereign states their freedom to govern themselves.
Reverse ALL executive orders for all time and install term limits, having a robust new set of (regular people, not professional politicians, attorneys and hucksters posing as politicians who are owned by their special interests and not their constituents) candidates to rotate in and out, not between federal office and corporate special interests, but regular lives and serving the people.
Declare open war on anyone who is not a citizen and is residing here without due process (green card, pursuing citizenship through channels). Locate and deposit them on the other side of the southern or northern border (that is our only obligation - they're not here legally and we don't have to get them "home"). NO H1B immigrant status non-citizens in our country. Train Americans for the jobs that need to be done.
Expose the corrupt U.S. Inc corporation (and all those formed by the state, local, county and governmental bodies) that have pilfered tax dollars and invested them and do not report them as assets to their constituents, who are always asking for more revenue, because all they track is that and the attendant expenses.
Dissolve the Declaration of North America and abandon the plans to reorganize the American continent as a region in a global government (the inclusion of Canada, Mexico, Panama, etc. is part of that plan and Trump is threatening to follow it to the letter).
Impose a mandatory, punitively enforced prohibition on any nanotechnological development, application or use of any kind, and make it retroactive to include any and all existing "vaccines", prescription drugs, anesthesia, etc. Remove the prohibitive environment for the development and distribution of all natural products, homeopathic treatments, and naturopathic practices as ell as other healing arts (including suppressed Rife frequency treatments for combating disease). Grant equal access to non germ therapy practitioners (terrain theory adherents) and let research and testing prove terrain is orrect and germ is and has always been, suspect and misleading.
Establish a freedom of choice for all medical care that enabled citizens to choose from all forms of (including all holistic) health care and break up the allopathic practices, the pharmaceutical companies and the supporting mechanisms that have promoted western medicine over all other forms of health and healing modalities and practices, and promote those practices and methods that provide true healing, wholeness and well-being. All patented, pharmaceutical drugs to undergo renewed testing for purity, for efficacy and for contamination with nanotechnology, unidentified contaminants and DNA-altering ingredients.
All courts to revert to common law. "B.A.R" - registered attorneys to be re-trained and re-tooled so that the fake legal system now in place is abolished and true law can be re-established and implemented everywhere.
All DEI, ESG, Equal Opportunity laws and practices are repealed. Meritocracy is the reigning method for determining who is qualified to advance and to be hired and compensated accordingly for a particular job and who requires more skills, training and subordinate position experience to improve. All critical-theory-based laws and practices to be discontinued. It can be discussed and if there is demand, taught in universities as an alternative to truth, but it is not welcome as part of the administration of the affairs of this country (or any other).
Repeal all government grants, scholarships, student loans and other forms of support for research and scientific advancement. Any research funds granted that are not completely vetted, accountable, and operating within strictly prescribed parameters for recurring auditing and tentative staged approval, etc. will be discontinued, and the funds repaid.
Create a transparent disclosure process that enables auditing of every 501c3, etc. entity and determine which are truly fulfillng a legitimate charter and which are nefarious and supporting attacks or resistance to rule of law in our country and abroad.
Restore all monuments, edifices and historic sites to pristine condition as a a sign of respect for those who toiled before us and who, although imperfect and flawed in some ways, were part of the story of who we have come to be and must again be to truly survive and thrive.
Release all prohibitions on religious dissemination of truth. Repeal all "favors" granted by virtue of 501c3 charitable status (they pay taxes like every one else and that includes property taxes for ownership of land, buildings, activities, etc.). "Church" entities that have subordinated themselves to state or federal governments are businesses and are registered as such, N o exemptions or special considerations for operation, salaried individuals or ownership of real property, funds, etc. All transparent and above board or refrain from becoming an extension of the secular state apparatus.
Establish a template for a flat income tax (10%?) and specific designations of its use once collected from businesses and individuals, organizations, etc. (no exemptions or caveats), done only at the Federal Level and paid monthly by all revenue-generating entities, including non-profits and charitable organizations.
Establish a template for all states to consider in resetting income, real estate, sales and other use taxes so that people and businesses can once again thrive. Citizens and businesses will then choose where they wish to locate themselves based on desirability of conditions there.
Eliminate Federal dollars being handed to State (and certainly all funds with strings attached or practices assumed). Either eliminate reliance on Fed funds altogether (preferred) or remove the onerous unspoken implications that today accompany receipt of them.
