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... and that's just how insane they are!

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Nov 17
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🙌 AMEN AND AMEN 🙏!!! 💪

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My mom would have spent a good portion of her life in jail if they acted this way when I was young. I walked to elementary school starting at age six and walked half a mile to take a bus and 2 subways to my aunt’s home in Greenwich Village starting at age eight. Many of my 13 siblings did the same!

I realize that things are different today but this incident is a very example of insanity in pursuit of control for these bureaucrats.

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Insanity, indeed! Criminal insanity!

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Yeah, same here.

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This is asinine, but, then, perhaps those doing this are heavily involved in child trafficking and exploitation. Or perhaps this is simply the dying throes of the current administration and their overreaching satanic policies. No matter, gross government meddling in family matters.

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That's a great thought ~ a last-ditch effort!

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Federal Title 6-E pays $250,000 to the county for taking a child and adopting it out. They deliberately target the children of poor families to put federal cash in their own pockets.

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Seems a good argument to delete that option.

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In Jesus Name, Amen!

[Psa 24:1 KJV] The earth [is] the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

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🙏 Amen! 🙏

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WTF Sorry!!But it's too much!I agree with what two other people have written. Oh come on! Before, we went to school alone sometimes at 5/6 years old or to the convenience store to buy candy. It was normal! Today, children are overprotected in addition to the fact that governments interfere in families. Children have become the property of the state in many countries and parents don't even know it except when a case like this happens... A complaint from neighbors who don't meddle in his affairs because he overprotects his child king? People must implement the laws that are passed and that take away the rights of parents.

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CPS/DCS has gotten BOLD! So we need to keep shining the light on this darkness!!! And be BOLDER!

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There are ways to reduce their boldness...I think they’ve forgotten that.

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The best: Exposing them and fighting back!

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In a practical sense, this all occurs due to acceptance and claim to their Birth Records they form and issue to everyone; especially in its current condition. It's a military commercial warehouse receipt per Article 38 of their Leiber Code known as General Orders 100 promulgated and enforced in year 1863 under Lincoln, and Article 7 of their Uniform Commercial Code.

This maniacal and diabolical method of subtly seizing control over us and our birthright from God is further buried in their writings like their Trading With the Enemies Act (TWEA) codified in US Code Title 50 in year 1917, and their Bank Emergency Act of year 1933 codified in US Code Title 12, 50, Federal Regulations and Agency Codes, which amends their TWEA to include US Citizens as US enemies. Nice, huh? This is why we feel like enemies of this so-called government, which word simply means mind control.

The big picture is given within the definition of their term "Jure Divino"; Divine Right. see Bouvier's 1914 Concise legal Encyclopedia. Here you should find how and why Satan's minions are to be obeyed as the true heir instead of God and us.

Weird? You bet. New? Absolutely not. These fallacious and lawless writings I mention above are only recent., but stem from ancient writings from the same ilk of criminals. This has been going on since Cain before the flood, and Ham, Canaan, Cush, Nimrod and their prodigy to this day since the flood.

See the ancient Code of Hammurabi and others. It is written by Solomon that there is nothing new under the sun. The above crime committed, as well as all their "legal" writings and acts/Acts, are proof of this. More importantly, Scripture from God tells us exactly these things will and do occur while we remain ignorant of the law, which is God's words, and continue in rebellion against Him.

We have been deceived as Adam was, into believing that our behavior is acceptable to God, and that it is God's will that we obey the deceivers. This teaching is subtle, and we all bought it. We had no choice since we were children. It is upon each of us individually to learn of this and break this habit.

We are dealing with the same anti-God group from the beginning. They are descendants of the likes of Cain, Canaan, Amalek, Edom... All these things are prophesized by God many times over, and should be realized by all of us when these strange things occur in our or our fellow's lives.

The good news is God tells us how to overcome this off the wall tyranny, but it's not what we are taught by those who say they are of God and qualified to teach us.

Jumping in a pool of water may feel refreshing and cleanse the skin, but not our souls and spirits, nor correct our transgression from the law. True baptism is something else. This is what Jesus came here to show us first-hand, both in parable, plain speak, and act. We are all taught this is a mystery, but it's not. We are lied to. The truth exists, and the actual meanings of words we use are essential to study, know, and understand, both in lawful words of God, as well as "legal" terms invented by Satan and his minions among us.

God tells us in no uncertain terms, we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And, we must study to be approved. That Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness (the law), That the man of God may be absolute, being made perfect unto all good works.

With regard to becoming free from Satan's ensnarement, Paul tells us in 2 Tim 2: Flee also from the lusts of youth, and follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with them that call on the Lord with pure heart, And put away foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they engender strife. But the servant of the Lord must not strive, but must be gentle toward all men, apt to teach, [w]suffering the evil, Instructing them with meekness that are contrary minded, proving if God at any time will give them repentance, that they may acknowledge the truth, And come to amendment out of that snare of the devil, of whom they are taken prisoners, to do his will.

There is a wealth of practical and needed information and instruction from God via Himself, His Prophets, His Apostles, and others He chose to lead His sheep back to His kingdom here and above, and in this day. Don't sell yourself short by ignoring them. which is mankind's primary problem.

Learn how Satan, who is judged, is getting away with treating us as he does. Then we will know how to stop him and his army. But first, stop listening to him, but rather, directly to God without the distraction by false teachers in so-called religions. These are abominations to God, as well as many other things, such as country, science, jurisdiction, Christian, person, world, trinity ... , we are taught are good and right, but are not.

