It's Not A Theory: The Sound of the Vax'd
Ham radio picks up frequencies from the vaxxed?
Before we start talking, we need to know what a HAM radio is.
What is a HAM Radio?
According to the National Association for Amateur Radio and produced by the Radio Society of Great Britain (found HERE), this video is a good explanation of what a ham radio is. You can also download their PowerPoint Presentation:
Here is my abridged summary of their presentation:
You can use a ham radio to communicate without relying on the internet or a cell phone network. And it's 100% portable!
There are over 740,000 ham radio practitioners in the USA, and an estimated 1.75 million worldwide. It requires a federal license gained after passing an exam. Amateur Radio operaters everywhere - in your neighborhood, workplace, and schools.
You can go anywhere with a ham radio, so take it mountain climbing, camping, or paddling a river. Because it also goes to outer space, ham radio operators can talk to International Space Station astronauts, talk to distant operators through orbiting satellites, and bounce their signals off the moon. And back.
Public Service. The Amateur Radio Service is valued in neighborhoods and cities across the USA. During disasters, when other communications channels typically fail, a ham radio works together with public service agencies like FEMA, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army. Amateurs can also volunteer to provide their neighborhood with information on such events as county fairs, shows, parades, and road races.
Get Licensed. Everyone has to pass a test to get a Federal Communications Commission license showing they have basic knowledge of electricity, radio technology, and their operating rules.
The knowledge base is quite practical, with everyday applications that instructors use to teach science, wiring, tech, technology, engineering, and math.
Lots of people got into ham radio as a hobby during childhood, following their radio interests to careers as astronauts, engineers, pilots, and in aerospace.
Communication. Ham frequencies begin below the AM broadcast band, and then extend into very high microwave frequencies. These frequencies are used to communicate with one other by using such items as microphones, Morse code, interfacing a radio with a computer or tablet. Some ham radio operators compete in amateur contests, competing to participate in “the most” radio contacts within a certain timeframe.
For over 100 years, Amateur Radio has been around. Its technology continually evolves and advances. Operators constantly find new ways to explore Amateur Radio, whether by experimenting with digital
applications or through things like drones, coding, or mobile apps.
Get on the Air!
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual is the best guide to get started in ham radio –You select your equipment, then set up
your first station before making your first contact.
Easy-to-understand, small sections. Just pass the 35-question Technician Class license test.
This includes the latest question and answer pool through June 30, 2022. Convenient Spiral Bound Edition lies flat. Use with ARRL’s online Exam Review for Ham Radio.
To learn more about the endless possibilities of Amateur Radio, where the technology is headed, and how you can get involved, visit ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® at
Now that you know a bit about it, this is an odd finding that may or may not be true.
“So, I live right here next to this busy intersection. I live right next to this busy intersection right here.
“I’ve already decoded, or I’ve already picked up on the Blue Tooth signals. And I’m playing the noise for you on this video, the noise that y’all are making.”
Apparently, this man has a HAM radio and he found the tone he says is emitted by people who have been vaxxed, as they drive by in cars.
You can hear it from about the 2 minute mark through a bit past 10 minutes, when the video ends. See HERE. A forewarning: he isn't at all nice to those who have been vaxxed, blaming them for their own harm. I don't like that attitude or word choices, because we all make mistakes. Nonetheless, I think there is potential merit in what he concludes about these frequencies.
Especially if you're a ham radio operator, let's see what you think. I already have word through a ham operator who used to be in the military, that this can be the truth.
Well we've already seen under microscopes that people are growing computer chips in their bodies. And we ALSO have clear evidence that vaxxed (and even some unvaxxed who got dental injections) are producing bluetooth signals (both ways, send and receive) each person having their own unique IP address. AND we can easily look the patents up for this particular technology.
So yeah, not such a stretch that a Ham radio could pick up the signals and translate it to sound.
That video was quite a find. As I am someone who can't distinguish, how do we know that what he is hearing are bluetooth signals from the vaxxed? Could they be from bluetooth devices they have in their vehicles? Not that I am questioning the early things I have seen showing vaxxed emitting bluetooth signals. I would be nice to see a comparison of the signals he picks up from devices and compare it to what he is showing us in this video.
This guy mentions Homo Borg Genesis, a term I heard Todd Callender use, to refer to the legal designation the vaxxed have (or will have) as a result of their becoming transhuman, and how they then will become property of those who own the patents on the technology that modified them.