Mkultra and targeted individuals. I am reading a book, by Renee Pittman, “the diary of an angry targeted individual”. It’s excellent, I know people who are targeted. The torture they go through is horrific. Not kidding. Frank Olsen’s story is on Netflix, “Worm wood”. This is a really famous case. The cia is involved, that all you get from me!🤣

Thanks Dr. Aranda, I really appreciate your articles. Thank you for letting me vent. This is a very interesting and important topic, yes, another issue to add to the list. The only thing we can do is help each other through it. I am targeted medical experimentation individual. Nothing like going through 77 surgeries and I am only 56…it’s a crazy world and it needs to change. 🥰

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I do believe there are Targeted Individuals (TI), and many are made to believe they are going crazy - and their friends and families think the same, too. I will have to watch Worm Wood, thank you! I had also interviewed a TI and forgot to add that link, so I will go back and add it as an addendum.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Dear Dr, My name is Fiona Mehta and I am one! Yes, should people hear our accounts of our lives will question our take on reality! we have to remain above board, calm, and in control! The torture is horrendous! Dr Barry Trower ex MI5 Physicist advises us to remain calm! This doctor is an expert on RFs/Protocols etc being used against us!

Our central and peripheral nervous systems are under constant attack! I have a list of patents of the devices/protocols used in our targeting programme.

As another doctor stated what is being done to us is so far outside of normal it is virtually impossible to believe! Which is why this targeting programme succeeds!

TIs are sectioned if they request help! We face entrapment from law enforcement!

There is plenty of good information out there, and from doctors/scientists who themselves are being targeted!

Thank you for allowing us share this with you, excellent site, very informative! Fiona, UK

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Author

Oh, I am so sorry for your plight! Thank you for your service!

Has anyone captured your story and do you have a link? Feel free to private message me here or email me at therebelpatient@substack.com 🙌 and I will tell your story.

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Thank you so much for your kind concern; I have my substack but it is does not truly reflect what I am going through! Plus videos and audi don't(if they do, they maybe altered) play! It is very difficult as a TI to "get" information out there! They ringfence us thus we are isolated! Our communications usually messed with! Torture upped! I will send you details! There are so many of us suffering! Thank you once again for taking the time to reply!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you for mentioning our plight! I live in the UK and there is no help! I can hardly believe all we go through! People assume us to be delusional! I wish I were!

It is a global problem! Fiona, UK, TI

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Hi Fiona! How are you? Lisa here. Yes, you all in UK are being targeted hard. I saw a documentary in 2014-2015, about the life of TI’s, living in shipping containers. I totally get it. If you need any support I am here. If you want the book I am reading and can get it, let me know, I will send it to you. We as people, have to stay together. Thanks Fiona! Lisa

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Many thanks Lisa for your kind and helpful reply. I hope you are well.

The documentary you saw was quite some time ago, alas their tech has been upped, and the results are horrendous.

After COVID many more realised their targeting, as their torture got going.

The documentary really served to highlight gang stalking which runs along side of the torture.

This GS program is used to paint TIs as mad and as criminals under surveillance.

There are many elements to this heinous program.

I will have a look for this book, but thank you so much for your kind offer.

Your reply cheered me up greatly after a rough few weeks.

To mention my TI friends in Canada and US are being bombarded by torture, staged car accidents, and job mobbing from work colleagues!

Best wishes Fiona

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Oh, I know, I am going through something medically right now. It’s an attack and I am in horrible pain. We know what it is. Wow, I can’t believe you know the video I watched, that’s amazing.

Yes, Canada is getting hit hard and so are you and so are us. Know we are all in this together…from New Jersey, USA, 🥰Lisa btw, NJ is a hotspot for TI’s.

Oh, gang violence is going on here also, if you have a moment, I was going to write about this but the 🐇 🕳️ goes really deep, it’s called the Garden Plot, it’s interesting, all about gangs, how they are started, what organizations they belong to, who they are together with, for example; the bloods are with the aryans…I went down too far.🤣 maybe I will give it a go again. Thanks, Fiona! Have a good day!

