THe Secret Service can no longer argue that they were NOT aware of Thomas Matthew Crooks presence. We must now presume that they INTENDED to allow him to kill President Trump. For shame.
They still hide the JFK file because it is their play-book so we don't notice the pattern and thereby who is really behind all of this. And has been for centuries.
Smoke and mirrors are a device employed to direct your attention away from the main attraction.. which is the third world war they are building in the Middle East. This election has already been decided.
All of the tech giants try to hide President Trump as well as Google.
On the line above, it suggested “Trumpets” and “Trumps” when I typed “President Trum”!
Microsoft Outlook also makes the same suggestions.
It inadvertently makes Trump look like a victim.
THe Secret Service can no longer argue that they were NOT aware of Thomas Matthew Crooks presence. We must now presume that they INTENDED to allow him to kill President Trump. For shame.
Crook was not even the main shooter, he was the patsy. There were 3 different shooters.
Yup , more than likely.
But Crooks presence in the video should have given the USSS the probable cause to delay President Trump's appearance on the stage.
3 guns, 3 shooters is my vote.
They still hide the JFK file because it is their play-book so we don't notice the pattern and thereby who is really behind all of this. And has been for centuries.
Yes, indeed. All the individuals who participated in the event are dead, No reason for refusing to release the files.
Has anyone among us noticed that it just might be the Babylonian, Talmudic "jews of the Synangogue of Satan, who's father is the devil"!!!
Yes I made that connection long ago when I realized the truth about the Vatican.
The Cult of Baal is at the root of this war in Heaven and on Earth.
This is why I feel that our traditional Lord's Prayer may be our most powerful weapon in this present war.
They don't seem to care how stupid they look!
The jew-nited Snakes of Israel government!!!
jewSA is run and controled by satan and the jew talmud!
Wakey² Sheeple Grabblers
They are also making doctors stupider and stupider, their Transhumanist project demands that they make us all stupider.
That is also why GMO s and gene editing. They want to destroy everything created by God.
Amen! 100%!
Smoke and mirrors are a device employed to direct your attention away from the main attraction.. which is the third world war they are building in the Middle East. This election has already been decided.