Nothing. They just took out 3 tumors and there was no need to do anything else. Not metastatic. High-grade when it was low-grade before, but not through to the muscle. We're targeting cancer stem cells, because this is the 4th time it has returned to the bladder.
School of Natural Healing 16th Edition- Page 247 "For Kidney and Bladder- Make at least 2 quarts of the parsley root strong decoction and drink copiously. ...... Parsley is terrific when blended with other greens as a green drink. The herb in tea form acts rapidly, whereas the capsules are slower. In some cases, we cannot take enough parsley (or any other Herb) to do us any good by just eating it in the raw from. Instead of using parsley straight, just make a tea with it. If you are using Parsley as a juice, use it moderately, it is very highly concentrated and potent, and will work very quickly on the system. It will throw out the poisons too fast if used excessively, and can thereby cause serious upsets. "
It also says, but I don't understand, "Dangerous suppression of urine - 3-6 ounces of the decoction (hot) every hour. "
Thank you Dr Aranda, hope your husband will fully recover soon, and yes I agree with you, we are in G_d's hands, each of us! Not sure if you are aware of the apricot kernels, lots of people publishing their good experiences. You can take the seed yourself from the apricot kernel, is a bit hard, as I do not iron, I use the iron to open the successfully 😂.. I do not have cancer but it does stop my skin intermittent problems. There is a quantity that can be taken before becomes a poison. Not sure how will interact with other plants, or treatments 🤔 changing old ways of doing things, brands, checking the level of electrosmog around the house of work and reducing it, including cable the internet, no wifi, no big screens, no Bluetooth, no led lights, grounding, check the water you are drinking, washing powder, toiletries, no toothpaste, go as natural as you can, no electric car, smart off in the car... I am sure you already know all of this, therefore just a checking list... Take care both of you Dr Aranda 💌❤️🤗
Dr Aranda, Grounding is a new age method. I understand that many use this because they think it discharges toxic negativity but from deeper levels of consciousness, it doesn’t help, and only leads to loss of life force energy. Many ‘alternatives' are recommending this and mainstream doctors, but I strongly recommend you pray about this and seek answers deep inside your own heart to ensure that doing this actually helps you. The Earth’s metaphysical spirit, our additional strength and protection, was killed off over the last five years, and this has been caused by Yoga, Reiki and Pilates, 5G users and Freemasons …all activities create sine waves, the ‘snake' wave, which is satanic in nature and lets in Lucifer energies. The method of grounding came from healing systems originally. It is something that is taught in the healing systems. Much has changed metaphysically, healing systems are no longer a route to healing, they have become defunct in recent years, and unless others are prepared to go and look for themselves at their own layers of conciousness, they risk losing large amounts of life force (life force sustains your existence here) and it will deplete your spiritual light. Even the healing and holistic communities are slow to realise what is happening on the planet — This is a metaphysical war — a war for our soul and for our heart energy. Religion guides others to 'go direct'. That is a profoundly wise thing to do, especially, at this time on Earth. We are all 'on finals'. We need to keep as much life force as possible and we need as much strength from our life force to protect the innocent. SkyNet went live in China recently. The demonic realms have entered this reality via the energy systems of those who downloaded it. The Earth’s protective shield has been destroyed at every level. Therefore, when people ‘ground' now, they are transmitting their life force codes into a grid system which has been taken over by demonic entities. The demonic entities need our energy to feed off to sustain them. We do not need to fear them as long as we ask for assistance, however, when we do things without checking whether they are still safe methods, we make errors, and this can open our protective shield to attack from dark forces. I am sorry to say this but I see this on many posts, and keep wondering why people who are religious are suddenly using new age claptrap methods based on 'scientific presentations' without asking inwardly for guidance. Not everything we do here is visible to us, but it can have a detrimental affect on us and especially on cancer patients, because the reason why cancer happens is due to their Russian Doll layers of protection — their levels of consciousness — which stretch out into the universe, beyond where many go to check, that is where the most life force is emptied out of humanity’s consciousness. Cancer is a result of the outer Russian Doll layer being sabotaged, it is leaking like a sieve, of all life force. Once emptied, it means death. please do not ground until you have prayed for guidance. I leave this heart connection routine because it helps you to connect and ask for help to see your own outer layer of the Russian Doll protection and you can request 'a class room example', you can ask while pausing the recording at "The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities", to be shown a person with cancer and their Russian Doll Layers, where is the attack happening? How can it be fixed? Do the Frequencies of Hope, Trust, and Faith work to heal these attacked areas? You will be shown. It will help you to help others and your husband.
