Bravo to Nick for his heroism and bravo to Nick for his recovery from substance abuse!
I truly believe that God wanted Nick to be there at the right time to save those children. He works through His people even when most of us put it down to coincidences. My friends call them Godincidences and as I look back over my 74 years of life, I wholeheartedly agree!
Bravo to Nick for his heroism and bravo to Nick for his recovery from substance abuse!
I truly believe that God wanted Nick to be there at the right time to save those children. He works through His people even when most of us put it down to coincidences. My friends call them Godincidences and as I look back over my 74 years of life, I wholeheartedly agree!
There are no coincidences. God and His angels are with Nick.
I take these as a wink:) from God, too!
Yes, God uses what was meant for evil, and turns it into GOOD! I am sure that Nick sees that he was made for such a time as this (Esther 4:14)!
Really heart warming to read about people like this, the human spirit is amazing!
Amen! I try to bring you good news on Fridays:)!!
God bless Margaret! I appreciate it
Goodness knows we get enough bad news:)
Awesome. Doubtful a pervert LGBTQ+++ would have done this.
... or anyone on a NYC train...
Humanity at it best!
This guy may be in the wrong career path...
I think he wants to be a policeman, and we'll see if he makes it (bet he will)!
I’m sobbing like a baby watching this. THIS is true Humanity. THIS is God working.
What a beautiful, smart, aware soul Nick is!
I ALSO SOBBED WHEN I SAW THIS VIDEO! Could not WAIT to share it with you!
Amazing, God bless him. 🙏
Amen! Such an inspiration!
Great story
Amen! We NEED humanity!