Who was the man trying to fam the flames on the woman??? wtf and the cop just walking by

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The criminal fanned her.

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Usually at that time of the morning that subway car would be packed with people.

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I haven't yet heard an explanation for that, but I will go and ask the Twitter audience. I could tell that a couple people are from there... thank you.

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I used to live in Manhattan

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How very sad, that people are so uncaring.

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The man who set her on fire is the one who is fanning her in the flames.

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Omg. He should be set on fire! Demon possessed! What is happening in this world? I think the demons are everywhere working hard! As the Bible says…they were thrown down from heaven to earth knowing they have little time. People need to turn to GOD! This poor young lady! I’m devastated 😭

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Omg I’m so shook This really happened No one helped to the ground to roll the fire out but a person was trying to fan the flames!!!

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It has the entire country just trembling with anger! I updated her picture. She was beautiful.

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Why didn’t anyone step up? Every one of these individuals who watched this entire event happen.. especially those that took video of it and the police that ignored this should stand before a jury of their peers and be sentenced for murder!!

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💯 % agree!!!

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There could be various reasons why a civilian could/should not help (given there were police at the scene). For example age, or disease or incorrect clothing. The police, on the other hand, are relatively young and healthy wearing protective uniforms, plus it's their job to 'protect and serve'.

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The individuals that were filming this incident were young enough as well as able enough to help this poor lady, but they chose to film the incident instead.

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Is this for real?? I’m really having a hard time believing this could actually happen

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I am sorry ~ it's real.

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Why do you think is real Dr Aranda? Do the films look unreal? We're you there?

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I would have helped her. Not sure how. Wasn’t there a fire extinguisher near by? A fire blanket? I know my body would take action.

Maybe I would have tackled her to the ground and rolled with her. Stop drop and roll? Maybe I would have been burned. But there is no fuckin way I would just watch this woman burn.

I would not be videotaping. How could these people just watch? What is wrong with peoples heads? Their hearts? Absolutely insane and demonic.

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Exactly! I would have helped her, too. Some say that the heat was too hot for a human to go inside... her only hope would have been to get some help right away...

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“too hot for a human to go inside” - THERE WAS A HUMAN INSIDE!

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Something didn’t look right. The person was just standing there burning. A normal reaction is to be screaming from pain. Also, she had on a dress. Why did the person look like they had on a black outfit? I realize it could be from burned skin but the clothes would have been burning not the skin. Maybe I’m wrong! Something is off with the whole video footage.

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Are you familiar with NYers? No problem filming a burning person.

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If this is true, they’ve totally been dehumanized. That’s not human to not feel and to not have any empathy whatsoever. That is barbaric.

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Lots of holes in the story, although MSM is reporting it.

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There's alot of that going around these days, unfortunately.

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I can’t understand it either. Especially the Transit Men who just walk by. Totally unphased, and not doing anything to help.

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This is far from the first case of people watching and doing nothing as a heinous crime is occurring. It’s only been a couple of years since a woman was sexually assaulted and raped by a Congolese-born illegal immigrant for more than half an hour on a train in Philadelphia. Fellow passengers took video of the assault, but did nothing to stop him!

Police would not disclose exactly how many witnesses were there and how many filmed the scene, but the train made 27 stops on SEPTA's busiest route in the time Ngoy assaulted the woman.

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I completely agree with what you have said. I would have done exactly the same. You engage and act on behalf of the defenseless. These spectators are cowards -- even the damn cop!

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These days people look away, which is pathetic, but this is a new and worrying low. WTF has happened to people?

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At the risk of sounding less human I do believe a similar end for this thing would be appropriate.

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That's what people are saying, but in much more descriptive detail.

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America is basically a mental ward now. Filled with psychopaths and narcissists.

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It's a terrible world when people don't help one another. Indeed!

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Not all of us, Daniel.

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People who are against the death penalty, especially Christians who should know their Bible, are ignorant that God himself instituted the death penalty for intentional murderers. We must return to biblical values and start punishing these evil criminals the way God instructed, read Numbers 35. God clearly states that evil must be removed from society. Until we take this seriously so that murderers know that they WILL be put to death, this will only escalate. I personally believe that this chapter also indicates that a murderer entering into our country is also susceptible to the same removal by death.

Sanctuary cities in the Old Testament were for those who inadvertently killed someone. Intentional murderers were to be put to death immediately upon being found to be guilty.

“This will ensure that the land where you live will not be polluted, for murder pollutes the land. And no sacrifice except the execution of the murderer can purify the land from murder.”

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭35‬:‭33‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God made it clear that His ways are not our ways and our ways are not His ways, that’s why He gave us a clear ‘operator’s manual’ - THE BIBLE - to refer to as we live on this earth. Left to our own devices with more and more non-biblical laws being put on the books leads us away from God, not toward Him. The sooner we return to life as God intended the sooner we will have peace.