And no Canola oil. Or Vegetabke pil or Corn. No root canals. No mercury/silver in teeth(but if you DO have -we did not remove too quickly. Slowly does it. And only removed with a proffessional trained and trusted dentist. See Hal Huggins book. "Its all in Your Head." DR Hulda Clark had a good book on cancer. So does
Essiac tea. Jason Winters tea. I see you take Pau Darco. You probably also know to make it with spring or pure or distilled water, simmered 20 mins, in a glass pot? And sip all day at any temp. Dont reheat. Also a month of eating no meat, basically vegan is a good detox from proteins. And Nattokinase is a good thing for getting rid of blood clots, (that everybody seems to have now in this post Covidjab world). Hope that might help.
Pay attention where he spend time sitting, and on what kind of material, including at work.. I know this sound crazy.. Nothing to loose checking that.. Anything that has been doing the same for a long time...
Not sure about that one, 🤔 I think that what maybe good to use in a way may not be the same in another. As the Cooper increases connectivity but the enviorment has been artificially incremented in electricity and magnetism, I am of the opinion that walking barefeet in the countryside, beach, caresing an animal, or hugging a tree are safer ways that using Cooper coils..
Metal becomes a highway for electromagnetic waves to reach us quicker and stronger which concentrates the effects in our bodies disrupting the cellular membrane by changing the ions polarity, specially the blood brain barrier, logically that can potentially create havoc in a biological system my views of course 🙂
This is great information. I knew the energy healer, Barbara Brennan ( and took workshops with her back in the 70s. She recommended Clorox baths to remove radiation from the body. She tried to get information from the manufacturer of Clorox as to what was in their formula that was not in other bleaches and they would not reveal it as it is protected proprietary information.
Just want to give a tip about salt. Redmond's Real Salt is minimally processed. I believe it is sourced from Utah ancient sea beds. Has all the trace minerals we need. Still need to take iodine. If it were me I'd be taking 25 - 50 mg (yes milligrams) a day. I'm sure Dr. David Brownstein has a book on iodine. Iodoral is the brand I use. Amazon has it.
I take Iodoral as well, not every day, but several times a week. By matter of fact, the thyroid gland's sole purpose in life is to absorb and store iodine. It really does nothing else.
If you have a gland in your body whose sole purpose is to store iodine, then there is quite obviously a need for iodine in the diet. So few people realize this.
I watched helplessly as "medical science" (more properly called the "medical industry", because that's what it is) failed to save anyone in my family, while at the same time causing endless suffering along the way. The end of their lives was not pleasant.
When I went to the bathroom one morning to "do my business", I was quite shocked and upset to find that I was now bleeding bright red blood out of my rear end. I crossed my fingers and waited until my next movement, when the same thing happened. Uh oh. How now, Horatio? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
I thought long and hard at this point. I KNEW the medical industry was a failure. I watched it fail before my very eyes, and I knew I didn't want to go to some "doctor", have a camera shoved up my butt, have pieces cut out of me, have "chemo" or "radiation" or any of those horrible "treatments".
I knew then and there that curing me? Was 100% up to ME. So, I hit the web (avoiding completely the "Big 5 Google Matrix"), and happened upon quite a few articles about Fenbendazole. I was delighted to see that it's sold, rather cheaply, on Amazon. So, very few dollars later, I had my "goat dewormer" and started taking it every day for about a month.
