Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Rinse and repeat.. Just like in Lahaina....

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Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

If you promise to vote Demoncrat and give them money will that help (who exactly)...?

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Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

How many times have We the “Free” People of our Republic been told: “Only get your instructions from us [govt] and only listen to us.”

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🎯 Right?

As if we would listen to them....

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Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

🙏 ❤️ 🙏 ❤️ 🙏 ❤️ Thank you Dr

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author

All my pleasure! And you can please call me 'Margaret' ;)!

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OK, but once in awhile I'd to call you Dr! I was brought up straight!

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Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you for giving us the truth. If you are anywhere near something the gov wants you are in grave danger.

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It's so evil that they think we don't see it!

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Trump is not 'how leaders should be',. He is a PSYOP. FULLY Controlled opposition.

Have ye yet to hear him declaring his intention to 'restore the death penalty' for people who are 'antisemetic'???

And How PRAY TELL, will they decide what connotes 'anti-semitism'..

That's more fascist than Germany, where they have been violently arresting anyone (even 10 year olds) carrying a Palestinian flag, or wearing a 'Free Palestine' T-shirts.

Trump wants to go BEYOND arresting people,.. he came right out and declared to an enthralled (hypnotized) crowd that he will EXECUTE AMERICANS who exercise a 1st Amendment right, to say something the 'political police' object to..

The DEATH PENALTY.. yes, the same Donald Trump that said 'GET The VACCINE! I did and it's great!'.. (as the vaccinated of all ages drop dead around us suddenly. )

Give a good listen to Trump's own confession - and then decide if he is 'how leaders should be'.. https://hillmd.substack.com/p/gentiles-wildly-cheer-as-trump-announces?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=llvt5&triedRedirect=true

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They're all in on it and it's the Hegelian dialectic all over again. Many will vote for Trump because he's the lesser of two evils.

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Then what, pray tell, is your solution to what is going on? I know who our real Savior is and it is definitely not DJT. However, until our Savior returns to cleanse the earth of all the filth that has accumulated, what are your suggestions for surviving in the world in which we find ourselves?

I get so tired of all the naysayers who seem to take pleasure in constantly shouting doom and gloom from the rooftops, but fail to offer any real solutions to the mess we find ourselves in. It really does nothing but paralyze people with hopelessness. Maybe YOU are the controlled opposition and that is your intent!

I listened to DJT’s comments you linked, but the clip lacked context. What crime was he referring to, I’m certain that it wasn’t just that someone had said something mean to a Jewish person? I know at one time he called for the death penalty for anti-Semitic killings, but that is a far cry from the death penalty for 1st Amendment speech and unless you can present evidence that he has proposed executing people for what they SAY, maybe you should not be making these wild accusations.

I honestly don’t know if DJT is “controlled opposition”, just like I don’t know if you’re “controlled opposition”. What I do know is that, as a country, we were far better off with DJT as President. It seems clear to me that the current Administration, along with the MSM and other powerful people hate DJT with a passion and fury I don’t think can be that well faked by everyone involved. For now, I choose to consider the person who appears to be the enemy of my enemy my friend, or at least my ally, and time will tell if that is the case or not, because we really have no other choice.

The last thing I will say is that Trump never mandated the shots. People are responsible for their own actions and choices. The Biden/Harris administration mandated the shots, where they could, making it much more difficult, but still not impossible, to refuse. So please place the blame where it belongs, on the people who willingly stood in line and rolled up their sleeves with some secondary blame going to Governor’s, corporate officials, Biden/Harris, and some University Presidents who mandated it as a condition of employment or attendance.

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The man is an Israeli sock puppet. If it doesn't trouble you that he is promoting the death sentence for people who he deems 'anti semetic', there is little else to discuss.

That both candidates are foul, and part of a huge scam, is obvious to anyone paying attention. To pretend that either is the 'lesser of 2 evils' serves no purpose.

Trump never mandated the shots? He didn't have to. He used his office and influence to promote them vigorously. He has as much blood on his hands as the Pfizer CEO, Fauci and the rest of the satanists.\

You don't like what you term - naysaying.. but do you prefer ignorantly marching to the guillotines?

