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Sep 9
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😅 🙌

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This is one time I disagree with a prayer and a premise..

This post laments - 'However, the Biden-Harris Regime is doing nothing is to stop them.'

This is the modern ramification of the lost 'sense of self reliance.' It reminds me of the pathetic photos of Boston citizens with their hands in the air, as a federal swat team of some 900 heavily armed agents descended on Boston communities in search of... 'an army?'...no.. '10 heavily armed men?'... no - 1 scared kid - who was falsely accused to begin with,.. But 900 agents,?.. and the thousands of grown men in the greater Baltimore area were 'locked down' unable to police their own community? We are so far removed from our nation's beginnings, there are no words to describe it.

And what is God to do in this case? When the saints are scared like rabbits, taking nothing into their own hands with the 'boldness of the righteous', expecting God to do their job..

Does God protect people..? To answer that would suggest a good hard look at young David, and his words in I Samuel 17:45..

"“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.”"

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This is a great verse, and it is God that took out Goliath through David. David was God's anointed and became king of God's people per God's command. Also, remember what God did to the Egyptians in front of Moses and all the Israelites in the Red Sea, and to the armies of foes blaspheming God and attacking Israel and Judah during the kingship of Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah.

Do not underestimate earnest prayer to God for His help, especially if we repent our sins to Him and humble ourselves before Him. It is written, He knows our needs before we ask. There is no question or doubt in my mind that He can take out our enemies in a blink of an eye or less if we ask Him and keep His commandments. The problem is that we are all sinners.

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"God that took out Goliath through David."

And it is the same God that did nothing for the thousands of frightened Israeli soldiers up on the hilltop.. watching the one man in the ring who made a move..

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Yes, but this is God's call and battle, not ours. When He tells us to rise up and take sword, then we do so with strength and courage, but not before. Look to Joshua and the boys crossing the Jordan. Look what happened when they tried this earlier, on their own, without God's backing. They were clearly opposite results. And, it is because Joshua the boys didn't complete the job as God commanded, that we are seeing a return in force by those enemies who survived, as God told us they will.

I do understand where you are coming from, and appreciate your thoughts. This is our normal response from the environment that taught us these things, like Hollywood's John Wayne and the like, especially "self-reliance" or self anything, instead of rely on, cleave to, and trust and believe in God and His ultimate power and authority, not men or princes. This is not an easy switch of mind, but it's His will as it is written.

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The concept that the battle is God's and not ours, explains why the Church today is eviscerated.. powerless.. .. the Lord's words in Luke 10:19 rendered of no effect, and the church.. of no influence or revelance today. Christians today, either too timid to use their authority, or too lazy to investigate what it is, or too busy storing treasures on earth - have utterly failed to carry out the precepts the Lord left us with.

"The battle is not yours but God's", was never spoken to the Church, but to Israel. Powerless, rebellious Israel.

Jehoshaphat said 'we have no power against this large army'. That was true. Israel had no power outside of God. But Jesus came, and won the victory in this world, and handed the keys to the disciples, saying 'BEHOLD I GIVE YOU ALL AUTHORITY OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY - AND NOTHING CAN BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU'.

Those words were never spoken to the Kings of Israel.. save for David, who had God's spirit upon him, and whose faith in God was legend; He did say of God - 'Who teaches MY hands to war, that a bow of steel is broken in MINE arms'..

The rest were wimps. The proportions that we saw at Mt. Sinai - the ratio of courageous (2) to those too scared to carry out what God had said they COULD do (2 million) have been true ever since, .. to this very day. As the Lord shared with me years ago - 'We (today) are living in the 'mirror' of Mt. Sinai... They were God's people just outside the promised land, but FEAR kept them from entering in'. (!)

For a time, the Church of God in Christ Jesus USED the power and enablements - till vain philosophies and weak willed doctrines of men came in and said.. 'no no - that's God's job; or that's 'self reliance'..

I hear it all the time.. from people who somehow never get that 'word from heaven' to storm the gates, or cast out devils.. (Meanwhile some of us never stop doing so)

Joshua? He did just fine until Achan brought the cursed object into the camp; Do read Deuteronomy 23:14 and all of Joshua 7.

