deletedJun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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The best thing to do is to perform one's own experiment by having people stand close to the ham radio, and make it double-blind so that the person with the radio doesn't know whether the person is jabbed or not. Maybe people with dental implants give bigger signals, too.

I agree that the cars can give a signal and that needs to be factored out. But it doesn't mean that people wouldn't also emit signals. And we also need to defer to him that for the years he has been doing this prior to the jab, there were no signals. And are they increasing with time (cloud seeding, food and water contamination)? These are all good questions.

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

These days most people have a Bluetooth cellphone and a Bluetooth car stereo. Each communicates constantly with the other. So driving by, a radio receiver monitoring the water absorption frequency near 1 gigahertz would get noise from these short-range radio links.

Bluetooth is named for King Harald Bluetooth, who brought the first Bible to Denmark. He is noted for teaching literacy there, which advanced every form of learning.

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Why Bluetooth and WiFi use the water absorption frequency, is that humidity of the air blocks the signals from traveling more than a few meters.

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I didn't know.

I suppose that a garage opener or gate key remote is also on the same frequency because you can put it to your forehead and the water in your body will magnify the signal and you can open it from further away!

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Actually the water in your body is extinguishing the signal by turning it into heat. What's likely happening is that your skin is acting as a reflector. Instead of radiating away in all directions, more of the signal is radiating where you are looking.

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So interesting!!! Thanks!

It still bothers me that the Apple branding is one bite out of an apple, so this is a much better history!

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Rumor is that the inventor of computers, Alan Turing, was arrested by British authorities for his homosexuality, put cyanide in an apple, and suicided by biting the apple to avoid trial...and the logo and company name were chosen to memorialize Alan Turing

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I always wondered. What a terrifying story. So much outside the imagination.

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I live on top of one of the few hills in Lincoln, NE

Great broadcast possibilities?

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I should think!

During my first summer off in med school at ORU, I went to stay at my aunt's in Lincoln. I drove an ice cream truck and gave samples of Breyer's ice cream in a grocery store.

Great garage sales! SAC Headquarters nearby;)!

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Hmmm...I just got my license last year. This is interesting.

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It is compelling at the very least.

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I think the same way;)

Makes one think... 🤔

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Thank you! I thought at first, "No! This is fake!" And then I looked further, and saw that he could be right!

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Well we've already seen under microscopes that people are growing computer chips in their bodies. And we ALSO have clear evidence that vaxxed (and even some unvaxxed who got dental injections) are producing bluetooth signals (both ways, send and receive) each person having their own unique IP address. AND we can easily look the patents up for this particular technology.

So yeah, not such a stretch that a Ham radio could pick up the signals and translate it to sound.

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Perfect reasoning!

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Yeah, not exactly a pleasant thing to accept is actually happening to the majority of humans. So most of our time, we look to the good things around us, do our very best to stay in a good frequency, and try (where and when we can) to make things better.

We can no longer afford the luxury of indulging in the frequency of fear, hatred, blaming, resentment, hostility, etc.. The frequency of fear is their FOOD. So maybe we all need to work on starving them of their primary sustenance;-) We can look at the logical data and conclusions in PEACE, maintaining our own internal balance, knowing that we are souls FIRST, (bodies were temporary anyway) and that "they" cannot ultimately prevail. Seems this "ascension" which Jesus specifically pointed to, was about the frequency we maintain. Makes perfect sense!

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Thanks for your thoughts. Very sound

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That video was quite a find. As I am someone who can't distinguish, how do we know that what he is hearing are bluetooth signals from the vaxxed? Could they be from bluetooth devices they have in their vehicles? Not that I am questioning the early things I have seen showing vaxxed emitting bluetooth signals. I would be nice to see a comparison of the signals he picks up from devices and compare it to what he is showing us in this video.

This guy mentions Homo Borg Genesis, a term I heard Todd Callender use, to refer to the legal designation the vaxxed have (or will have) as a result of their becoming transhuman, and how they then will become property of those who own the patents on the technology that modified them.

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Very deep. I definitely think he is on to something big, as was my hunch.

Thank you for listening and absorbing what he said, as well as for coming back here to comment. I so much appreciate it.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Very, very interestink! Maybe it's that combination of Luciferase and Graphine Oxide? With a bit of 5G emf cherry on top!

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I am sure we will hear more;) 🙌

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

There is so much talk of the micro tech being put into the vaccines, but there’s talk of it being put in everything. The goal here is to get us as far from god as possible, so changing our design fits the bill. If you’ve ever listened to anything by Jessie czebator, she talks a lot about they want us in a constant state of curse. If you have not listened to any of the SRA victims that are coming out I would highly recommend it, another really good one is Nathan Reynolds.