Blissfully welcoming the devils into office is hardly an alternative. If enough people took a stand, we might have a fighting chance. As for me and my house, we will publish truth no matter who, like you, objects.

Here's your Trump - https://vaccineimpact.com/2024/mother-who-was-trafficked-in-the-jeffrey-epstein-network-as-a-child-sues-baltimore-county-cps-for-medically-kidnapping-her-child/

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"what are your suggestions for surviving in the world in which we find ourselves?"

My suggestions are posted at 'theparalleluniverse.substack.com'.

They always involve knowing truth first. Lies do not a safe bunker make.

The suggestions always include getting born again and baptized in the holy spirit. Then a man or woman can listen to the Lord's leading. No man can give them that.

And for 25 years I have warned against vaccines. People who listened to me, rather than Donald Trump, are still alive.

In 2020 I wrote the Book, THE TYRANNY of MASKS - LAMBS TO THE SLAUGHTER. Free online at: bit.ly/3oJrJX6. Anyone who read the book, knew to NOT wear masks, NOT take the PCR tests, NOT take the vaccines.. and is still alive.

This is the tip of the iceberg for advice that I have been providing since the early 1990s. You are welcome to investigate the posts. I listen every moment to the holy spirit, and never write anything at all except that he has given me multiple witnesses to its truth.

THAT is the way every Christian can live even now, and stay safe.

PS I'm 68 this month, and haven't been in a doctor's care, or taken a med, or had a surgery since the 1970s. I also stopped watching TV 50 years ago. That's how to live in this world.. listening to the holy spirit.

I hope this answered your question about surviving. I'll be writing more on that point soon. At: theparalleluniverse.substack.com

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Thank you, for this information.

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Show me the evidence “that he is promoting the death sentence for people who he deems 'anti semetic'”. The only thing I’m aware of that he has said is that he may be in favor of the death penalty for people who MURDER someone because they are Jewish, which is, I hope you’ll agree, QUITE different than being in favor of the death penalty for speaking badly about Semites. As for you and your house publishing truth, unless you can produce evidence that he actually said he is in favor of the death sentence for anti-semitic speech, I call what you are “publishing” potentially inflammatory lies.

He may have used his office to promote the shots, but individuals ultimately made their own choices to get them. Suggesting anything else is letting them off the hook for their own bad choices and actions. To borrow some of your words, “anyone paying attention” should have known immediately that the “safe and effective” claim was utter nonsense. I speak as someone who lives with the fact that those closest to me were MINDLESS enough to get the shot because their peers were doing it. Do I blame Trump? No, I blame them for not using the brain God gave them and, instead, willingly rolling up their sleeve and accepting that poison into their body.

“Blissfully welcoming the devils into office is hardly an alternative. If enough people took a stand, we might have a fighting chance.”

Then what is the alternative? “Take a stand”, what does that even mean? Just empty words. Again, all people like you do is complain about both sides, but offer no actionable alternative courses of action other than “withhold your consent and Don’t vote”, I’m sure that possibility has “them” quaking in their boots.

If what you say is true, we’re screwed because, as Biden said, “you need an F-16” to present a challenge to the US government. Do you have a few dozen of those in your back pocket? How about any M1 Abram’s tanks? Surface to air missiles? No? I didn’t think so.

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"Show me the evidence “that he is promoting the death sentence for people who he deems 'anti semetic'”." From the horse's mouth:


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This is the same video you linked earlier, but as I said in a previous response, it lacks context. He is talking about a crime for which he is supportive of the death penalty. Conveniently, however, the portion of the video that is shown in your link does not specify the specific crime he was talking about. This video IS NOT supportive of your claims that he is in favor of the death penalty for anti-semites speech and is certainly not evidence.

I did some easy additional research (maybe 5 minutes worth) and it wasn’t hard to find out what he was actually talking about. This is an MSNBC report using some of the same video as the one you linked. He is calling for the death penalty for the person who murdered 11 people at a synagogue, something many people would consider to be worthy of the death penalty. It would be nice if people attempted to get their facts straight and exercised some due diligence before casting such serious aspersions against someone. But then that’s not the goal is it? It’s taking things out of context to paint a picture that supports your own narrative. Shame on you for saying he wants to execute people for anti-semitic speech, a blatant and reckless lie!


