They definitely Broke their Hippocratic Oath as a Doctor

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We are living in the End of Times. 🙏🏽

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Thank you for letting us know about Ed. This info about babies is beyond evil. Heinous crimes against God and humanity. We all must pray.🙏

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I’m not buying this. “One state passed a law”? Why not reveal the state?

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So babies can be at increased risk there? I'm not advertising for the evil b@stardz that's for sure!

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Glad to hear about your husband. My Dad had bladder cancer. When you were speaking about your husband, his surgery, etc., it didn't even dawn on me how that experience must have been for you, considering what you have been through in your career. Continued prayers.

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Are prison inmates permitted to use ivermectin and fenbendazole? Or are they allowed only approved "Rockefeller"/Sloan Kettering "treatments" if they are diagnosed with cancer?

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I'm glad your husband is cancer-free.

WRT this topic, there are a number of things that go through my mind:

1. I don't have a lot of time to read Stacks, but when I saw the title of this one, I had to stop and read. While I had heard of post-birth "abortion" before, I didn't look too deeply into it. I heard that it was something some people were trying to pass, but I wasn't sure where it went.

But now, it seems that it's real.

2. There are some people who seemingly don't know the difference between good and evil.

3. I'd like to watch a debate and see what kind of arguments a pro-post-birth "abortion" advocate would try to put forth. They're going to have to first try to redefine some commonly understood and well-defined words.

I mean...what kind of argument could they come up with?

"My body my choice?" (Well...I heard that even in the womb, a baby's DNA is different from the mother's, so if that's true, it can be said to be a separate entity.)

Are other pro-choice advocates going to feel pressured to support this?

4. One word they'll probably try to redefine is abortion. Another might be life.

They might try to use some potentially ironic term like "perinatal abortion." Pro-choice folk who don't know potential irony of that term might think it's a good idea...until they realize that perinatal is "the period of time when you become pregnant and up to a year after giving birth."

(I can see them trying to stretch it out from 28 days to 1 year.)

5. I suppose that, maybe if the baby survives the abortion, the pro-choicers could argue that, because the baby will suffer (due to the abortion procedure), it's "merciful" to end its life.

By the way, it may seem like I'm pro-life, which, in principle, I am, but I do realize the reality that women (and their partners...or non-partners or whoever else) do have a choice. I do know that there are some situations where the woman's health or life may be at risk, so I who am I to give a one-size-fits-all answer?

I just hope that the choice is made wisely, and that abortion isn't treated as some sort of retroactive birth control.

(So, in a way, I'm both pro-life and pro-choice: pro-life in principle, and pro-choice in the practical sense...such as if the mother's life is at risk.)

But regardless, I'm critical of this post-birth/perinatal "abortion" nonsense...which isn't an abortion at all.

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It truly doesn’t get worse than this. 💔😭

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Great news about your husband, praise God!

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4th trimester abortions. Terrible!!

If Tiller was 67 years of age, That would make his removal a 204th trimester abortion.

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Sounds satanic

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