People keep asking me what Ed is taking for the recurrent bladder cancer that is trying to come back. He is in remission, and we say that HE IS HEALED in the Name of Jesus.
I’ve had a few Subscribers unsubscribe, maybe because I slowed down here a bit to research more on cancer and related issues. I appreciate each one of you, and your comments and messages. Thank you for inspiring me! For example, yesterday, it took me hours to make the Figure below;) I do it for you!
We previously discussed Ed’s bout of recurrent bladder cancer, and the procedure and chemo treatment that he received without Informed Consent — it was a blessing, though, in my opinion, because Ed walked away from chemo.
Ed is now almost 2 months since this fiasco of a day that still makes me mad:
Ed’s Cancer Protocol
I hope you like that I have put this together in a figure that shows all the products (on the left), and also a time calendar that represents one day (on the right). This is a combination of the Joe Tippins Protocol, the Gerson Therapy protocol, and alkalinization of the body with 1 teaspoon of baking soda (3) times a day (see Figure). Missing items include the CBD and other protocol drugs from the Joe Tippins protocol, which Ed didn’t want to do.
You can purchase everything on your own. Or to make it easier, you may provide me with your email address and I will send you purchase links for everything including the pumpkin seeds. The Fullscript cart arrives with those items in there, together with purchase links to Amazon and Metagenics. Just message me with your email address.
No questions asked.
This is not medical advice, and by sending me a message, you accept that this is for informational purposes only, so you can learn more about each item.
What Else?
What else does Ed do? No sugar, intermittent fasting, lots of veges. I will do a separate figure on a day’s meal. I am now making the Hippocrates soup, for example, and we eat it 2-3 times a day, per the Gerson Therapy protocol. I grow my own microgarden, so we have fresh broccoli sprouts; I also make my own bread, so there’s no sugar or preservatives, just sourdough starter, yeast, salt, and flour.
Definitely change the way you eat - do it now, with or without cancer;). Spend most of your shopping time in the vege/produce section, and skip the aisles riddled with boxes and bags of junk.
To transition into this line of eating, I will give you some instructions at the bottom.
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
I added steel-cut oats to this, boiled then simmered it, and we ate breakfast after a 14-hour intermittent fast. I can usually go 20 hours without eating, and have done so for decades. Ed’s still working on it;)
For a new diagnosis of cancer, many recommend starting with a 72-hour fast.
Speaking of fasting, many do a detox as they wait for supplements and meds to come in the mail.
Liver Detox
Ed has done the Metagenics’ 10-day detox program, of which there is also a 28-day. It binds toxins and brings them to the liver in Phase I. Phase II helps the liver enzymes modify them, working with your own body. Phase III helps the body eliminate them through the stool, urine, and sweat (expect your stool to possibly turn yellowish, or otherwise have increased stool).
Many people initially don’t like the inconvenience but after the program, willingly graduate to the 28-day program and do it 2-3 times a year. They feel that much better.
Ed stays on the Isoflavanoid Intensive Care formulation and will do the 10- or 28-day detox every few months. It has curcuminoids, Boswellia, and fenugreek and ginger extract. I will let you know the next time he does it.
Purchase link is here.
Lunch: The Hippocrates Soup
We always have a ton of veges in the fridge. Today, I chopped up celery, added the celery base, leeks, tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes to a gigantic pot of soup.
As this cooks, the house smells great;).
Tonight, we will go to a friend’s to play cards. To the above soup, I’ll add a young chicken I baked, and we’ll bring Chicken Hippocrates Soup ;). I added some dried lemon thyme we grew last summer;).
Wish you were here!
Detox Bath
Many people do a detox bath a day, and we both love doing this when possible. Here’s the recipe, and you can double it, or not even measure it… just pour it in and have fun.
Why Borax AKA Boran?
Our grandmothers used it, that’s why;)
BORON is supposed to be the only known nanobot replication inhibitor. I can’t validate this but it has been highly recommended by many, including Dr. Carrie Madej, who recommends you start low on the Borax.

I highly recommend you NOT eat Borax, but have you tried eating or drinking a boron supplement? Here’s one from Fullscript:
Note: Borax is banned in the UK.
A Video on Heavy Metal Detox Baths
Here’s a woman who used it for detoxing from x-ray radiation and pesticides.
Detox Bath Recipe
If you don’t have a bathtub, some say to soak your feet in this solution, because it absorbs through the feet.
1/2 - 2 cups baking soda
1/2 -2 cups Borax
1/2 - 2 cups Epsom Salt - perhaps leave out for radiation detox from CT/x-ray
2 tablespoons bentonite clay - a newer addition to the recipe
{Some recipes call for 1/2 - 2 cups Pink Himalayan Sea Salt (never use white salt) - On Himalayan salt, some contain uranium, other heavy metals and it is typically harvested with dynamite, so it could have explosive residue. I don’t use or recommend it because it’s not on the recipe from our Grandmothers}
Make the water as hot as you can comfortably stand it, then add ingredients. Sink into the tub and stay in it until the water turns lukewarm or cool. As it cools, it brings toxins to the surface. When done, wash the tub thoroughly.
I hope you like it!
A Clorox Bath
The same lady in the video above gives this recipe to neutralize “sprays” and “poisons”, which I think means, “pesticides”. If you get sick again after initially feeling better, take another bath to detox “from the air” again. Interestingly, she tells of “birds falling from the sky”, indicating the government was putting toxins in the sky even then:
1 cup of Clorox
Use the same instructions re: water temperature.
Additional Cancer-Related Articles
Ed’s Story
The Chemo He Got
Ivermectin and Cancer
From the above article:
We are thinking of doing the high-dose Vitamin C infusions, and are researching it some more.
If you hear of anything more that may help anyone with cancer, or would like me to cover something else, please let me know.
You can go overboard with all these protocols, which means spending a lot of money, swallowing a bunch of pills, and worrying about this or that.
The #1 Thing To Do
I think the biggest thing is to remain in prayer and praise of Our Good Lord!!!
Eat as simply and homemade as possible, get outside and oxygenate, take a detox back for the heaven of it, and enjoy life!
Holy God,
Thank You for creating me in Your image, and for loving me by sending me Your Only Son, Jesus Christ! Let me marvel and wonder at all You have done, being continually grateful and amazed at You!
Forgive me my sins, and open Your arms to receive me when it is my time, Holy God.
Let me praise Your Name and tell others of Your goodness from sunrise to sunset!
I SPEAK JESUS INTO MY LIFE! I Speak Life into My Life! Jesus, Love Me and Create in Me A New Person! In Your Name, Amen!
Thank you Dr Aranda, hope your husband will fully recover soon, and yes I agree with you, we are in G_d's hands, each of us! Not sure if you are aware of the apricot kernels, lots of people publishing their good experiences. You can take the seed yourself from the apricot kernel, is a bit hard, as I do not iron, I use the iron to open the successfully 😂.. I do not have cancer but it does stop my skin intermittent problems. There is a quantity that can be taken before becomes a poison. Not sure how will interact with other plants, or treatments 🤔 changing old ways of doing things, brands, checking the level of electrosmog around the house of work and reducing it, including cable the internet, no wifi, no big screens, no Bluetooth, no led lights, grounding, check the water you are drinking, washing powder, toiletries, no toothpaste, go as natural as you can, no electric car, smart off in the car... I am sure you already know all of this, therefore just a checking list... Take care both of you Dr Aranda 💌❤️🤗
I forgot, change your mattress and your bed if there is metal in it..