Completely disassemble and prohibit the use of any voting machines in any and all elections throughout the country - all to be done on paper ballots and hand counted by a designated committee then audited by an independent appointed organization.
That's day one -- we can look at day two as time permits.
Term limits in all offices? Yes.
Investigations and convictions of those who have engaged in treasonous activities opposing the government -- absolutely. Retroactively? Certainly. Military tribunals can displace unwilling or uncooperative court systems. Or citizen tribunals formed within Constitutional parameters.
Retroactive punishment for all who have supported (policy-wise) undeclared wars, presence of U.S. military as occupying forces in other countries and who have used the CIA & FBI (which will be abolished with al Federal agencies of every kind) for domestic and foreign espionage and actions against the U.S. and other governments to be investigated and punished.
Lets talk more about what the true purpose of an independent, sovereign nation state is and what our role in the global enterprise will be going forward. We can do this if we are not divided, hostile and bitter and looking only for our "side" to prevail. And how much "government" is truly necessary? Do our voluntaryist friends who are peaceful anarchists seeking to self-govern in the truest sense have something to show us about what a genuinely representative, personally responsible and accountable, actively involved populace looks like?
I tried to sign this multiple times..kept telling me my email was not valid. It is the only one I have. I checked spelling and input which were correct.
I updated all the links to sign, thank you!! :)
I signed the petition -thanks for sharing it!!
Signed the petition. I can’t help but wonder about why Trump thinks it’s ok to cozy up to Bill Gates though.
I do not understand this on Gates or Zuck.
Amen - depart the WHO and never look back (actively lobby other countries to do the same).
Depart the U.N.
Depart the Paris Climate Agreement.
Depart NATO.
Bring all troops home (including the undercover armies in various countries that have been there since the 1960's).
Exit Ukraine (after we destroy all biolabs, child trafficking centers, and recall all U.S. weaponry from the country) & reinvigorate our commitment to honor our past agreements with Russia to keep NATO off their borders.
Exit all support of the nation state calling itself Israel and condemn the genocide. Resist becoming entangled in the Iranian conflict. No U.S. intervention whatsoever in the middle east. They are on their own, no matter how many congresspeople and Senators AIPAC has purchased or how much the Zionists donated to Trump for his campaign.
Renegotiate any and all treaties with foreign nations with a view to mutual constraint, and to commerce that is mutually beneficial (tariffs are NOT a solution - they will break our already failed economic system).
End the Federal Reserve bank (here and urge other countries to do the same) and reestablish a constitutionally-authorized, treasury-issued, gold, silver or precious metal-backed monetary system that is NOT digital or based on tokens, stable coins, bitcoin or any distributed ledger system.
Declare a debt jubilee.
Scrap ALL 3 letter (or 4 letter) agencies and create a minimal federal governance that is solely focused on original Constitutional prescribed activities remaining within the limited powers (only those enumerated!) to the Federal Branch -- giving back the sovereign states their freedom to govern themselves.
Reverse ALL executive orders for all time and install term limits, having a robust new set of (regular people, not professional politicians, attorneys and hucksters posing as politicians who are owned by their special interests and not their constituents) candidates to rotate in and out, not between federal office and corporate special interests, but regular lives and serving the people.
Declare open war on anyone who is not a citizen and is residing here without due process (green card, pursuing citizenship through channels). Locate and deposit them on the other side of the southern or northern border (that is our only obligation - they're not here legally and we don't have to get them "home"). NO H1B immigrant status non-citizens in our country. Train Americans for the jobs that need to be done.
Expose the corrupt U.S. Inc corporation (and all those formed by the state, local, county and governmental bodies) that have pilfered tax dollars and invested them and do not report them as assets to their constituents, who are always asking for more revenue, because all they track is that and the attendant expenses.
Dissolve the Declaration of North America and abandon the plans to reorganize the American continent as a region in a global government (the inclusion of Canada, Mexico, Panama, etc. is part of that plan and Trump is threatening to follow it to the letter).