The bleeding from my butt ceased in about a day. Boy was that a relief. I continued the Fenben protocol for about a month, watching my diet otherwise, and the symptoms have never returned.
The "medical industry" isn't there to save us. It's not even there to help us. It's there to suck our wealth dry like a SPONGE. When I want to the doctor's office in the 1970's, a visit cost around $50 out of pocket. There was no mention of "insurance" to my recollection.
Today, a visit to the doctor's office STILL costs $50 (they call it a "copay", lol), except now you can add a few hundred dollars for "health insurance". Which was supposed to save us money. So, why is it costing us more, while doing less?
I recommend doing your own research. Do NOT use "Google" (aka Jewgle), or Brave, or DuckDuckGo, or Yahoo!, or Bing. They are ALL compromised. Only Yandex led me to Fenbendazole and an actual cure for what ailed me.
If I mentioned the fact there is an odd proliferation of .2% of the population in the "medical industry", I wonder how that would be received here? It would seem that 100% of "vaccines" come from .2% of the population, which I find extremely odd. I believe the universe is too lazy for coincidences.
Heard of others who had that happen. Ever try Jason Winters tea? As a daily part of life? Pau Darco tea. And find a top quality.Mushroom combo? And getting rid of root canals?
I have tried...numerous get into drinking tea. My grandmother was straight from England (came here after WW2) and was a huge tea drinker. Despite a lifetime of exposure, and trying it I don't know how many times, I've just never gotten into drinking tea. Or coffee, really. Can't stand either one. And I've tried many kinds, from Earl Gray to Herbal, always the same result. Bleah. I seriously wish I was a tea drinker.
As far as root canals, I had one when I was younger. Before I "woke up", I was one of those folks that had 0 fear of dentists. Novocain shots didn't particularly bother me, the drilling didn't bother me, in fact I always found the dentist rather relaxing (oddly enough), and I can remember more than one time I had to be told to "Stay awake for me." because I would literally drift off to sleep in the dentist's chair.
Since I became fully awake and aware of what was happening, I have since developed a deep fear and loathing of dentists, because I can't even begin to imagine what has been done to me by putting mercury-based amalgams in my mouth and giving me "fluoride treatments". So at this point, anything regarding my teeth is just "wait until it falls out" because until I can find a dentist that I can actually trust, I won't be going back there, either.
Understand. Some people just dont do tea. The herbal teas I suggested are fairly mild and a nice fresh flavor. Maybe you would like them if you drank them cold with a little honey sweeteners. Like iced tea. Or study the ingredients and make tinctures out of them. The maker of Essiac tea used to inject it. Not sure how or how concentrated. But it helped a lot of people.
Oh. As to mercury teeth. Look up Huggins Institute. You can Find a dentist, by Huggins Applied Healing. Dr Hal Huggins himself passed away in 2014. A real hero as the American Dental Association hated him for exposing Mercury and later, root canal issues.
Yeah, this is the first I've heard of "Huggins Applied Healing" or the "Huggins Institute". Good stuff to look into. I'm not sure anything is close to my area, but it's something I intend to look into, thanks.
Thank you for that amazing information. I would add Dr Andreas Kalcker chlorine dioxide protocol for cancer and Vaxxx injury (on Substack) and his book Forbidden Health. Another protocol for cancer is with enzymatic substrates from Citozeatec ( which is oral. Dr Jerry Tennant has a book Healing is Voltage, Cancers On/Off Switch. It is an exhaustive explanation of why and how cancer develops, its history and ways to reverse it.
I think to detox it really is about eating fruit, berries and melons. You want to keep the body flowing. Keep the lymph flowing. You don't want to be constipated. Better out than in, but of course you don't want chronic diarrhea, but you don't want to be lumpy. Vegetables slow down a detox. Sometimes people detox too fast on fruit, berries and melons that they need to slow it down with vegetables/salad.
