Impressive undertaking by an amazingly cogent and introspective doctor! You’re the best!

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Hey, we're just here to learn and expand our horizons. So it seemed reasonable that we know what the arguments are on both sides of the "virus" question ~ and that we are able to effectively communicate in defense of our position without demeaning others). :)

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Yes but the “without demeaning others” part is a mountain 🏔️ for me to climb 😑😒

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Funny that I have found many of those who don't believe in viruses to be unable to have a healthy conversation about it. And that's what turns people off to the point where they don't want to even think or talk about it.

That's the part I would like to help create, people who can have a logical conversation about it, no matter which side they choose.

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That’s different and laudable!

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Oh 😂 It's bound to be fun, too! ❤️

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The Scientific Method is rooted in a single belief, called a Postulate: "Events have causes". If this Causality principle is false, we should expect to experience a chaotic and unpredictable existence. If it is true, then we can correctly assign a cause to an event if every time the cause is present, the event happens, and in the absence of the cause, the event does not happen.

Where natural philosophy gets itself in trouble is by inferring a cause for a single event, that cannot be repeated by experiment. At that point, we're no longer scientific, but guessing.

Of course, the more complex the assembly of guesses that lead to a theory, the greater the probability that one of the guesses is false, and in turn, the entire theory becomes false

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Further to that, I suspect our finding will be that varying levels of proof exist, supporting the postulates of virology. Just because a broken clock indicates the correct time twice a day and the wrong time all the other 22 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds of the day, is not sufficient cause to say that time cannot be measured or that all clocks are useless, unless we first consider whether breaking this one clock is what made it useless.

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We'll do our best to see how close we can come to find proof:) 🙌

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The classic example of the unrepeatable experiment was Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species". What prompted the book was an English bishop traveling in Wales, who examined a dinosaur skeleton and named it a "terrible (saur) lizard (dino)". The bishop presumed the beast had not found its way aboard Noah's Ark and was now extinct. Darwin got curious why God would make species extinct, having created them, and found his answer in the very first mitzvah in Genesis: "Be fruitful, multiply, and master the Earth". Since we have volition over commandments from God, we can satisfy God by doing as commanded or face consequences for disobeying the commandment. So the presence of remains of extinct species should not disturb Biblical teaching, as God is within His powers to remove species from the world that are no longer pleasing to Him. Going further into the idea, Darwin considered that human gardeners and herdsmen did much the same thing: We selected the foods that tasted best and grew them. So God similarly could have selected some creatures to prevail because they did as He pleased.

One example of an argument in which Darwin saw limits to random mutation and natural selection, was a complex structure that conveyed no survival advantage to a creature unless it was fully formed. So the reason mammal and bird eyes look nothing like a fly's eye, and have a lens, an iris, and a retina had to involve more than random mutations.

All this Christianity took the back seat when Darwin died. His nephew, who had become an atheist, radicalized the evolution studies to construct an alternative godless universe, then emigrated to the US to sell the KKK a theory that Black Americans are "less evolved" than other races, and therefore are a health hazard!

The year was 1880.

In 1876 the Klan had rigged elections across the South. There were 4 Black GOP members serving elected office in the House, and a Republican governor in South Carolina had appointed a Black war hero to the Senate. The Klan-rigged election had changed all that, but Klansmen worried that Black voters might put the GOP in again. By arguing that being Black posed a health hazard, Segregation laws were passed that made voting impossible for most Blacks. Walking into that mess with the Darwin family name and a passion for Eugenics, Darwin's nephew found himself teaching at Harvard. Eugenics became a global obsession and finally began losing support when Ike published photos of the Dachau death camp. It would be 1964 when the last of the Segregation Laws was ended.

So what proof do we have that there was an unique disease spread by Black Americans, that made Segregation necessary?

Absolutely no proof at all!

The whole story was a lie.

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That’s a pretty nice intro and history… Darwin and the KKK. Had no idea there was a tie there… why did Ike post those pics?