I have come up against your doctrine many times, men who think the Church is to wait for a 'word from heaven'.. And somehow those who are waiting, never get a word... Do you know why? Because everything we need to know is already WRITTEN.

what says the Scripture? - It says 'The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in POWER';

My guess, correct me if I'm wrong, is that you have never laid your hand on the sick and healed them, or cast demons out of the demon oppressed or possessed..

The17th Centuray Biblical researcher - William Gurnall put it succinctly in his inimitable tome 'The Christian in Complete Armour', .. 'Cowards never won heaven. Say not thou hast royal blood running in thy veins, and art begotten of God, except that thou can'st prove thy pedigree by this heroic spirit, to dare to be holy in spite of men and devils. The eagle tries her young by the sun, Christ tries his children by their courage, that dare look on the face of death and danger for his sake. O how uncomely a sight it is, a bold sinner, and a fearful saint! It requires another spirit than the world can give or receive, to follow Christ fully'.

This has nothing to do with 'self reliance' - for - we are 'strong IN THE LORD and in the power of HIS might'. Yet, even as you said, "God guided David's rock", - DAVID still slung it! Neither did he stand on the hill and pray and ask God if he should go forward and 'defeat the enemy of the Lord'. He already knew what he should do. He already knew that God was able to defend him.

When God commissioned me in his army 48 years ago, it was with the verse 'Be not afraid of their faces.. For I AM with you to deliver you'.

When Jesus faced down the powers of darkness and overcame them, he left us with a commandment - Go into all the world, preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons; and that signs would follow them that believe.. we would speak in tongues, and if we drank poison or picked up a viper (not intentionally).. it would not harm us. (Mark 16 & Luke 10) And though we call on God for counsel and direction, there is no 'self reliance' in obeying his commandments.

One more thing Gurnall did say 'The drum beats in the Gospel for volunteers. O', the Lord make you willing in the day of His power'.

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Sep 12Edited

Thanks for your reply and clarification, VJ. The cause of my initial reply to your initial comment was directed at the suggestion of "self-reliance", which is a Satan term. No different that what he used to entice Adam's Woman in the Garden. It's about doing your own will as your own God, instead of God's will.

Your response above suggests you understand this and show Scripture supports non-self-reliance. Good.

Please do not misconstrue my reply as to say one is not to have courage, but the contrary. To do what God commands us to do takes courage and faith, but I see only a precious few doing it, and less that understand and accept it.

One direct commandment of God is to be called by His Name, because He created us, made us, and formed us. Then, we are to say and do all things in His Name, giving all glory and thanks to the Father by His Name. See 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 43:7, Acts 15:17, and Colossians 3:17 to name a few.

Only the Geneva Bible shows Isaiah 43:7 to be a stand alone, undeniable commandment.

Are you aware of this? If so, what CHILD NAME is on Satan's Birth Record/Certificate and all his legal inventions derived therefrom that you use? Is it a NAME that looks and sounds similar to the one you are called by your earthly mom and dad, kin, and friends, or is it God's NAME. If it is yours, are you not doing all things in the world in your Name, or like NAME? And, if you are, then are you not transgressing from the law, which is every word that proceeds from the mouth of God?

Now, I'm not picking on you, but what I share of God is for everyone, as I am supposed to do, and have been doing for the past ten or so years.

I can see that you are earnest in your study and relationship with God. This is good. But keep an open mind, and try to see things you may not have noticed before.

We all have been deceived, kept from the truth, threatened by false authority, and taught the opposite of God's will all our lives, and from both those who told us they know God, and those that say God is of none-effect or without authority here. We trusted men and princes, instead of God. And, when we approached Scripture on our own, we came to it with the mind of all that propaganda and noise that encompassed and trained our minds about the world and life here, which all is wrong, and most, is evil.

For instance; of all God's creatures He made in earth, all fish, foul, and beast, why is man the only one who is charged with paying something called money to access God's creation? Why does only man recognize, defend, and regard some imaginary borders on God's earth?

Does a rabbit know if it is in USA or Canada? Does a shark pay toll when it enters the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic? Of course not. These questions should be a beginning and a red flag to everyone before we jump in and grab a gun to defend this lie to be true. But they are not. Not even after people have time to think on and consider them. It's easier to dismiss these as crazy thinking, yes?