Grapes are great for detoxing, the darker the better.
Your urine should be cloudy, as you are getting rid of your waste when it is cloudy.
We eat a lot of apples in my house. I used to throw out the core. I then heard about vitamin B17 from the apple seeds and started trying to eat that. I think it grinded my teeth too much and I lost a tooth over that. I now put my apple cores in the freezer and once I get about 8 or so apple cores I put it in a smoothie. When you blend fruit up you do lose the fiber in it. So if you are just drinking your fruit you can very well get constipated.
I heard that when Hiroshima was bombed, the government sent a lot of free apples to its citizens to get rid of the radiation from their bodies. I believe it. This is another reason I make my family eat apples a lot. Too much EMF etc in the environment.
Keep making the poultice with the castor oil with organic, hexane free dark bottles.
God had me look at this today. I’m so thankful. I was just on the phone with my husband’s urologist. We are at the beginning stage. Things are suspicious. I doubt my husband would do any of this, but it’s great info. I’m happy your husband is better. Thanks and many blessings. 💜
Thank you Dr. Aranda! I pray surgery goes well today! Godspeed! My friend has been taking a teaspoon of borax for 10 years everyday and he is in perfect health! ✝️❤️🥰
Is Ed having a full cystectomy? If so, what type of urinary diversion?
Nothing. They just took out 3 tumors and there was no need to do anything else. Not metastatic. High-grade when it was low-grade before, but not through to the muscle. We're targeting cancer stem cells, because this is the 4th time it has returned to the bladder.
Did you know that Parsley detoxes the kidneys? It is a very strong detox.
No, but we do 1/2 lemon with boiling water poured over it, then let it rest before drinking. Every am, it's on the chart.
I use parsley in a lot of cooking; we grew our own last summer and I dried a bunch of it. Is there a particular way to prepare it?
School of Natural Healing 16th Edition- Page 247 "For Kidney and Bladder- Make at least 2 quarts of the parsley root strong decoction and drink copiously. ...... Parsley is terrific when blended with other greens as a green drink. The herb in tea form acts rapidly, whereas the capsules are slower. In some cases, we cannot take enough parsley (or any other Herb) to do us any good by just eating it in the raw from. Instead of using parsley straight, just make a tea with it. If you are using Parsley as a juice, use it moderately, it is very highly concentrated and potent, and will work very quickly on the system. It will throw out the poisons too fast if used excessively, and can thereby cause serious upsets. "
It also says, but I don't understand, "Dangerous suppression of urine - 3-6 ounces of the decoction (hot) every hour. "
This book is by Dr. John Christopher. It sounds like he wanted people to drink it by tea form but to be careful they don't detox too fast with it.
⭐️❣️⭐️ Thank You!
Thank you Dr Aranda, hope your husband will fully recover soon, and yes I agree with you, we are in G_d's hands, each of us! Not sure if you are aware of the apricot kernels, lots of people publishing their good experiences. You can take the seed yourself from the apricot kernel, is a bit hard, as I do not iron, I use the iron to open the successfully 😂.. I do not have cancer but it does stop my skin intermittent problems. There is a quantity that can be taken before becomes a poison. Not sure how will interact with other plants, or treatments 🤔 changing old ways of doing things, brands, checking the level of electrosmog around the house of work and reducing it, including cable the internet, no wifi, no big screens, no Bluetooth, no led lights, grounding, check the water you are drinking, washing powder, toiletries, no toothpaste, go as natural as you can, no electric car, smart off in the car... I am sure you already know all of this, therefore just a checking list... Take care both of you Dr Aranda 💌❤️🤗
Yes, they're listed on the top left;)
We just chew them whole, many chews.
Doing all the rest... except the car, for which we use sparingly and ground ourselves.