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Hi Lisa, I am so sorry you too are suffering! It is just horrendous, do you have anyone to help you?

I know 2 TIs in Canada; Ottawa and Ontario, both are suffering badly! Other US TIs; Virginia, Indianapolis? just so many more! Plus more in Europe!

The following video where TI David Atkins talks to Andrew Coleman, may well be off interest to you!


Plus Dr Rauni Kildes book "Bright light on dark shadows"


If you need further information on Gang Stalking just ask. I hope you get rest to get well, stay safe Fiona

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Hi Fiona, yes, thanks! One is my best friend. 🙏🏻 Believe or not, I know about 10 of us are targeted. Yes, it makes me sad, I struggled with this for a long time. Sometimes, it hurts to wrap my brain around, how “they” make good people suffer…🤕😔😤🤢

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Fiona, the you tube video is me…holy cow. 2016, spring. I moved into a bungalow, same events happened, I pulled threads out of my skin, and parasites. I have 3 replacements from a car accident in 2010. My hip dislocated 6 times in that house. I was sent to psych ward with the same thing the gentleman was talking about, they thought I was a meth head. Never found anything, after 6 hours, I was released. I was researching down really dark rabbit holes. 2 goons from the state health dept. showed up at my door and told me to keep my f——mouth shut about morgellans. I used iodine also! My service dog passed within 4 months, my conure 8 months. Biofilm, blk mold, fungus…I had a stroke.

I couldn’t find a doctor to treat me. After 3 months of living in a hotel, getting sicker and sicker, I found a doctor out of state. I was her first patient with a stroke. She asked me to stay with her to observe, I was so desperate to get better…I stepped into a trap. 450 of us were experimented with drugs used for end stage cancer, amphotercin b. Very bad drug. I was on 800mg a day. I went nuts. I stayed 4 months, learned so much about TI’s, which of course, she did not believe in, as she was a Wiccan and her father was a 33° Mason. Makes so much sense. That’s when I knew I was targeted. I can’t make this up.

In fact, I have been doing survival stories. I will start this one today. I can’t believe this is happening. I wanted to write my story since 2017, but the doctor told me I would have repercussions and I did. I am on my 7th replacement surgery. Just had it done in June.

As said, was in car accident in 2010, which almost took my legs from me, I was a top personal trainer in my state. It all ended. From 2010, until now, I have been so targeted, I am so frustrated. I will write my story. But this YouTube video sounds so much like me. Same time…incredible…thanks so much!

Much love and prayers, Lisa

PS…this is a very emotional story for me. I have tons of trauma from it. My best friend, whom I was speaking of, was one of her patients, that left her, as well. No coincidence here! 👍🏻

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I have not heard of gang stalking per se. it is when multiple people follow you?

What is 'mobbing from work colleagues?' They pay work colleagues to gang up on you?

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Dr Raun Kilde, an incredibly talented lady, chief medical officer for Finland! sadly was killed for exposing the programme, the handbook used by GS, she wrote a book "BRIGHT LIGHT ON BLACK SHADOWS" - I will find the link!

GS serves to psychologically terrorise the TI! GS is probably the wrong name, it is surveillance infringing all human rights! Zersetzung!

Sorry for post my computer is hacked and the attempt to stop me typing! Deleting my posts!

Bright Light on Black Shadows, Chapter18-Dr.Rauni Kilde- Gang stalkers TRAINING MANUAL Gang stalking


"""This book is a must to understand the years of research conducted by Dr Rauni Kilde, always alongside the victims, and about how the modern world is secretly run by unknown forces, terrorizing the population, as if it was their puppet, by mass media manipulations, but also by the mind control, using secret military weapons, made of directed energy, from bases to the ground like HAARP, and also satellites, using beams of electromagnetic waves, and masers, and targeting innocent civilians, who are called targeted Individuals or TI, and that through electronic tortures and harassments done by gang stalkings." - by TI from France "nobody will help us , no police, no doctours, no governments- only our energy and knowledge about this technology will do it"-last words od late Rauni Kilde MD""

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Did you have a link for the book, and the 2014 video? Thank you for your input and your sweetness! They have not gotten to your heart and soul, which are quite beautiful! 🙌 🌹

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I only have screenshot.