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There are some calling to bring back public executions.

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Honestly, I would not be against it in this case. What he perpetrated was a public execution.

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We're still trying to figure out if the story is true.

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What are they saying? That we are watching a mannequin burn? That she was already dead? That it was part of filming for a movie? That like the moon landings, they were faked & really didn’t happen?

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I think you are a very ignorant person, to claim. Death penalty in a country where judges and the judi9system is "CORRUPT. I think you do not understand how mind control works, and furthermore you hVe no idea what psychiatric drugging can cause in the brain of a person the most peaceful one. You are twisting G_d's teachings to your personal convenience

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Every officer who walked by needs to be charged with dereliction of duty...there was an opportunity to save her life.

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I'm glad we have their faces!

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Margaret- heres the first thing I saw in the supposed pic of her sitting there before it happened, shes in a summer type dress with flip flops! Its Dec in NY!! No one is going to be dressed like that! What is up with this? Someone else commented on that also. Im wondering now, could it be another crisis actor in a firesuit? I know ppl will go off on me for that. I was up all night from watching the vid, it made me weep! But a pic with her in flip flops? The evil ones will do absolutely anything to wring the last negative emotion from us, just before Christmas too. But think of all the crisis actors, "dead kids" in a school shootings only to be found alive & well in yet another "tradgedy". Have you heard about those? During covid I saw bodybags lined up in a hallway because the morgue was full-so they said, only one bodybag was smoking a cigarette. After that all bets were off for me. I prayed for her all night anyway, since I was awake! God help us deal with this evil.

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I don't know it would be that she just wore flip-flops, but maybe she was wearing shoes all day and put them in her backpack, idk.

And I thought: What would be the purpose of a fake video? To get rid of illegal immigrants? Have them start running out of the country before January 20th? Seems like an odd white hat psyop...

Yes, they fooled the public on Covid and the dead bodies... I knew it was a psyop when they wanted all the doctors and nurses to be the first ones to get the jab... not a wise choice, but blatant in their deception.

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Its freezing in NY right now- she wouldnt be wearing flip flops on the subway or a short sleeved dress

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That is a very good point! It does not make sense!

Thank you. This question cannot be answered, and it begs the question that the whole thing is a psyop. I will add a note at the top.

Appreciate you!

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But why why would something like this be created?! a distraction?!

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Exactly! To incite hatred? Drone distraction? Fauci is now without bodyguards from the DOJ's US Marshalls (true)?

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A very salient point, yes. Things don't add up already. A woman (women tend to run cold) in NYC during Winter and in that garb? Red flag. Standing there while being burnt to a crisp...? It looks too odd. They have very advanced capabilities with their psyops, and most in the public have no savvy in understanding them, so these things are easy to pull off. The initial trauma hits the public and, damage done. Almost doesn't matter then if its fake or not, to most, it is now real. That's magick!

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"And I thought: What would be the purpose of a fake video?"

I think I can help back fill some details and insights as to the 'why' with something like this, IF indeed it is another psyop. The public ought to at least consider this train fire claim could also be trickery, as this is what government does 24/7.

The world runs on trauma based mind control. When they announced 'HIV', they come out, big claim, no science offered at the press release, and boom, trauma. Covid, same thing. This is the model. Shock and awe Bush Jr. called it. This leaves the plebes calling for fixes and justice (so more courts and government, which they control). People also respond by becoming even more entrenched in their belief systems (ie, God has a plan, government will fix this, people lose their faith in humanity, Q is arresting all the baddies behind the scenes etc etc). Just look at the comments here, you will see some of what I just described.

One thing is certain, at the core of trauma based psyops, de-humanization is always front and center. On a long enough trajectory, a people who cannot tell truth from false, become incapable of discerning right from wrong. That my friend, is de-humanization. So, while people don't want to look at the MSM news 'because its so nasty and negative,' and I understand that. Occultists love that. Because they are going to process the masses regardless, and create a world that is entirely chaotic and fake, and the people will be pulled around by their necks, without having good discernment. Discernment they could have honed, if only they understood the nature of the enemy and their tactics. If only a people would take this seriously. To date, I don't see such a nation.

To better understand how and why these people operate, people must, and I do mean must, study the occult. Because the world is run by occultists. People really won't like hearing that I'm sure. But the evidence is incontrovertible I could offer innumerable proofs:

~ The Washington monument in D.C. - is 555feet tall, which converted into inches equals 6660 inches. 666..

~ The 'Americans' enter WW2 (storm the beach at Normandy) when? June 6th at 6a.m. - 666.

~ The Armistice for WW1 occurs when? November 11th at 11a.m. (11/11/11) - imagine the power you'd have to have to make this occur according to occult practices.

