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Jun 19·edited Jun 20Author


It's very insightful to be a doctor and see this kind of behavior. It's a lie. It's manipulation.

But like I said, I knew this well enough to call TWC on it five months ago. Quite bittersweet that I knew.

It hurts when someone wearing a white coat is so evil. It is a crime.

In poring over this article, I felt like I was on that Shark show. At the very beginning,


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It is such an OBVIOUS confirmation that we ARE LIVING IN THE DAYS that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24—DECEPTION IS RAMPANT

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Indeed! And we will remain BOLD!!!

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Thank you because I wanted to review this ~ Matthew 24:3-14

3 While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”

4 Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Witnessing to All Nations

(Mark 13:9–13; Luke 21:10–19)

9 Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10 At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another, 11 and many false prophets will arise and mislead many.

12 Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13 But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."


Many will be deceived, paving the way to the anti-Christ. And you see how they try to pit us against one another (vaxxed vs un).

So what do we do? Try to save souls 🙌 from eternal damnation and separation from God. 🙏 💗

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

More injectable poison to solve the original injectable poison? I don’t get it. Have we lost our minds? What exactly is in the original poison, how does it work to kill & maim people? What exactly is in the ‘new’ poison, and how does it work to reverse the original poison? Are there any animal studies showing efficacy? Are there any other independent tests done?

IMO, this is truly most irresponsible, especially given where we are with the corruption of our whole medical research community, the conflicts of interest, etc.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Right??? It's so MADDENING!

It makes ZERO SENSE!

It has to be something more than just the💰. It's Satanic!

Just like Miriam said, this is “pharmakopeia”, “sorcery”, or “poisoning”.

They want to take souls to hell and keep them separated from God.

This is Isaiah, when wicked will be taken as good and good will be taken for evil.

The only Salvation is through Jesus Christ! The battle is for souls! And as they get bolder, SO SHALL WE!

And I shall keep your sword sharpened, and you will do the same for me!

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Well done, Margaret.

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🙇‍♀️ 🙌 All glory to God! 🙌 🙇‍♀️

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Wellness Company membership price and price of CHEAP antibiotics for only ONE person was enough for me to scratch my head!

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... and WHY can't they put ALL 3 pills in 1 capsule?

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Jun 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I think Natural Grocers has one with the NAC, Bromeline, and Curcumin/Tumeric in it. I was more referring to only a month supply of those antibiotics for ONE person that's like almost $200 (?!) IF you're a member. Can't remember exact amount, but in the case of another Scamdemic that actually worked that'd be ALOT of money for a family of 4 for ONE month! Heck I'm on Ivermectin for at least a year due to spike protein shedding from relatives THAT DON'T LISTEN!!! 😡

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The trio according to TWC is nattokinase (not NAC), bromelain, and curcumin.

And you bring up an excellent point, because the best NAC is augmented for superior effect. There's only one brand that comes from Sweden, produced by Italian scientists: https://arandamdenterprises.com/augmented-nac

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oh yeah that's it! Ugh so much info to keep track of! We have my mother-in-law on all 3 because it's cheaper and you get more pills. My homeopathic md graduated from a top medical school in Sweden. He tested me and instead of antibodies my blood looked vaccinated! Highly! I had inflammation from head to toe and my immune system was low due to fighting covid and mono. Not that I had them, but they lay dormant because your immune system keeps them at bay. Mine wasn't. I was constantly stressed. Losing weight. I was trying then all the sudden was dropping it and looking like skin over bones. I was a mess! Dr Margaret I actually worried about it sitting with them and inadvertently was holding my breath. I do that when stressed and he picked up on it first visit! I've went a 100mph all day so I'm sorry for reply delayanf tried to answer your question below too.

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WoW. I am glad you have a good doc... please take care of yourself as YOU are the most important priority! Maybe share your labs with us or have your doc explain it with more detail ... very impressive story.

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Do you get sick around them? What happens?

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Jun 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Just a thought to share. McCullough is not who you think he is!

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No, he's pretty much busted.

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Jun 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

He is either sold out to big pharma or he always was, I don't know. I knew something was really amiss when he started to promote Tamiflu, a drug that caused hallucinations, delirium, and suicidal behavior in teens in Japan. It is also suspected to cross the blood-brain barrier by Japanese doctors. TWC is a huge sponsor for many right wing media outlets also which gives them a lot of pull.

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The history of Tamiflu is such that Roche labs talked our government (and many others, like Japan, as you mentioned) into stockpiling it. Maybe they just want to get rid of the stockpiles! See more here - ANOTHER eye opener:


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Jun 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This really came as a surprise to me, given all the tireless work Dr. McCullough has put in to expose the harms of the original shots. It still isn't at all clear what covid, if it exists, is (I suspect various types of poisoning on top of lots of deadly theatre (hospital protocols, denial of early treatment, fraud in labeling deaths as Covid, etc.)). Thus, no one can honestly say that some new mRNA treatment (or whatever they will rename it) has been fully tested and is known to be effective against vaccine injuries, that the medical authorities almost entirely refuse to admit exist. Even those who do acknowledge the harms, would admit that the mechanisms of said harm seem to be quite varied, and without knowing just what was in the vials we can't say just what confluence of factors caused what in each individual, let alone how to go into the cells of the body with some new technology to undo what the previous technology did.

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Peter got so much flack on "treating an mRNA JAB WITH ANOTHER RNA JAB" that he had his coauthor buddy write in his defense, AS IF he wasn't to be BOTHERED by getting back up on the podium to defend HIS OWN WORK. Quite disappointing.

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“appears safe”… interesting how it’s ok for mccullough to be vague around mechanisms of action and safety and efficacy but not ok for anyone else…

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The other question I have is....we don’t even know how long the spikes keep producing and some people have not gotten any more shots since 2021. Most of those people who follow him already have been doin his other protocol to remove spikes. Sooo who is he exactly promoting this new technology too? Is this for the patients that keep taking the shots and never stopped after 2 or 3? I mean those people do t even believe there is a problem with the shots or spike proteins! I’m so confused here.....I smelled a rat way back when he made some strange comments about the heart and myocarditis. I have to go find that article and repost it here. That article was the red flag for me. This is the solid proof he is one of them!!!!

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I know you advocate natural remedies. This is a little off topic but related. I'm in probably excellent health for my age (> 60). I never took the jab. I've been taking iodine orally for many months. I've noticed that occasionally it will give me very loose stool and sometimes I'll get a stomach cramp and will have to hurry to the bathroom. I wonder if it's helping me expel something bad from my system?

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