Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Thank you; I'll have to keep track of all the agents' pictures so everyone knows.

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You're welcome always God bless you and your family

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OH! Thank you and God Bless you and your beautiful family, too 🙌

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen to that I agree

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Our heroes come in all shapes and sizes, who knows, you might be one...

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That's exactly the lesson: know how to exercise your rights! 🙌

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you Margaret. I completely enjoyed Jeremy Kaufman getting rid of the Gestapo!

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The FBI is heavily involved in the targeting program, which attacks me every day for free speech. Many of the attacks are very obviously related to free speech because they immediately follow practice of First Amendment rights--the targeting program does not even try to disguise the relationship between free speech and extrajudicial persecution. Yesterday I was attacked 2 times with DEWs for writing articles on this platform. The first attack started right after I was working on an article, and made me sick such that I had to leave my desk while I was supposed to be available to respond to work messages. The second attack came about an hour and a half later (they let me get through most of my gym session at least), and made me so sick I started dry heaving. I journaled about these targeting events on 9/15 here under DEW attacks: https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/personal-evidence

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Thank you for the share - I appreciate knowing you. And I absolutely believe in targeted individuals (TI).

How did they get away with putting an implant in your neck?

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Thank you sincerely for being informed on this subject. Victims like myself are a warning of what is to come for the entire world if globalist biosurvellience technocracy gets rolled out unopposed. There is so much evidence that it is atrocious to continue and ignore it. Many TIs are outraged but I try and remember how the Bible says anger isn't good, though I often am tempted to it.

I had the same question about that implant on my neck at first too, though it could have been injected while I was sleeping. It's actually the nanotechnology. Dr. Giordano says the nanotech has "microrouters, sensors, transmitters" in it, and I think these are probably the transmitters or maybe microrouters (possible difference between megaphone test and MAC address test?). It grows in your body so using the megaphone test (simple scientific instrument) you will find more area areas of EMF detection and stronger reads as time goes on. It was hard to find at first and gradually it became very easy to find, but the same locations would always cause the megaphone to shriek. So this growth and speading while still consistently detecting in the same areas (neck, underside of both arms, right side of abdomen) really seemed to indicate that it was the nanotech all along.

I really need to get on that EDTA, though it is $17 shipping for me because I left the states. I did Methalyene Blue, with good effects, but hadn't realized that the EDTA does a much better job. The recent Vaxxchoice video with the footage of before/after EDTA looks really promising: https://clouthub.com/v/4dc51ff8-f3ca-4859-86f7-ab2928566b8a

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

He was quite respectful to them. I wouldn’t be near as nice.

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He did rev it up a notch at the end;)

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He did, but again, I have no respect whatsoever for these treasonous bastards, so I’d let them know in no uncertain terms just how I feel about them.

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Totally made my day!!! It's just like I told my friend yesterday about the attempt on Trump's life AGAIN..."So you're telling me there's NO unhinged people completely sick of Obummer Hussain, Brandon Biden, Camel Toe Harris, Hell's Gates or any other crooked pos for what they are doing to America and the economy?! That all unhinged people are libtard, demon-rats?! Bull! So in that you KNOW it's our crooked gov, demon-rats, and 3 letter agencies orchestrating these attempts!!!"

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I'm happy to make your day! Keep fighting! Resist!

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Exactly my reaction!

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I pretty much expect them to come knocking at some point and I’m prepared to handle it. I figure they will pass some type of hate/censor law if K gets in and they will make it retroactive and scan through everything you’ve ever posted on social media, then send you to re-education camps.

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So, where do these right wing extremists come from? The Feds make them.

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I hope someday that isn't the case 😞

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If ANYONE with a badge refuses to ID, conversation over.

It’s bad enough the street cops are dressing like military and far surpassing their legal boundaries, but now the Feds want in on the game?

It’s kinda like the Left WANTS people to ride up. Kinda, huh?

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deletedSep 17Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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Tell me the charges and talk to my lawyer.

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I’m not sure where that was mentioned in my comment.

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The GAY STAPO is up to no good >>>>>>AGAIN

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I had the same thoughts. Look like the same A & F models from J6.

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Police in the UK are performing similar duties! It appears that their new found roles are perusing SM for signs of dissent; Should you speak out against government actions/policies, something troubling you about life in the UK, you could face a prison sentence. Its either a mental health unit or a prison cell!

Re video; the fact that they refused to identify themselves is troubling!

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EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH YHIS SHORT VIDEO! How do deal with the intimidation tactics of the Kamala’s regime regarding posts and our 1A rights!!!

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ACT blue 🤔

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