~ The Washington monument in D.C. is built and stands inside of a vesica piscis, aka the "fish bladder" (the Christian fish). Occultists love that the plebes have no idea what this means; they rely on it. That vesics piscis is then also a part of eyes, that comprise a larger Owl that is right there for anyone with working eyes to see (viewed from overhead).

~ In the U.S. Capitol building interior, on either side of the speaker's platform there, is what? A fasces, hanging in plain sight. What for? A fasces is from Roman times, and declares Jurisdiction. the public does not have the knowledge base to know this. It is very simply the truth of the situation.

The most important symbol however to understand currently, is, the Phoenix bird. They are showing it to us everywhere, full-time, and I'm sure the public is clueless about it. Sadly. They placed a Phoenix atop the spire of Notre Dame, for example. The Superbowl halftime 2024 was absolutely rammed full of Phoenix symbolism. The 'Fontana della Pigna' statue display at Vatican city. The giant pine cone (pineal gland) with a peacock (Phoenix bird in Christian tradition) on either side. The Catholic higher up's convey a lot if people can make sense of that one.

There is evidence absolutely everywhere as to the occult roots of most things, but the people simply cannot see it. They don't possess the vision, nor the desire to develop it. Look at the formation of the United Nations! U.N. is started by Lucius Trust and is credited to Alice Bailey (also the face person of the New Age movement, hmmmn) whose mentor was Helena Blavatsky. These are well known Luciferian occultists. Look it up. This history is found on Lucius Trust's 'about us' history page on their website. Most who jus tread this, won't even go and look for themselves. This is why we're being dominated by the predatory class, the people don't have the Will for the truth.

The world is replete with psychological operations, 24/7/ Most simply cannot see it. These operations are how they manage perception and control the masses, utterly. The predatory class are true masters of psychology, and they utilize their deep understanding of alchemy/psychology (essentially) and leverage it into a huge power differential over us. Until people realize the true depths of what these people are, nothing could ever change. The public hasn't even begun to see their mastery. One must apply their mind at understanding propaganda and psyops if they wish to penetrate claims in the media with better vision.

A mass of people who are all pathos (feeling) and no logos (logic, some information to consider) are easily manipulated and controlled. How they feel about something determines the veracity of a claim. Since they don't know about occult manipulation and it doesn't even register as something to consider, it takes place undetected. Should someone have some of this requisite knowledge and dare speak up, people will instead of asking questions, use pejorative terms because of their cognitive dissonance and declare that you must have psychosis in order for their worldview to remain intact.

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Of course to return death penalty! Supported by the people

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Yes , looking at it now again after reading comments . There is absolutely no way someone would just stand there to be burned alive ! They would be screaming & writhing in pain . And then later how did the burning body end up seated on the bus , when she was standing up on fire . That is physically impossible , IMHO !

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These little questions, plus the flip-flops, timing of the train car being empty, lead me to question its authenticity. However, all of MSM is running with the story. See my updated article, thank you.

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The NY Times out fake stories about Kitty Genovese’s murder in1964, alleging that 38 people observed her murder.Later her brother researched it, did interviews and found that was not the case. Confronted the NYT editor with his research & the Editor wouldn’t change the story.

Read about Walter Duranty’s fraudulent reporting on the Holodomor(forced starvation of Ukrainians in the 1930’s by Stalin) they were starving, Duranty lied in his reporting & was given a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting & even after the lies were exposed and re-exposed the NYT would not take away his prize, nor correct the story.

The MSM has been lying and corrupt for at least 90 years—longer— Remember the Maine! Wm Randolph Hurst instigator of that war(1898), over 120 years ago

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Its a long tradition, this fake news business.

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Even if it was real that I do not think is people we can condemn innocent.. This is a serious issue after what they done to us with the pandemic, the lies from main media and governments.. Dr Aranda we should be careful to point fingers

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That is certainly suspicious, isn’t it???!

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Demonic ! What is wrong with people !! No one helped her !! Dear Lord !!!

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Leave that poor ill migrant alone! You should be thanking him for being here! You should thank every dimcrat and RINO you know for him! JoZo should pardon him now! Give him a few million to buy a home and have many many bambinos with as many open minded dimcrat fems as possible!

You know what to do!

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Aaron Bushnell didn't scream either. Apparently the suffocation from gasses overcomes a person first. The people that WILL scream will be those in the fire that will never quench.

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Any man that was present not lifting a hand to help that girl is as guilty as the man doing it. If I was present that man would have met the 3rd rail of the train tracks after I did my best to save that girl. No more wasting time with these people. This is what happens when you have a pig NY DA who wants to put people away for doing the right thing. Like I said, that creep would have met his maker.

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He needs to be put to death today, not 6 yrs or more later. That is the most corrupt and disgusting thing I’ve heard in a long time

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The officers that allowed that to happen with zero intervention are just as guilty as the piece of excrement that set her on fire.

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