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They are bound to be giving us contaminants by water, air, and food. But as you say, they really want to fill up with souls in hell. 😔

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is like people reporting electronic signals from deceased (vaxxed bodies) from the grave yards. Or the person in France in a Hotel lobby picking up signals from people (the code like on your laptop link)

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Yes, there are supposed to be a url. I have got to find out, thank you!

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You’re welcome that url or ip ….

Early on in the vaxx game I thought omg people are literally emitting their own code. Which is for surveillance internal purposes frightening to imagine. And what that means for 5g

Or anyone strange soldier for the deep state monitoring every move.

Me thinks this is a killing vaxx that which took the vaxx now are easily

Monitored or worse manipulated.

Thinking out loud Doc.

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I saw additional videos on his channel; perhaps he used to be on YouTube.

That's exactly their goal: the internet of things, transhumanism, robots. DNA manipulation, and reinvention of humanoids, ultimately resulting in a separation from God... and we know that He will draw the line.

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Since we are the elect in Gods Grace whatever happens we are cared for. Don’t you think that line has been crossed, now? If some 5-6 billion people now vaxxed. And I suspect or rather know it is a war of separating souls from God. Hoping praying that God

Draws that line … here now

But in reading revelations seems that things can and will get even more intense.

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Yes, things will get worse. We'll be rounded up in detention centers and eventually beheaded. I will be first in line!

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Jun 23Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Well I hope it does not come to that. I’ve heard that exact same line from another … I would not want you to lose your pretty head over these demons who so arrogantly

Treat us as new North American Natives. Until such time I will be fighting the good fight praying and quite frankly would like to behead these

Demons … 🙏🦬

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes you’re welcome.

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🤗 ❤️

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

So let’s assume this is accurate, let’s think about his attitude. Plenty of people are sorry they got vaxed. Let’s also assume that the endgame of the ones who have done the vaccine operations is to decrease the population. This is just another way to set the unwaxed against the Vaxxed. The ultimate goal of the scorpions/monsters whatever you wanna call them, is ust set everyone against everyone else. Except for them. they want to stay safe.

I hope that people who have ham operator licenses will verify this. I think it’s quite possibly accurate.

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Sorry about the errors above and spelling, etc. I normally correct them, but I’m on my iPad and it doesn’t allow me to do that when I’m in Substack

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You are right about the hatred and pitting people against one another. Remember that the Book of Revelations tells us that neighbor will not trust neighbor. These things will come to pass but we must not be a part of it.

I am talking to some people who might know, or can find out if this is true. And I am tempted to take a 24-hour course and then sit for the license myself. Then do my own experiments!

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Not only the Book of Revelation, but Micah 7:5-6 and a re-phrasing (by Jesus) in Matthew 10: 35-36

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

My neighbors have one he says is really fun and good to have he can communicate with lots of people

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I'm just learning the possibilities, as I didn't realize there are three different kinds of ascending licenses: technical, general, and extra! Courses are $25 or less and it seems like a good survival tool.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


~5 : 01 - "...but I know one thing: I'm gonna find out."

Wow! It seems that this man's determined to find out if he can do what he says.

Margaret, you weren't kidding when you said, "he isn't at all nice to those who have been vaxxed."

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Yes. He is a very smart man. I don't understand his disgust of the vaxxed but he must have his own reasons.

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

A quick comment on why he has such a disgusting view of the vaxxed. There was such hatred towards those of us who didn’t take it. I remember people being turned down for surgery, not allowed in restaurants, stores and concerts. Howard Stern saying if you’re not vaccinated and get sick you don’t deserve to go to a hospital. Add in politicians breaking the rules, stores being closed , but certain ones allowed to be open. I truly see where people are upset. But JESUS said “ if you hate your neighbor you’ve already committed murder in your heart.

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Yes, I tend to block out all the Howard Stern's because they were using them to pit us against one another ~ WHILE NOT TAKING THE JAB!

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And my wife pointed out, people list their jobs, and pensions.

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Yes, lots of people suffered... including me. The Medical Board of California even came to my house demanding that I produce three charts of patients who did not give their consent.

No way I was ever going to violate their trust in me.

So I packaged up my license and mailed it back to them.

And I trusted God to make all things work together for good!

I am nowhere near what I had then, but it's okay. I have learned to be happy with the simplest things in life 🙌

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

May God continue to bless you.

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Experiences of shedding from them might be involved. I don't hold them in disgust, but I keep my distance, as I have had a number of peculiar and long-lasting symptoms after having been in presence of known vaxxed.

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That was disturbing. If what he says is true, that is very creepy. I was reading the comments and it says that his channel was no longer available, hmm. It makes one wonder though, do we give off some sort of inaudible signal so God can connect to us? Maybe this noise can somehow block or distort that at a supernatural level.

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