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Ike was concerned that Stalin would sanitize or bury the Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor death camps to gain blackmail leverage in Eastern Europe, so he released photos of the dead stacked nude on wooden pallets, as they had been abandoned when the crematory furnace did not get any coal.

Since the whole Democratic Party Solid South ran on KKK control, revealing what their ideology had produced was just embarrassing enough to make this Page One news. It was finally LBJ who ended the Dem fragmentation by financing the destruction of Black family structure with generous payoffs to mothers living with no husband. Within 5 years Nixon had morphed the anti-Black campaign into a Drug War, making the "drug-free" the new master race and "druggies" the new slave race. The Dems are a weird political structure held together with used chewing gum and string, Putting racists and civil rights activists in the same party sounds impossible, but by giving payoffs to each, it held together this long.

What I think needs to be pointed out is how the politicized Public Health establishment got their start with the KKK and Segregation Laws. Making up imaginary diseases to gain power over people alleged to have them, has become a pattern. This is why drs like yourself who provided effective palliative care to COVID patients got pushed out of practice. The political plan is to turn the sick into a permanent underclass whose benefits can be cut and the funds diverted to the politically-favored. It's been an ongoing scam since 1880 so the insiders who play the game have deep experience at it.

It's why junk science gets funded. If the conclusions serve a political purpose, money will be spent making them seem believable. So the challenge in going over this critique of the epistemological foundations of virology, is to identify reasons why certain concepts got rammed past peer review and became dogma.

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In response to an Email inqiury Dr marica grossegesse from Robert Koch Institute Berlin responded 'we purified SARS particles by density gradient. However, just from the cell culture derived virus, as you wrote. The Challenge with purifiying sars from patient samples is that you won't get a visible band'. Quotation from 'a farewell to virology' by Dr Mark Bailey, page 13-14.

I would now like to urgently categorise the quote from this employee of the leading virological institute in Germany.

Ms Grossegesse says that no detectable particles corresponding to the characterisation of viruses can be obtained directly from patient samples that have been sorted, grouped and separated using a density band by centrifigation.

The virus particles they are looking for only appear when they are helped to show themselves by the addition of foreign genetic material and chemicals, also known as cell culture.

Virology can hardly plausibly explain why the viruses, which are supposedly contained billions of times in the patient's swab sample all the time and have recently multiplied there (although according to the textbook of virology they are actually considered dead matter, without their own metabolism), then become temporarily invisible and undetectable after removal from the patient, but then reappear from the cell culture.

It is assumed that monkey kidney cells and foetal bovine blood plus chemicals correspond most closely to the normal environment of viruses that have just thrived in humans and can suddenly survive on surfaces and in aerosols even without host cells, but immediately lose their robustness as soon as they feel observed and then have to be painstakingly and bizarrely baited.

Analogy: unicorns exist, duplicate themselves asexually, but disappear in the presence of humans. This is why hoof prints exist without being visible, and with the right bait and a computer we will be able to prove it.

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Nice summary at the end! It seems that we will be fishing for invisible fish.

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Yes, all viruses are created in petri dishes and do not come from the human body. They are fictions created by poisoning the cell lines, starving them and then watching the dead exossome materials and spikes coming out of the cells. They then take this poison and sequence it and assume it is some virus. It is nothing but dead genetic material that does not come from the human body. If you put this dead material into the human body full of toxins, you will cause disease. You cannot have a spike protein from a fake virus that does not exist!


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What do you think people are purchasing from companies who sell SARS-2?

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They are purchasing lab made fake viruses that will contain the same fake genetic sequences of the fake viruses. They are all bio-chemical weapons of mass destruction what combined with radiation and graphene oxide, cause the blood coagulation... the fake vaccines contain the organoids which hidden in the graphene oxide will produce the 38 some venoms detected in the body of those who supposedly have 'covid'. Dr. Stefan Lanka did a control study and proved that the virus does not exist and comes from the Petri dishes.

How to remove the SMART DUST technology of the Mark of the Beast. This technology is to be activated next year and will enslave humanity!


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How to remove the Smartdust Mark of the Beast Nano-tech from the human body!


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And this is the investigation we will soon embark on.

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