The whole medical system is a holocaust. I don't get fixated on the vaccines. I call it the Jewish medical extermination complex. Because the ideology driving this extermination is Jewish and I can prove it. They just hide behind the new Pakistani immigrants and immigrant doctors they hire
I devoted 3 years of my life (unpaid) to conduct and complete the Control Group study while taking $ out of my own pocket to fund it. My husband and I also conducted the largest-ever (in US history) exit poll after the last Recall Newscum election in CA, (w/ a robust sample from every county in the state) which proved over 96% who voted in that election ACTUALLY voted to oust the guy from office.
We do what we can, when and where we can, only to be attacked (and falsely accused of doing nothing) just because we occasionally express hopes that someone else will also do something positive. Speaking of this, what have you actually done to help?
Wow. So I guess your answer to my question is: "NOTHING"
The injunctive relieve requested in my federal lawsuit (prohibiting vaccine mandates nationwide) is now the basis for a new bill which is rapidly gaining support in Congress. It's called the "National Informed Consent Exemption" or "N.I.C.E." act, which will have the legal effect of making it impossible to ever again mandate any vaccine (or other medication) in this Nation.
You are a parasite, only here to troll, insult, and see if you can demoralize people into giving up completely on anything that might improve our situation. Again, please to answer my question about what you personally have actually done to correct any of this? Oh right, the answer is NOTHING, and this is why you're so completely devoted only to the task of insulting and attacking anyone who appears to have "gotten out of line" by actually DOING anything the help improve things.
I fear no judge or lawyer or politician and they get a piece of my mind. You are taking the circuitous route. Everybody on this planet should understand they have a right to refuse medical interventions what don't you understand?
I understand that children are turned away from schools and even denied life-saving medical care if they are unvaccinated. I understand that the CV-19 jabs were mandated for college attendance and many professions (all throughout the military and healthcare) and that Americans were being denied reentry to their nation unless they provided proof of vaccination. I understand that my own legal team was denied the right to argue my case in the 9th Circuit because they refused the vaccines - in a case where we were APPOSING mandatory vaccination.
I tried, and am STILL trying, to make the mandates unlawful in this nation. I'm sorry to learn you believe this attempt (which is a serious and devoted one, and which may still soon be won with the "N.I.C.E. Act) should only be punished with attacks and obscene insults.
You go on with your own version of "helping" by attacking people like me, calling us dirty names, and arguing that we should all just give up and tell judges off as our only attempt to alter any of this.
Wow. You liked your own vile comment. Hurling obscenities' instead of answering the question: "What have YOU actually DONE?" makes it infinitely the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You've never even ATTEMPTED to DO ANYTHING to help.
Instead, you spend your time looking for people who ARE making an attempt and attacking them, insulting them, and whining about how terrible they are.
Good job. Your "contribution" is so fully appreciated;-)
You can probably go to any hospital and get in writing, "you have the right to refuse any medical intervention" ultimately it's up to the consumer to assert their rights.
The last hospital I went to to deal with edema the head nurse witch, who was jewish, said to me, "if you do not prescribe to the medications, you will not be admitted" . I said first things first let's deal with the edema and furosemide which is a diuretic that works very well. Once I got admitted they started jamming me with all these injections which caused all kinds of cognitive and bodily problems with my body and my mind and I asked them to stop. But it was an argument every time. I'm not so sure they did not give me the covid shot without my permission as I refused it every single time.
Looking forward to watching the interview later today. BTW, this is so well put: "...the liquid Holocaust of the vaccines."
The whole medical system is a holocaust. I don't get fixated on the vaccines. I call it the Jewish medical extermination complex. Because the ideology driving this extermination is Jewish and I can prove it. They just hide behind the new Pakistani immigrants and immigrant doctors they hire
Seems like this man should get (needs) a pardon from Trump. Has anyone attempted to request one from Trump?
Forget Trump. People need to empower themselves. Stop looking to other people to do things for them that's why we are where we are at
I devoted 3 years of my life (unpaid) to conduct and complete the Control Group study while taking $ out of my own pocket to fund it. My husband and I also conducted the largest-ever (in US history) exit poll after the last Recall Newscum election in CA, (w/ a robust sample from every county in the state) which proved over 96% who voted in that election ACTUALLY voted to oust the guy from office.
We do what we can, when and where we can, only to be attacked (and falsely accused of doing nothing) just because we occasionally express hopes that someone else will also do something positive. Speaking of this, what have you actually done to help?
You wasted a lot of time and money and accomplished nothing.
Wow. So I guess your answer to my question is: "NOTHING"
The injunctive relieve requested in my federal lawsuit (prohibiting vaccine mandates nationwide) is now the basis for a new bill which is rapidly gaining support in Congress. It's called the "National Informed Consent Exemption" or "N.I.C.E." act, which will have the legal effect of making it impossible to ever again mandate any vaccine (or other medication) in this Nation.
You are a parasite, only here to troll, insult, and see if you can demoralize people into giving up completely on anything that might improve our situation. Again, please to answer my question about what you personally have actually done to correct any of this? Oh right, the answer is NOTHING, and this is why you're so completely devoted only to the task of insulting and attacking anyone who appears to have "gotten out of line" by actually DOING anything the help improve things.
I fear no judge or lawyer or politician and they get a piece of my mind. You are taking the circuitous route. Everybody on this planet should understand they have a right to refuse medical interventions what don't you understand?
I understand that children are turned away from schools and even denied life-saving medical care if they are unvaccinated. I understand that the CV-19 jabs were mandated for college attendance and many professions (all throughout the military and healthcare) and that Americans were being denied reentry to their nation unless they provided proof of vaccination. I understand that my own legal team was denied the right to argue my case in the 9th Circuit because they refused the vaccines - in a case where we were APPOSING mandatory vaccination.
I tried, and am STILL trying, to make the mandates unlawful in this nation. I'm sorry to learn you believe this attempt (which is a serious and devoted one, and which may still soon be won with the "N.I.C.E. Act) should only be punished with attacks and obscene insults.
You go on with your own version of "helping" by attacking people like me, calling us dirty names, and arguing that we should all just give up and tell judges off as our only attempt to alter any of this.
You are just an a-hole. Get off yourself you're not that fucking important. You haven't done anything
Wow. You liked your own vile comment. Hurling obscenities' instead of answering the question: "What have YOU actually DONE?" makes it infinitely the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You've never even ATTEMPTED to DO ANYTHING to help.
Instead, you spend your time looking for people who ARE making an attempt and attacking them, insulting them, and whining about how terrible they are.
Good job. Your "contribution" is so fully appreciated;-)
You can probably go to any hospital and get in writing, "you have the right to refuse any medical intervention" ultimately it's up to the consumer to assert their rights.
The last hospital I went to to deal with edema the head nurse witch, who was jewish, said to me, "if you do not prescribe to the medications, you will not be admitted" . I said first things first let's deal with the edema and furosemide which is a diuretic that works very well. Once I got admitted they started jamming me with all these injections which caused all kinds of cognitive and bodily problems with my body and my mind and I asked them to stop. But it was an argument every time. I'm not so sure they did not give me the covid shot without my permission as I refused it every single time.
Doctor Yourself