Dr Aranda, Grounding is a new age method. I understand that many use this because they think it discharges toxic negativity but from deeper levels of consciousness, it doesn’t help, and only leads to loss of life force energy. Many ‘alternatives' are recommending this and mainstream doctors, but I strongly recommend you pray about this and seek answers deep inside your own heart to ensure that doing this actually helps you. The Earth’s metaphysical spirit, our additional strength and protection, was killed off over the last five years, and this has been caused by Yoga, Reiki and Pilates, 5G users and Freemasons …all activities create sine waves, the ‘snake' wave, which is satanic in nature and lets in Lucifer energies. The method of grounding came from healing systems originally. It is something that is taught in the healing systems. Much has changed metaphysically, healing systems are no longer a route to healing, they have become defunct in recent years, and unless others are prepared to go and look for themselves at their own layers of conciousness, they risk losing large amounts of life force (life force sustains your existence here) and it will deplete your spiritual light. Even the healing and holistic communities are slow to realise what is happening on the planet — This is a metaphysical war — a war for our soul and for our heart energy. Religion guides others to 'go direct'. That is a profoundly wise thing to do, especially, at this time on Earth. We are all 'on finals'. We need to keep as much life force as possible and we need as much strength from our life force to protect the innocent. SkyNet went live in China recently. The demonic realms have entered this reality via the energy systems of those who downloaded it. The Earth’s protective shield has been destroyed at every level. Therefore, when people ‘ground' now, they are transmitting their life force codes into a grid system which has been taken over by demonic entities. The demonic entities need our energy to feed off to sustain them. We do not need to fear them as long as we ask for assistance, however, when we do things without checking whether they are still safe methods, we make errors, and this can open our protective shield to attack from dark forces. I am sorry to say this but I see this on many posts, and keep wondering why people who are religious are suddenly using new age claptrap methods based on 'scientific presentations' without asking inwardly for guidance. Not everything we do here is visible to us, but it can have a detrimental affect on us and especially on cancer patients, because the reason why cancer happens is due to their Russian Doll layers of protection — their levels of consciousness — which stretch out into the universe, beyond where many go to check, that is where the most life force is emptied out of humanity’s consciousness. Cancer is a result of the outer Russian Doll layer being sabotaged, it is leaking like a sieve, of all life force. Once emptied, it means death. please do not ground until you have prayed for guidance. I leave this heart connection routine because it helps you to connect and ask for help to see your own outer layer of the Russian Doll protection and you can request 'a class room example', you can ask while pausing the recording at "The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities", to be shown a person with cancer and their Russian Doll Layers, where is the attack happening? How can it be fixed? Do the Frequencies of Hope, Trust, and Faith work to heal these attacked areas? You will be shown. It will help you to help others and your husband.
And no Canola oil. Or Vegetabke pil or Corn. No root canals. No mercury/silver in teeth(but if you DO have -we did not remove too quickly. Slowly does it. And only removed with a proffessional trained and trusted dentist. See Hal Huggins book. "Its all in Your Head." DR Hulda Clark had a good book on cancer. So does
Essiac tea. Jason Winters tea. I see you take Pau Darco. You probably also know to make it with spring or pure or distilled water, simmered 20 mins, in a glass pot? And sip all day at any temp. Dont reheat. Also a month of eating no meat, basically vegan is a good detox from proteins. And Nattokinase is a good thing for getting rid of blood clots, (that everybody seems to have now in this post Covidjab world). Hope that might help.
Pay attention where he spend time sitting, and on what kind of material, including at work.. I know this sound crazy.. Nothing to loose checking that.. Anything that has been doing the same for a long time...
Thank you. He sits on a wood chair.
We think we should also have only 100% cotton clothes, linen or wool.
I forgot, change your mattress and your bed if there is metal in it..
How about copper coils for grounding?
Not sure about that one, 🤔 I think that what maybe good to use in a way may not be the same in another. As the Cooper increases connectivity but the enviorment has been artificially incremented in electricity and magnetism, I am of the opinion that walking barefeet in the countryside, beach, caresing an animal, or hugging a tree are safer ways that using Cooper coils..