I leave you with the hope given us by Jesus/God via Luke in Chapter 12: Fear not, little flock: for it is your Father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom.

These verses, as well as the whole of Scripture, both within and without Rome's edition of it called Bible or library, drive me to learn, act on, and share the truth I've learned from them, as well as corresponding words in Satan's writings as witnesses, and his acts like unto the story given above for this mom named Brittainy.. My prayer is that they do the same for all of you who seek truth via the Truth, the source of all good.

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Our only hope is Christ. And in the meantime, the real battle is for souls.

As the world gets worse, we must continually keep our faith in God.

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Yes, but we were made living souls or lively stones. We became dead souls, which is reflected in Satan's live birth record.

We are dead in sin. Their live birth record is evidence of death per their definition of their legal term DEATH. Their birth records are legal documents/instruments, not lawful ones.

While we are dead, Satan wins. We live in and by Jesus. We say "in the Name of Jesus", but we have not proved this to Satan. As such, he only sees a man of God in sin and subject to him.

Amend and put God's NAME on their Birth Record you are given to use. Everyone needs to do this, as well as for their children. Now, you are doing all things in the world in God's Name/NAME, giving Him thanks and glory for all you say and do by Him.

Know that as a private female man, you are still called Margaret, but in "person" in the world, you are a son and heir of God in His NAME. This is the Gospel of the Kingdom that the Apostles were charged to teach. This is what Jesus showed us nailed and hanging on the post. He said "it is finished" only after Pilate had written and nailed His legal NAME and TITLE to the post about His head.

Do you see this? I share many verses and further this point in my comment to your later post about the gal whose son was taken away by a heathen judge's unconscionable court order. It is this same status of man that we are to get to order the NAME correction/amendment to their society's Birth Record.

I have just gotten this order after 10 years of going at them. I am now in the process of getting their Birth Record/Certificate amended and copy issued to me to use. Then, all I possess and use of God is to be placed in His NAME, including car title, utilities, home, and anything Satan requires us to register in his legal system.

The Name and Number of the Beast in Revelation 13 is to have Satan's Birth Record in his NAME that sounds and looks similar to our Name.

When you see this, then relook at Jesus's statement to those who claim they do all things in His Name, but don't. This is Matthew 7:22-23.

We are talking about a matter of record both in the law and in the legal system. Records are everything for acknowledgment and recognition in either venue. God's is called the book of life. Satan's legal record is the book of death. We are to be dead in the world in Christ. See Colossians 2. And, if dead in Christ, then alive in Christ whereby Satan lost his jurisdiction over us and anything we possess and use in God's Name. It is no longer Caesars.

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By every hook and crook! They are out to destroy, steal, imprison, and subjugate anyone possible so that their crimes of land grabs will be carried out. I would be alarmed if this was in Chicago or Queens but in rural GA where the kid likely knows everyone, riding a bike a mile or two is great exercise and exactly what children today need to do - play outside, get fresh air, run off the hyperactivity.

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You do great work Dr Aranda. This is what it is going to take for each one of us in our respective fields. BTW I mailed the large size hefty bags to the N C missionary you gave the address too. so I DID FOLLOW THRU! What a disappointment the present FEMA is. Hopefully change coming

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Thank you for that mailing! I know those poor people are freezing up there in Asheville, still in tents!

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They're looking for a good reason (unjustified and wrong, for sure) to move him into the care of their criminal and fake Child Protective Services so they can traffic the boy.

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Trafficking. 💯 %!

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Does this town still have the resources to pay a $500k lawsuit after a devastating hurricane ? 🥴🤦🏼‍♂️

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I hope she can find a good lawyer.

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I think it's about tracking and tracing for Agenda 2030, using pretext of safety to fool parents into getting their kids chipped. Remember those, quite pathetic, I thought, attempted kidknappings you posted? First was on street, directly in front of camera, and the man didn't attempt to get away after. Other also on camera in a shop door way. Which is why they want these to go viral - so putting fear into parents as next time, and there will be a next time, it could be your kid!

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That's a great thought... they always start with fear. 👍

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Dang! In the 70's I was five years old and had to walk a couple blocks to kindergarten and then later I walked two miles ( a mile each way) back and forth to grade school by myself. My Mother would be doing time if up to them.

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Right? Us too! Walked to kindergarten alone! And in such a small town, why now!?

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I used to hike over a mile to a convenience store to buy snacks when I was 12, my 3y/o brother piggyback who I baby sat to help my mom after school way back when.

Prayers for parents in this clown world!

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🙏 Amen! 🙏

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And she probably thought she was helping him become more independent. Remnants of a Regime rule.

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Especially because he's a boy in a small town!

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More proof of the feminization of humanity by Totalitarians.

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Exactly! 🤦‍♀️ SMH

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It's shocking and disgusting... a new LOW.

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EVERYONE please call and harrass the local.law there. Also, dox those asinine pigs that carried out the arrest. Follow all of them with cameras l, make citizens arrest if their children are walking alone. DO NOT LET CPS STEAL THIS LITTLE BOY! Make a lot of noise over this!!!! Please list phone numbers for the law, etc. Post on social media and make their phones ring off the hook!

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Unfortunately, I think they would target individuals ~ probably put us on a domestic terrorist list... WE NEED A LAWYER OR OTHER NONPROFIT WITH CPS EXPERIENCE ~ I am keeping my eyes open.

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I hate to say it, but truth is we're all on a list. I'm sure writing substack articles gets you on there!

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I know. So be it!

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