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I sent it to your dm, sorry my parrot is trying to eat my shirt! 🤣🤣🤣

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Thank you! Right back at you, Dr. Margaret! I love our friendship!

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The video I am going to have to dig…

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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It's sad. 😞

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Sep 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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The government torturing people.

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The FBI loves people who are a little crazy. Then they groom them to do something terrible. Why is it that after some mass shooting we find out the person responsible has been on the FBI's radar? This is very suspicious! Just like the weirdo who just got arrested Sunday for the attempted assassination attempt on Trump! Yup, he was on the FBI's radar too.

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Targeted Individuals! Please refer to TargetedJustice.com!

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I learned a lot from this site, thank you! I will feature their content here. Very much appreciate your sharing!

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You are very welcome, it is a very informative site giving clues to the main infrastructure in use! Please also factor in devices/weapons used by neighbours. Electricity supply/appliances are also modified and used as weapons! There are patents for various devices/protocols in use, also providing details of organisations responsible for their existence!

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Exactly! They knew exactly who he was and someone had to help him get near where Trump would be playing golf.

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

These sort of things truly happen. The plausible deniability approaches perfection, even to the victims themselves of certain means and methods that erase short term memory, though not always to perfection. Either way, the victim is compromised. Remembering what one was targeted to forget looks no different to a third party a bit to totally delusional.

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Thank you. It's definitely a major concern for many, and I will feature this topic more often.

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Sep 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I’d share more but I’m not anonymous on this account.

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You can always email me. TheRebelPatient@substack.com

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Fighting Monarch has lots of information & how to defeat the clones

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Do you have a link?

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Sep 18·edited Sep 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Dear Dr, My name is Fiona Mehta and I am a Targeted Individual! Should people hear accounts of our lives will surely question our take on reality! we have to remain above board, calm, and in control(no lashing out!)! The torture is horrendous! Dr Barry Trower ex MI5 Physicist advises us to remain calm! This doctor is an expert on RFs/Protocols etc being used against us!

Our central and peripheral nervous systems are under constant attack! I have a list of patents of the devices/protocols used in our targeting programme.

As another doctor stated what is being done to us is so far outside of normal it is virtually impossible to believe! Which is why this targeting programme succeeds!

TIs are sectioned if they request help! We face entrapment from law enforcement!

I can scarcely believe that reporting my brutal torture may result in incarceration!

I know of one poor TI in Canada being forced to take medication for schizophrenia! They are not mentally ill. As you may expect they are still tortured whilst battling the crippling side effects of the medication too.

There is plenty of good information out there, and from doctors/scientists who themselves are being targeted!

Thank you for allowing us share this with you, excellent site, very informative! Fiona, UK

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I hope you can keep showing and sharing the truth! It is our pleasure to have you here! God bless you!

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Thank you so much!

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You can always email me therebelpatient@substack.com

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Looking at my calendar it's not 1984... it's....

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Wow. You are really on a tough subject which I have thoroughly spent a couple years on: I actually helped an AF Veteran who after years of being targeted in and out of psych wards. He is still alive but in a wheelchair in a Geriatric facility for the "special" mentally ill people. No blame being placed but I did see his clinical and mental health records (40 years worth) and he was for sure "drugged" into submission at a late age. I don't like to even contemplate such incidents any longer. I just spend my time in prayer for those who will never be released from the mental hell until death. Yes, I said that. and I don't believe in suicide; those drugs (Haldol etc) shorten one's life.. the only good thing about those psych drugs. We don't even know how the EYE actually functions so I know that that we (medical scientists and research don't know know how the brain functions which is why there are so many "GLITCHES" so to speak. Well.. must go. take care.

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So much appreciate your insight, thank you. This is more common than we like to think. 🙏 God rest your soul!

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Sep 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You are doing fantastic research, in this article as well as others. Verrrrrry impressive. Thank you enormously.

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I so much appreciate your feedback, thank you 🙌

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