Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The secret service is the most likely suspect for organizing the whole thing. They had the most knowledge of the event. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/the-djt-assassination-attempt

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Thank you so much for stopping by to provide your valuable input, Doctor! Totally agree and let's see how they try to cover things up on Monday!

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'm starting to feel very concerned about the safety of the survivors. There may be those who don't want the nature of their experience/injuries to come under scrutiny. Not to mention that they're in a hospital. 😬 God, protect them!

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I got the same feeling. Praying for them.

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I had an inkling of a thought that perhaps some attendees were specifically targeted. We pray for them now, dear Gid, put Your strongest Angels around them and get them out of the hospital as soon as possible!

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who videod the guy on the water tower

when did they spot them

why were they looking in that direction

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You could see the tower way to the right of Trump. Don't know who saw him first.

Could have been a discovery only after the fact, simply discovered by watching videos.

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have they recovered bullets yet

forensics on the bullets

I want to know where every single LEO was at prior to the shooting

from which direction did the bullet enter the 57 y.o.

has the FBI ?? lady behind trump , if really her has she been scrutinized yet to all contacts & comms before during after.

where do her loyalties lie? if not America first loyal then why was she there ?

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Hearing is on Monday 👌Let's see what Cheatle says ~ should be interesting. I wouldn't want to be her.

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Im sure they have the shooters bullets, the sniper who took him out and any additional ammunition from potential 2nd shooter. But, will there be transparency with the ballistics test results. We will only see what they want us to share.

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the 20 year old rooftop shooter was shot at to the back or side of the head from his side? NOT between the eyes. we have seen the image...

the forensics must be done on the rooftop shooter, were they done. has the kid been buried yet ?

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Everyone is watching and waiting. He was supposed to have been shot above the left eyebrow but I haven't seen that good of an image yet.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Good analysis! 2-3 snipers. “Sonic Signatures” cool term very noticeable difference.

Direction of bullets, that water tower is side of stage?

Thanks for sharing Chris Martenson video.

Mike Adams is a great source too.

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Yes, the waterctower was way to Trump's right. Hopefully we will get a most comprehensive report soon... someone surely has figured out exactly what happened by now.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

New info coming out everyday!!! Lots of focus!!!

Now if I was a sniper and knew I’d be on a white tower I think I’d wear white

Black is my favorite color, but in this case …. It just strikes me odd.

There are so many odd things that don’t add up.

Fun to contemplate tho.

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Still many questions:

How did they miss a preplanted rifle in the area?

Why was a white explosive-filled van parked ten miles away with a detonator in Crooks' hand?

How would he have walked 10 miles with a rifle?

... and so many more questions!

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Jul 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The detonator I know nothing about?

I’ve read he stashed the rifle behind a AC unit? And since I’m thinking this whole attempt was an SS INside job

They would just not find the weapon.

On X the man in black on white water tower escaped by a zip line to a black suv in the woods. Sure would be nice to have that license plate.

Sooo we I think have 2 shooters on loose?

Why would crooks park rig

10 miles away. He must of gotten a ride!

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... or they planted the remote on him when they went up there. Also a man in a gray suit reportedly went up the building top after Crooks died. Told subsequent cops to send him a pic of Crooks' face to his cell. ID'd himself as ATF?!

So many loose details like Crooks walked through the metal detector and showed them his device that calculates distance for shooters. (?)

It sounds like the whole thing was run by kindergartners.

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Planned devious incompetence that all was to promote the “lone gunman”

Getting in. Through a metal detector how in the ?

And now it was said he was flying a drone before the gathering?

I heard that about the ATF guy another odd twist to plot.

At least kindergartners would be honestly innocent lol 😊

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Lots of great questions that need answers. The more we ask the more questions arise.

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And the more time that goes by, the more information we get... and the more questions we have.

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How annoying.

It's getting harder to say that it was just a film set.

Do I have to revise my thinking again.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'm sure the FBI will get to the bottom ofd this in a non-partisan and professional way. They do represent all that is just and good in human nature.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I have complete faith that the FBI and whatever other agencies are involved will not sufficiently get to the bottom of this and explain every last detail and hold all responsible parties accountable.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This was a JFK level assassination attempt. The shooter was set up to kill Trump, thinking he was part of a team. He just didn’t realize that he was set up to die the moment he completed his task.

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Check out John Cullen on x. He has crowd sourced videos and is piecing a picture together

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All the Praise and Glory to God for protecting Trump, Only by Gods hand Only by Gods hand

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Hot damn! I knew Pro Tools would play a role in this!

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WoW! Like I have been saying, this was Dallas, 11-22-1963 all over again. By grace of GOD and HIS Angels, and President Trump's genius, vision, gravitas, he moved or was moved by angels and we did not lose our last hope and Donald Trump and his family did not lose their dad, husband, grandpa, etc

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