Really? To Organic latex foam?
Metal becomes a highway for electromagnetic waves to reach us quicker and stronger which concentrates the effects in our bodies disrupting the cellular membrane by changing the ions polarity, specially the blood brain barrier, logically that can potentially create havoc in a biological system my views of course 🙂
I continue to remain in prayer for both of you as you battle this.
This is great information. I knew the energy healer, Barbara Brennan ( and took workshops with her back in the 70s. She recommended Clorox baths to remove radiation from the body. She tried to get information from the manufacturer of Clorox as to what was in their formula that was not in other bleaches and they would not reveal it as it is protected proprietary information.
Dr. Have you ever watched this YT channel
Just want to give a tip about salt. Redmond's Real Salt is minimally processed. I believe it is sourced from Utah ancient sea beds. Has all the trace minerals we need. Still need to take iodine. If it were me I'd be taking 25 - 50 mg (yes milligrams) a day. I'm sure Dr. David Brownstein has a book on iodine. Iodoral is the brand I use. Amazon has it.
I take Iodoral as well, not every day, but several times a week. By matter of fact, the thyroid gland's sole purpose in life is to absorb and store iodine. It really does nothing else.
If you have a gland in your body whose sole purpose is to store iodine, then there is quite obviously a need for iodine in the diet. So few people realize this.
Is your husband using Pectasol C modified citrus pectin?
Are saw cut oats clean? I heard that all oats are full of glyphosate, even the organic ones.
My maternal grandmother died of liver cancer.
My stepfather died of colon cancer.
My mother died of lung cancer.
I watched helplessly as "medical science" (more properly called the "medical industry", because that's what it is) failed to save anyone in my family, while at the same time causing endless suffering along the way. The end of their lives was not pleasant.
When I went to the bathroom one morning to "do my business", I was quite shocked and upset to find that I was now bleeding bright red blood out of my rear end. I crossed my fingers and waited until my next movement, when the same thing happened. Uh oh. How now, Horatio? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
I thought long and hard at this point. I KNEW the medical industry was a failure. I watched it fail before my very eyes, and I knew I didn't want to go to some "doctor", have a camera shoved up my butt, have pieces cut out of me, have "chemo" or "radiation" or any of those horrible "treatments".
I knew then and there that curing me? Was 100% up to ME. So, I hit the web (avoiding completely the "Big 5 Google Matrix"), and happened upon quite a few articles about Fenbendazole. I was delighted to see that it's sold, rather cheaply, on Amazon. So, very few dollars later, I had my "goat dewormer" and started taking it every day for about a month.
The bleeding from my butt ceased in about a day. Boy was that a relief. I continued the Fenben protocol for about a month, watching my diet otherwise, and the symptoms have never returned.
The "medical industry" isn't there to save us. It's not even there to help us. It's there to suck our wealth dry like a SPONGE. When I want to the doctor's office in the 1970's, a visit cost around $50 out of pocket. There was no mention of "insurance" to my recollection.
Today, a visit to the doctor's office STILL costs $50 (they call it a "copay", lol), except now you can add a few hundred dollars for "health insurance". Which was supposed to save us money. So, why is it costing us more, while doing less?
I recommend doing your own research. Do NOT use "Google" (aka Jewgle), or Brave, or DuckDuckGo, or Yahoo!, or Bing. They are ALL compromised. Only Yandex led me to Fenbendazole and an actual cure for what ailed me.
If I mentioned the fact there is an odd proliferation of .2% of the population in the "medical industry", I wonder how that would be received here? It would seem that 100% of "vaccines" come from .2% of the population, which I find extremely odd. I believe the universe is too lazy for coincidences.
Heard of others who had that happen. Ever try Jason Winters tea? As a daily part of life? Pau Darco tea. And find a top quality.Mushroom combo? And getting rid of root canals?
