Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thanks for writing this! Hot Wheels is an enemy of the people, I know first hand as a 40 year old Texan. I have a few stories exposing his lies and how he allowed my rights to be violated in Texas.

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Wow, Mark! Thank you for contributing to this article, because I was surprised to see this video.

I am glad you confirm that he's not what most people think he is.

Thank you, and I am sorry for what you have been through... but remember that God is using ALL OF IT to prepare you for a time such as this. 🥰 ❤️ 🙌 Thank you for being here with us.

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Documenting my truth is creating the best version of me! I got distracted over the last 8 months trying to grow my platform on social media when I should’ve been writing and let the growth come to me. I don’t regret it, I learned a lot, I’m new at this, and now I’m entering another new chapter of speaking truth during dark times.

Thank you for your continued support and for speaking your truth in times when it’s not easy!

You have more courage than most of the men I know.

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Everything you learned on social media will still be helpful, and will help create a foundation. No worries!

Are you on Twitter/X! I'm @TheRebelPatient ~ anyone can tag me over there and I am happy to Quote-Tweet your post and drive up your traffic;) 🙌

I only have courage because everything that the world holds dear was taken away from me during my time spent being disabled and bedridden for twelve years ~ and I had to learn and KNOW that no one can take away the only thing that matters: Our God.

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Now that is a prayer I can get behind, Hallelujah and Amen!

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🙌 🙌 🙌!!! Amen! 🙏

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I would also like the end of predatory elected and non-elected officials. I would also like see like to see the end to ngo agendas.

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I know we can keep praying for our country and everyone running it... we are keeping our eyes open:)

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I continue to pray.

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And I so much appreciate your being here to pray with us! 🙌

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So very many (unfortunately, I believe the majority) of all US politicians are EITHER totally under the control of the WEF globalist agenda (as Gov Abbott clearly is) OR are choosing to keep their heads down & go along to get along.

They fail to realize that their choices have ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES.

Choosing evil/living from the flesh/refusing the Holy Spirit LEADS TO DEATH/LOSS OF YOUR SOUL (mind/emotions/will)/ETERNAL TORMENT vs choosing good/living from the Spirit/accepting the calling of God/Holy Spirit/Jesus’ sacrifice GIVES ETERNAL LIFE, a life of peace/power/love & a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and a sound mind

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Globalism is profoundly evil. A one world govt is almost total triumph of satan and his commies serving him

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And it is predicted. It will happen. God bless us and keep us strong!

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Yes! Amen! 🙏 And thank you for also sharing this with your Substack. I am humbled 🤗

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We are a strand of 3 cords that is not easily broken (God + any 2 people!).

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

With Him the battle is ALREADY WON! 🙌

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YES!! The Battle has been WON! Now the enemy is frantic!

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Off with the Traitors Heads!!!😤 🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱

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They will answer to God!

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The Sharp Sword of God the Creator! 🙏🙏🙏🤍

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His revenge is far greater than anything we can imagine!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Definitely never listen to the fda

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Do the opposite!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Hot Wheels screws up again...shocker. Let me put my surprise face on... 🥴🙄

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😂 That's a good one! I didn't know they call him Hot Wheels and I shudder to ask why?

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

LOL Because he's in a wheelchair. Mean I know, but once he lied to us about not masking Texas then did I haven't a 100% trusted him. As always we 'hope' they just sometimes mess up, but usually they are just politicians being politicians. 🥴 Allen West SHOULD have been our governor. From comments I'd read he got alot more votes than appeared. However, I have no doubt the elderly actually voted him back in. Lamestream media makes it appear he's doing a bang up job. 🙄 When we showed up to vote not one Allen West sign! I emailed the campaign manager when we got home and she replied they'd put some up then hear someone was taking them down! 🤯

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Got ot, thank you! Appreciate your perspective and that must be a hard one on Allen West.

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You always allow God to direct words. I should be better at that also!

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Oh, thank you! I try to keep God before me!

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Looks good. I can't read right now.

I know many "conservatives" love Israel far more than there constituents.

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen to standing strong in our faith in Jesus Christ, the only hope of this fallen world. As Apostle John wrote, even to his generation and ours- "but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is not from God. This is the antichrist."

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Yes! Amen! Thank you for sharpening my sword 🗡️!

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This video is pretty old but I remember watching it ), while he teied to squirm some weasely response, thinking, "wow, doesn't he look like the cat that ate the canary." Texans need to wake up and get rid of him. We actually need to get rid of ALL current politicians. Anyone with a R, or a D, I, whatever letter they go by. From small town boards, city council members. mayors, all the way feom bottom to top.

