deletedSep 15
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Because of his position, he's worse than a fraud and God will hold him accountable.

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deletedSep 15Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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God will pay him for this.

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Amen 🙏

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Sep 15Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


Way to waffle! The Pope is a bit uninformed don't you think? Interesting he didn't even mention THAT woman's support of underage female genital mutilation. And her support of tax payer funded sex changes for immigrants. Apparently he doesn't know how appalling that is to most Catholics.

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Exactly! He sure fell short of being a "religious leader"

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Enemy Battle Tracking Concepts: Tracking and recording the activities of dark spirits, principalities & powers will ensure you are not caught off-guard. Militaries attempt to capture and decipher time-sensitive intelligence information to include enemy order of battle, enemy maps, overlays, operation orders, signals, codes, cryptographic material, new weapons or equipment on the battlefield, information critical to successfully accomplishing friendly Courses-of-Action (CoA), or information that indicates a significant change in the enemy’s capabilities or intentions. Periodically, remember to use plain old-fashioned gut feelings. Look at the intelligent design of this world shrouded by a domain full of secrets with purposeful efforts to keep truths from you. Again evolution was a purposeful, planned campaign to skew an entire generational migration from objective thinking to accepting only what they want you to believe – we came from nothing. Science itself states nothing can come from nothing.

So when we assess the enemy we think of the COA’s the enemy will use to move us down a path which will enable them to snare us. Yes both candidates are two evils, people must realize the entire system is sold-out, infiltrated

I would be wary as a warning, this potential false prophet, I mean Pope, type character points us to a lawless one.

We must keep our powder dry the Soldier says, too, we must pray, the Christian says. 😊

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Interesting insight ~ and now we know that they're all in on it. It's the Hegelian dialect, once again.

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Sep 15Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Pope is a hypocrite. He is a UN, globalist mouth piece. Does pope Francis know or even address the hundreds thousands or rather millions of children trafficked? Thousands of children who are passed back and forth across the border by the cartels to accompany some random adult? Enabling the cartel to make billions off of child sex trafficking? I’m pretty sure some of them are now dead? I don’t think he will ever acknowledge how Catholic Charities has aided and abetted the trafficking of women & children. He is part of the problem. He will answer to God. Will he get down on his knees and ask God for his guidance? Does he even listen to the messages from God or does he worship a satanic God? I’m beginning to wonder. I have no respect for this man. His argument is not valid because he is essentially supporting death of the unborn by support of Harris as well as the death and rape of trafficked children. Both are wrong. The Pope’s opinion is irrelevant to this conversation.

Stay out of trying to influence our election Pope Francis!

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Right! 🎯

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RE: voting for the "lesser" evil

that still constitutes voting for EVIL

Please consider if you will, Voting for any candidate who isn't Democrat or Republican.

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yeah this made him judge! both candidates...which religious leader should not do. He should teach people how to recognize evil in general and not point fingers, as if there are people with no evilness inside! we all are subjects of evilness! and we all are less evil choices lol

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I'd like to see the whole country refuse to vote, take back the country and give all of theae criminal deviants the boot.

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I am Catholic, but sometimes I ask myself, why he can not speak less, rather then more!? I mean he is not that wise to give his half thought through opinions in every corner of the world, while not promoting Jesus as the ONLY mean to salvation, so he did not mention choosing any other path than Catholic Church is more evil, as he should have!

he could know USA elections are HOT topic, and his words will be blasted all around. I hope he did not think about it for months and this is the best he could have come up with, but him talking too much, maybe he loves the attention. It is both wrong.

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Oh the same pope who promoted covid jabs for babies and children? EVIL.

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Can’t get much more insane than that — whew, 😰 this Pope (dictator?) has more than a whole LOT to answer to Almighty God for — maybe sooner than he thinks. God says the doom of the wicked and vile is rushing to meet them (Deuteronomy 32:35)

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