I have tried...numerous get into drinking tea. My grandmother was straight from England (came here after WW2) and was a huge tea drinker. Despite a lifetime of exposure, and trying it I don't know how many times, I've just never gotten into drinking tea. Or coffee, really. Can't stand either one. And I've tried many kinds, from Earl Gray to Herbal, always the same result. Bleah. I seriously wish I was a tea drinker.
As far as root canals, I had one when I was younger. Before I "woke up", I was one of those folks that had 0 fear of dentists. Novocain shots didn't particularly bother me, the drilling didn't bother me, in fact I always found the dentist rather relaxing (oddly enough), and I can remember more than one time I had to be told to "Stay awake for me." because I would literally drift off to sleep in the dentist's chair.
Since I became fully awake and aware of what was happening, I have since developed a deep fear and loathing of dentists, because I can't even begin to imagine what has been done to me by putting mercury-based amalgams in my mouth and giving me "fluoride treatments". So at this point, anything regarding my teeth is just "wait until it falls out" because until I can find a dentist that I can actually trust, I won't be going back there, either.
Understand. Some people just dont do tea. The herbal teas I suggested are fairly mild and a nice fresh flavor. Maybe you would like them if you drank them cold with a little honey sweeteners. Like iced tea. Or study the ingredients and make tinctures out of them. The maker of Essiac tea used to inject it. Not sure how or how concentrated. But it helped a lot of people.
Oh. As to mercury teeth. Look up Huggins Institute. You can Find a dentist, by Huggins Applied Healing. Dr Hal Huggins himself passed away in 2014. A real hero as the American Dental Association hated him for exposing Mercury and later, root canal issues.
Yeah, this is the first I've heard of "Huggins Applied Healing" or the "Huggins Institute". Good stuff to look into. I'm not sure anything is close to my area, but it's something I intend to look into, thanks.
Thank you for that amazing information. I would add Dr Andreas Kalcker chlorine dioxide protocol for cancer and Vaxxx injury (on Substack) and his book Forbidden Health. Another protocol for cancer is with enzymatic substrates from Citozeatec ( which is oral. Dr Jerry Tennant has a book Healing is Voltage, Cancers On/Off Switch. It is an exhaustive explanation of why and how cancer develops, its history and ways to reverse it.
I think to detox it really is about eating fruit, berries and melons. You want to keep the body flowing. Keep the lymph flowing. You don't want to be constipated. Better out than in, but of course you don't want chronic diarrhea, but you don't want to be lumpy. Vegetables slow down a detox. Sometimes people detox too fast on fruit, berries and melons that they need to slow it down with vegetables/salad.
Grapes are great for detoxing, the darker the better.
Your urine should be cloudy, as you are getting rid of your waste when it is cloudy.
We eat a lot of apples in my house. I used to throw out the core. I then heard about vitamin B17 from the apple seeds and started trying to eat that. I think it grinded my teeth too much and I lost a tooth over that. I now put my apple cores in the freezer and once I get about 8 or so apple cores I put it in a smoothie. When you blend fruit up you do lose the fiber in it. So if you are just drinking your fruit you can very well get constipated.
I heard that when Hiroshima was bombed, the government sent a lot of free apples to its citizens to get rid of the radiation from their bodies. I believe it. This is another reason I make my family eat apples a lot. Too much EMF etc in the environment.
Keep making the poultice with the castor oil with organic, hexane free dark bottles.
Are you saying that your husband got chemo without his consent?
God had me look at this today. I’m so thankful. I was just on the phone with my husband’s urologist. We are at the beginning stage. Things are suspicious. I doubt my husband would do any of this, but it’s great info. I’m happy your husband is better. Thanks and many blessings. 💜
Thank you Dr. Aranda! I pray surgery goes well today! Godspeed! My friend has been taking a teaspoon of borax for 10 years everyday and he is in perfect health! ✝️❤️🥰