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"He may have used his office to promote the shots,...."


He DID use his office to promote the shots, and even though 'individuals ultimately made their own choices to get them' there is no way to tell how many people would be alive today, had they not trusted Donald Trump.. Here's a selection of lives snuffed out before their time,.. https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/22-nurses-50-infants-died-suddenly-september-16-23-2024

My mission is to help as many as possible, who have survived this far, to not make the mistake that the dead made. Trump is not to be trusted.

And for that matter, you answered my commentary on Trump. If you prefer to not know how insidious he is, you are welcome to your blissful naivete. The information I post will be there for you and anyone else who prefers to know the truth.

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Can’t understand why there hasn’t been uprisings.


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Oct 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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HAM RADIO is basically the only real communication system that was used after Katrina and now with the devastation on the E coast. I AM ADVISING THAT PEOPLE IN ALL COMMUNITIES BECOME LICENSED IN HAM RADIO!

I have been licensed for 15 or so years. You can go online and take practice tests until you are ready to take the licensing tests. Classes in nearby communities are available for those who want an instructor that is licensed above the Technician class License and can advance you to other license levels. Learn how to participate in an emergency net for situations like exist in the 6 states affected by the hurricane.

HAM radios are cheap really cheap so there is no excuse for not having one. An instructor can help you learn to program them for the HAM link ups in your area. BE PREPARED TO RESPOND TO ANY EMERGENCY IN YOUR HOME STATE WITH A COMMUNICATION DEVICE THAT IS PORTABLE HANDHELD AND CAN GET YOU HELP WHEREVER YOU LIVE. THERE WILL BE OTHER DISASTERS..MAN MADE OR OTHER IN OUR FUTURES!! "73" .. signing off!

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Since many hams know Morse code and use it to deliver written messages long distances over crowded HF radio bands, this offers a peacetime means of sharing information with friends abroad. Those contacts become useful in a crisis because they allow parallel communication lines to stay open, that are not controlled by politicians and crooks.

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This is useful in cases of plain honest error. Some years ago a major hurricane blew through the Antilles and was forecast to track north, weaken, and make landfall as a tropical storm in the Carolinas later that week. A ham who had a few weather instruments measured 120-knot wind gusts just before the storm tore down his backyard antenna. Realizing his weather report would alert forecasters that the storm was curling south over warmer water and strengthening, he grabbed one of his old books on antennas and used a hand saw, some wood scraps, and a length of hookup wire to make a "J-Pole Antenna". The J-Pole has very narrow bandwidth, but he knew the frequency his relay team were using, so he cut the antenna to size, waited for the eye of the hurricane to pass overhead, and tossed the J-Pole out his door onto the lawn. Since the HF bands undergo reflection off the ionosphere, HF allows for long distance communication that bounces between the ocean and the ionosphere. He pointed his J-Pole at Miami, started up his radio, and got

the report off to the US National Hurricane Center in Miami, and got back an acknowledgement. His wind and temperature reports helped the Center to calibrate their infrared thermal mapping system, which converts infrared images into a 3D map of actual temperatures inside the hurricane but develops errors and must be calibrated against actual measurements made with thermometers. NHC put out an updated warning of the storm's track and intensity crossing the other Caribbean islands, and of course, Air Force Hurricane hunters flew over and into the storm taking more measurements.

For any ham, it's quite an honor to move a message as important as that one. Getting vital data from the scene is an important capability when other communications infrastructure is damaged

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Thank you for this story. There were many after Katrina and some with Helene. It's a great psychological uplift to just hear someone's voice in a crisis. First responders can triangulate your location or use a yagi antenna to locate you.

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Had to share this onehttps://www.facebook.com/share/r/c8yXkEWiwpnv8APa/?mibextid=8O0DfK

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I was looking for the one with the slashed tires but couldn’t find it but the above one is great testimony

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