It seems a Chinese/Russian-led coalition is the chosen center of the emerging new world order as envisioned and strategically coordinated by the globalist cabal, having dispensed with the US & Great Britain in the colonizer/policeman of the world capacities....and wanting to move along to adopt the totalitarian style of constant surveillance and autocracy in place of the once Constitutional Republic (the last in a long line of compromised Republics that have been highjacked, used and spent, then moved aside), Monarchy, and varying shades of mob rule, aka "democracy".

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China + Russia = the new couple.

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The only problem with that is that they hate each other. It is an engagement of convenience at best. China needs oil and gas, and Russia needs money and bodies.

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Perhaps they just want us to think that they hate one another.

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There’s a primer for some deep thinking.

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This speaks volumes about the ways this government cares about the USA. Of course Obama Hussein hates everything about whitey and the most importantly poor black people.

If they cared at all about the integrity and independence of the USA they would have shot this balloon down in an instant. It’s not like they don’t have the drone power to do it!

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I can only hope that the same guys that hacked into it two years ago were able to do it again.

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We are at War within our own once Republic. Right now, Congress presented the people with a 1500 page plus Christmas Tree budget request ? What the hell do these people think ? They can continue to LIE to us and we will keep going along ? F- that !

This bill should have never made it to the floor ! But it sure exposed more traitors.


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Kill the Bill!

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12/15/2024 https://www.airandspaceforces.com/space-force-training-boss-exercises-infrastructure/

Space Forces Aims for Bigger Exercises, More Realistic Training

ORLANDO, Fla.—Guardians launched the the biggest exercise in Space Force history last week in Colorado even as Space Force leaders gathered here for the second annual Spacepower Conference.

Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna, said he was “blown away” by the start of Space Flag 25-1: “56 squadrons, 11 Deltas, 85 operational planners, 31 tactical planners, 111 ops crew members, 373 participants, all focused on the domain and the fight and integration and lessons learned,” Bentivegna said. “That’s exactly the environment our Guardians deserve.”


DoD Announces Strategy for Countering Unmanned Systems

On December 2 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III signed a classified Strategy for Countering Unmanned Systems. The strategy unifies the Department's approach to countering these systems

https://www.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3999169/ussf-celebrates-its-fifth-anniversary-sets-sights-on-future-as-spacepower-confe/ The multi-day challenge based on the “Space Coast” at Cape Canaveral Space Station, Florida, crowned a team of Guardians from Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, cementing them as the best of the best for 2024.

https://headtopics.com/us/robin-radar-systems-drone-detection-system-to-be-used-by-63576797 Robin Radar Systems Drone Detection System To Be Used by Schumer

12/10/2024 https://www.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3992437/space-force-generative-ai-challenge-empowers-guardians-through-education-collab/

USAFE’s generative AI solution would leverage BABEL, a free and open-source JavaScript transcompiler, to facilitate high-quality, secure, and multilingual translations for rapid communication with NATO allies.

https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/uncovering-the-mystery-is-an-ai-chatbot-truly-a-fallen-angel-1203607 This is interesting, but do we know yet if it is true?

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My father worked on the space systems, starting with Texas Instruments and ending with Rocketdyne, especially the Space Shuttle and then the International Space Station. We grew up with the first downsized computers in our den, the reel-to-reel ones with the TI printer paper. At his retirement, he was in charge of the Space Station's power.

Plenty of geniuses.

The amount of money put into the space programs is phenomenal, and it makes you wonder if there's some laundering going on.

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So can some nefarious agent place a EMP type device on these transport modes? Are they testing...kind of like an army does does does when they "probe the wire"

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Absolutely it's possible that it carried a payload or analytical device of some kind.

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Just look at the interviewee's hand signals. The Pyramid. Link to the Pharonic criminal Swisseys elite.

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Yes, 🙌 indeed. Good catch, I missed that. Not that I 100% believed him...

So it looks like our government was spying on us. I will add an addendum. Good eye, thank you!

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However, all the governments are One united criminal cabal.

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Yes they are, unless they opt out and disappear...

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