Impose a mandatory, punitively enforced prohibition on any nanotechnological development, application or use of any kind, and make it retroactive to include any and all existing "vaccines", prescription drugs, anesthesia, etc. Remove the prohibitive environment for the development and distribution of all natural products, homeopathic treatments, and naturopathic practices as ell as other healing arts (including suppressed Rife frequency treatments for combating disease). Grant equal access to non germ therapy practitioners (terrain theory adherents) and let research and testing prove terrain is orrect and germ is and has always been, suspect and misleading.
Establish a freedom of choice for all medical care that enabled citizens to choose from all forms of (including all holistic) health care and break up the allopathic practices, the pharmaceutical companies and the supporting mechanisms that have promoted western medicine over all other forms of health and healing modalities and practices, and promote those practices and methods that provide true healing, wholeness and well-being. All patented, pharmaceutical drugs to undergo renewed testing for purity, for efficacy and for contamination with nanotechnology, unidentified contaminants and DNA-altering ingredients.
All courts to revert to common law. "B.A.R" - registered attorneys to be re-trained and re-tooled so that the fake legal system now in place is abolished and true law can be re-established and implemented everywhere.
All DEI, ESG, Equal Opportunity laws and practices are repealed. Meritocracy is the reigning method for determining who is qualified to advance and to be hired and compensated accordingly for a particular job and who requires more skills, training and subordinate position experience to improve. All critical-theory-based laws and practices to be discontinued. It can be discussed and if there is demand, taught in universities as an alternative to truth, but it is not welcome as part of the administration of the affairs of this country (or any other).
Repeal all government grants, scholarships, student loans and other forms of support for research and scientific advancement. Any research funds granted that are not completely vetted, accountable, and operating within strictly prescribed parameters for recurring auditing and tentative staged approval, etc. will be discontinued, and the funds repaid.
Create a transparent disclosure process that enables auditing of every 501c3, etc. entity and determine which are truly fulfillng a legitimate charter and which are nefarious and supporting attacks or resistance to rule of law in our country and abroad.
Restore all monuments, edifices and historic sites to pristine condition as a a sign of respect for those who toiled before us and who, although imperfect and flawed in some ways, were part of the story of who we have come to be and must again be to truly survive and thrive.
Release all prohibitions on religious dissemination of truth. Repeal all "favors" granted by virtue of 501c3 charitable status (they pay taxes like every one else and that includes property taxes for ownership of land, buildings, activities, etc.). "Church" entities that have subordinated themselves to state or federal governments are businesses and are registered as such, N o exemptions or special considerations for operation, salaried individuals or ownership of real property, funds, etc. All transparent and above board or refrain from becoming an extension of the secular state apparatus.
Establish a template for a flat income tax (10%?) and specific designations of its use once collected from businesses and individuals, organizations, etc. (no exemptions or caveats), done only at the Federal Level and paid monthly by all revenue-generating entities, including non-profits and charitable organizations.
Establish a template for all states to consider in resetting income, real estate, sales and other use taxes so that people and businesses can once again thrive. Citizens and businesses will then choose where they wish to locate themselves based on desirability of conditions there.
Eliminate Federal dollars being handed to State (and certainly all funds with strings attached or practices assumed). Either eliminate reliance on Fed funds altogether (preferred) or remove the onerous unspoken implications that today accompany receipt of them.
Completely disassemble and prohibit the use of any voting machines in any and all elections throughout the country - all to be done on paper ballots and hand counted by a designated committee then audited by an independent appointed organization.
That's day one -- we can look at day two as time permits.
Term limits in all offices? Yes.
Investigations and convictions of those who have engaged in treasonous activities opposing the government -- absolutely. Retroactively? Certainly. Military tribunals can displace unwilling or uncooperative court systems. Or citizen tribunals formed within Constitutional parameters.
Retroactive punishment for all who have supported (policy-wise) undeclared wars, presence of U.S. military as occupying forces in other countries and who have used the CIA & FBI (which will be abolished with al Federal agencies of every kind) for domestic and foreign espionage and actions against the U.S. and other governments to be investigated and punished.
Lets talk more about what the true purpose of an independent, sovereign nation state is and what our role in the global enterprise will be going forward. We can do this if we are not divided, hostile and bitter and looking only for our "side" to prevail. And how much "government" is truly necessary? Do our voluntaryist friends who are peaceful anarchists seeking to self-govern in the truest sense have something to show us about what a genuinely representative, personally responsible and accountable, actively involved populace looks like?
Exactly! Depart THEM ALL!
Weeks ago I did the signed in EU