This is how they all need to be treated.


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There will come a day when they will know that our eyes are opened.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I think they know, or are close. I think that's why the tyrannical and deviant behaviors are ramping up. satans days are numbered! Thank God we're another day close the the Lord's return! satan and all of these malfeasants will be bending their knee begging for forgiveness, before He tells them He never knew them!

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Amen! And that's what I keep saying, that as they get bolder, WE MUST SPEAK OUT AND BE COUNTED AS THE LIGHT;) 🙌

You are right, things will keep ramping up until there is one world government and they round us up for not bowing down to the anti-Christ. May I be the first to lose my head in their guillotine! May I remain STRONG!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'll be right in front of you sister!

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AwE? 🫢 Now THAT is sOoOO sweet!

Amen! Thank you!!! 🙏 We are in this TOGETHER FOREVER, AMEN 🙌!

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That is why things are going crazy right now: they are desperate. They know their days are numbered so they have to grab as many souls to take back to hell as they can. I have a shortlist of ones I'd like to see be the first to go! Sadly it's not a short list!

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And we will keep preaching that REPENTANCE IS NEEDED! And how AwesOme that GOD ALWAYS GRANTS FORGIVENESS, and we will only remain IN HIS PRESENCE FOR ALL ETERNITY through accepting His Son Jesus as our Personal Lord and Savior! Amen!

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes, lying on a slab

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Standing FIRM on the solid rock of our foundation, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! 🙌

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Good luck with that

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I am unmovable. Spent 12 years in bed disabled with a traumatic brain injury and dysautonomia/POTS. Unable to walk or talk.


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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you! Paxton looks like a good soul!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That’s very very disappointing. I’m a Texan. Sen Cornyn is another one—grifting RINO.

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It's so disappointing... but we keep our eyes on the things above!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

But again I come back to repentance. There are plenty of people to point fingers at, but how did they get in power? If it’s true that we get the government we deserve (and I believe it is, because the Bible tells us it is) then why do we deserve this government?

Are we sure we would choose Jesus if we sat in the seats of power? I’m not excusing them! No! But I am asking—are our hearts and minds where they need to be if we claim Christ? How many of us decry the corruption and overcharge our neighbor? How many of us shout that the law is for everyone! Then cut corners on everything from time sheets to employee wages to speed limits?

Repent first! Then go to the Heavenly Father in humility, and ask that we may be found courageous and compassionate in the days to come.

I write this knowing all my flaws and sins! But I know that God has been calling us to repentance because we are so far gone that often we don’t even recognize sin when we see it. God bless us all, and Lord Jesus, help us to be less like ourselves and more like YOU!

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Amen, repentance is always first! And then we must love your neighbor as ourselves ~ ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I hope I do not sound like I’m better than anyone else or I’m lecturing anyone. God fobid it! It’s just God had been speaking this to my heart, that we need individual and community repentance and to stop blaming “them”.

They are we.

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I get what you're saying, but I think that they are the darkness and we are the light. They serve Satan and we serve God.

And we are instructed to shipmne the light on the darkness, which means that we cannot be shy. We must be bold and call them out for what they are ~ leaving room for God's forgiveness through their repentance.

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oh! I never meant to say that we shouldn’t boldly declare the truth. The Truth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And yes! Definitely, it’s 100 percent a war, winner takes all. I’m just saying we need to turn from any of our own “secret sins” we might be hanging on to.

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Absolutely we can't throw stones if we also have sin. Agree!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

If we don’t declare the Gospel now, when will we?

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This is our time to bring as many as we can to Christ and eternity in the presence of God. Absolutely!

The spiritual warfare is on high alert - because they want to gain sacrificial blood for Satan! We will stand strong and keep asking people to repent and get right with God! 🙌

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

AMÉN!! Thank you for praying this prayer and for being a loyal and gracious servant of the Lord Jesus. May the Texas Governor Abbott And all others hear and obey God’s commands and not those who serve evil. 🙏🏻

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Yes, Anen! May our leaders follow only the One God 🕊️!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Amen! Amen! Thank you Heavenly Father


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🙌 ❤️! Amen!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

May all eyes be opened to the psychopathic, demonic agenda at play. The wheat and the tares are being separated and I NEVER want the good Lord to question my alliances. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The only way to the Father is through Him. AMEN!

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🙌Amen and Amen!🙌

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Nothing like stark reality… it should improve you 👺

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Inspires one to BE BOLDER! 🙌 👏!

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