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The things you learn when they kill your daughter... 🙏 ❤️ too precious for words.

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And "what if" exposing the matrix to take down the satanic cabal was also part of the plan?

Dear GOoD people. What must be, MUST BE. Nobody is going to stop WHAT MUST BE. Nobody can stop it. Why would you want to stop HIS Plan and the whole point of humankind's creation? You think FATHER is not in complete control? I know between and amongst all the Christ aligned (pretend and otherwise) denominations there is much confusion, division, and only your tribe is the right one. There are two main manuscripts and a close third in which all bibles are canonized from. Remember that HE spoke to John regarding "the 7 churches" in the days before the great apostasy warning them of their faults. Only 2 of the seven were found worthy because they KNEW about the GREAT Deceiver cabal. Sadly, at this point people are clueless to how little they know following after sweet talkers, and cons selling this and that, saying In Jesus Name and parading around to be seen as holy. Liars, beggars, thieves. The "new age" type translations are extremely dangerous. One would have a nearly impossible task of tracing words back to their origin to clear up what should be obvious questions in critical passages. This too is part of what must be. "He who lives by the sword must die by the sword" is an idiom similar to "it is what it is" although that sounds much less intelligent. Maybe "Que Sera Sera Whatever will be will be" fits a tad bit better but the future, at least in part is written for us to see. Watch out for taking the metaphors - very vivid symbolic imagery as literal and then taking the literal as metaphor. Very common error. Should I continue?

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Yes, continue

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In this spiritual battle, saving souls is the primary goal, and shining the light on the darkness.

If "exposing the matrix" is also part of the plan, and knowing about the cabal and all the deceit renders us more "chosen" in the two of seven churches, then we still need to keep our eyes on God and continue to seek His face.

And you are right ~ there is no way to prepare for what is ahead, so we save souls, keep one another's swords sharpened, and store our treasures in heaven.

God iS always in control, and He will perfect the future as His Will is done. For this reason we can not only trust in Him, but also follow His command to have no fear.

Do continue.

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Great article. So I wonder why Alex Jones named his last book "The Great Awakening"?

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It's just another deception to let the masses think he is chosen.

They are using him to pull in the religious masses. His journalistic "crimes" may be used to further restrict freedom of speech.

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He may be clueless or in on it, I don't know. He has a couple of New Agers on his show sometimes, one of them is Mikki Willis and the other I can't remember his name. Mikki Willis also has a book called "Plandemic and the Great Awakening".

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The thing is he always says they are going to take him down but he has plenty of money right now and no matter what circus goes on in the courts, I think . He spent $80,000 a month on food for him and whoever he takes out to dinner. That’s what he filed on his taxes. He has to do them four times a year and his last one said $80,000 a month on food. He is still living the rich lifestyle.

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How did you get that information? It seems a pretty shocking amount, but for a man who has worked thirty years to build his platform successfully, it's possible. I have mixed feelings about him, and I only want to know the truth, but that seems to be in short supply these days.

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I think the error Scott makes is in repeating Martin Luther's flawed analysis of original sin.

Is "selfishness" a measurable thing?

Genesis Chapter One: "And God said, 'Let there be light'. And there was light. And GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD (emphasis mine)."

Our Maker is capable of enjoyment as He does what He wills. At that time no other beings existed. He enjoyed the light entirely for Himself.

It is this quality that the envious among us insult by calling it "selfish".

Adam needed to be more selfish in seeking knowledge in Eden. When the landlord (satan is Hebrew for Landlord. Satan the Evil Angel is landlord of the Earth) told him that God lied about the best fruit in the Garden being poison, he should have asked for confirmation before eating. It was gullibility and the willingness to believe false statements before testing them, that got Adam fired from his forever job, made mortal, and later the Garden itself was pulled up because Satan liked troublemaking more than beauty.

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Nice insight, I will tag Scott here @OurAmazingGrace

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Selfishness is only truly measurable by ones own self, of ones own self. The problem and solution lying therein. Where and when the truth seeking observation/battle is in existence.

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So then it is not possible to criticize the "selfishness" of any other human being, B art? If as you say I can only measure my own soul by using my own soul as a reference, then it's not really honest to criticize anyone else's "selfishness" because we do not see their souls nor comprehend why they make the choices they make.

The reason this is significant goes back to the days of Augustine, who fell under the spell of the Manichean Heresy. Persian preacher Mani taught that God had both good and evil qualities and was evolving, discarding the bad and keeping the good. (A Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, began writing a new version of Mani's preaching...Teilhard's bishop did not allow him to publish it until after he died but it became a best selling book). If God was capable of sin there would be nothing holy. Scripture of course tells a completely different story, that of the fallen angel Lucifer who is confined to live on Earth. Lucifer led humans into sin and God even regretted putting humans on the Earth with Lucifer. So the obvious explanation of the Manichean Heresy, is that doubting the existence of Satan then leads us to blame God for Satan's works.

Augustine recanted his Manichean influences and finally understood that Earth is a prison planet built to house Satan while God hopes to reform him.

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You meant Vera Sharav. (You missed the last letter of her name).

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Thank you, yes. My fingers typed too fast; I appreciate the correction.

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Having faith in God and doing good is important.

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This is on point, the Bible paints this out so clearly but the devil is in the details all of the details. This is happening and we are in it. I have been questioning just how big this thing actually is lately ( the occult side of things ), I think logically it would be pretty safe to take the population and split it right down the middle. As he said the evil had no were else to go so it built its kingdom right here. The nephilim that died are still bound spiritually right here, not of flesh and blood, and as far as the flesh and blood side goes there is no shortage of actors. Look at net flix alone try and gage a number of actors in just the films in Netflix? You can’t it’s huge, then ask yourself if there are actors who are paid in printed money just to walk beside you at the airport and put ideas into your head? I know that is a long shot, but what is that saying the occult like so much, the world is a stage and we are all actors!!! It really make me wonder? I am so thankful that all of my digging for answers led me to Jesus Christ, I hope everyone questioning truth finds truth in him and I prey for the strength, safety, and guide of the holy spirit for all of gods people as we battle through the inevitable, amen!!!!

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