Well, does not God command us to "go out of her and be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues"? If not now, then when? And, exactly how are we supposed to do this? Like when Jesus posed to us to die to our lives to save our life. Sounds like some courage is required here, but some instruction and understanding is needed, too.

Does it not take faith and courage to overcome our brainwashing and act on what we find God to tell us to do, even though it feels odd, which is fear? Does it not take courage, as you have shown, to investigate God's words closely to gain knowledge, understanding, and wisdom? Does it not take courage to approach our adversaries with God's law above their invented legal system, and warn them to repent their iniquity against God and us to avoid condemnation by God's wrath to come if they don't correct their ways?

Their are many things God expects us to do that takes courage. Except for various instances prior to when God sent His Prophets, throwing a stone or wielding a sword or spear against our adversaries was not required of God's people to overcome the world. I think we can all agree that these Prophets showed extraordinary courage in the face of completely opposite opinion by both kings, princes, soldiers, and peers. Yet, they did not throw a stone or wield a sword. They simply expressed what God told them to say, come hell or high water, yes?

I can go on, especially about John Baptist, Jesus, the Apostles, most notably Paul's journey, and the likes of Ephesian's 6, Ezekiel 3, 18, and 33, to name a few samples of courage without a metal sword or earthly stone, but the sword known as the Spiritual Word, the stone known as the Birth Record Person, and the acts we are to do to obey and be acceptable to God, but you can do this.

Right now, from all your understanding of God's words, which is substantial, try to wrap your head around what I shared from God above. It all has to do with repenting and amending our lives in this world of sin. We start with the sin Adam committed to become a god, then move to the sin Israel committed by rejecting God for a man king, then to worshiping merchant corporation countries, churches/religions, and other lifeless idols that demand or desire their money and our birthright as sacrifices.

So, no, don't sit back and wait for something to occur. Fear not, and have strong courage to do God's will with His blessings. We have works in fatih to do, otherwise we lose. However, these works are not conventional war tactics taught to us by Satan's legions, but about peacemaking with our adversaries with the Prince of peace. They know well who He is, and they know who we are. We don't.

If and when you see what is shared has merit, then you should come to know that we are the cause of our own injury, and each one of us must pick up and carry our own cross/baptism/Passover/Victory as it is written to overcome the world to receive God's holy Spirit, promises, and protection.

This is what Jesus did for us on the cross when Pilate, who previously washed his hands of the matter, returned, by operation of God, to write and have nailed above Jesus's head, His NAME and TITLE. Shortly after, Jesus said, 'it is finished". The result of this act is expounded on in Colossians 2:14-15. Like David, this is the stone in the Name of God that killed Goliath, and became the head of the corner over life and death. Rome hides this truth, but it was Rome's son that facilitated its end.

I hope this helps, and I hope I addressed your point. If not, please let me know.

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... and that His will must be done. Our best use of our time is to keep saving souls...

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Let's not forget that the crowd's massed around Jesus to the saving of their souls because of the miracles they saw..

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David never stood on that hill and prayed. He already knew the Word of God.,. He acted. That's why he became King. That's why he became a 'man after God's own heart'.

The rest of the cowards up on the hill... they were praying.

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'The problem is that we are all sinners.'

Do you want confidence with God? Don't sin. It is possible. Or Jesus would never have told the man in John chapter 5 - Go and sin no more. Then you can do the will of God and He will be there to back you up 100%.

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The balance is that there is no clear "leader" of God. But wait for things to get worse and then it'll be a ripe time for the anti-Christ to rear his head. It's all foretold.

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What next?

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If it's like Aurora, CO. At least the Governor said he would deal with it and didn't accuse anyone of having a "great imagination"!

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The Haitian immigrants are eating people's pets. 😕🥹🥺

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Margaret, I like the prayer you posted. Thank you.

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AwE. Thank you! 🙏 God is so good!

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It was only a matter of time.

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Can they steal from the EV charging stations? I mean, I hope they don’t. I mean, that would be tragic if they warmed up a little.

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Thanks Margaret for all the great content, including the prayers. You are truly a blessing.

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Thank you!🙏 All glory to Gid! May all these things draw us closer to Him! 🙌

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