Good start PCR PANDEMIC they are testing animals with this test in the States Dx avian flu from what I’ve gathered.

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Absolutely they creat their own problems and every solution leads to ... MORE PROBLEMS!

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Yes they ARE!!! Like We Are SO STUPID to fall for a STUPID TEST!!!


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In 2020 b gates during interview said

“ testing is everything “

I thought how odd PCR test you are not really sick but test says you are.

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That's probably because he owns the test kits 😂 Someone surely made a LOT of money from them.

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Somebody made a killing

And all that covid money

Where did all that go?

Most likely he has his grubby hands on anything $&&$&$

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ALL Those PCR Test $$$$$ went into somebody's pocket!!!?

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Assuming neither of our pockets.. would not want that blood money … a fake pandemic driven by a fake test.

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Of course, our children never needed this jab.

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The question is are we going to let them run the same playbook on the Bird Flu on us? It sure seems they want to...

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We hope and pray that more eyes can be opened!

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At this point after all the alternative news outlets have been shouting from the mountain tops as long as they have, if you blindly follow them again this next time around you deserve whatever happens to you. I feel deeply sorry for all of us who truly didn’t have enough info in time with Covid and were duped into the first rounds of shots believing they were safe and it was the right thing to do, and then suffer injury, illness, or death. I can understand why so many people may not have had that gut instinct to refuse. But now, 4 years later, with the abundance of evidence, I cannot feel sorry for anyone that continues to blindly follow, or even help them run with the same playbook.

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Discernment, connection to nature and our own bodies has been bred out of the population for generations.... that is why so many who should have been in touch with thier gut feelings had none. Others were just go along to get along so they could keep their jobs, or stay in the school they wanted to stay in.

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I was out of touch with my gut feelings as I had been dealing with some tragedies in life and had not been connected to news, media, or social situations of any kind for several years. My gut instinct was dormant. But within a month of the first rounds of shots I did start to get that gut feeling. A bit late, but soon enough to avoid all the boosters.

I do feel for those who could not afford to lose their jobs. And my own son had to get one booster to continue with college. But now he is starting his masters, and if the college tries to pull any vaccine mandates this time around I will convince him to attend remotely. What good is having the degree from them if you may not live to use it?? We think differently now.

I know the next time they pull this crap with vaccines or any kind of unwanted medical treatment, there will be those who still cannot afford to lose their jobs or their education, and for them I will still have sympathy for.

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They back people into corners. And people are forced to redefine themselves. The best way to reinvent ourselves is to PRAY and seek guidance from above.

Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit 🙏 ❤️

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We pray for more and more eyes to be opened! 🙌 ❤️

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The problem is that (some) people STILL trust their doctors! They don't want to do anything their doctor doesn't approve of - EVEN IF THEY TOLD THEM TO "Stay home until your lips turn blue"!!!!


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But they're wearing a white labcoat. Maybe even holding a clipboard. Who can say no to that?

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Now they have mice and hawk tested positive for bird flu. I won’t be surprised if they start telling people to take feeders down or place locks on bird food 🤦‍♀️

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Right? You can't make this stuff up!!!

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The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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😂 🙌

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Doctors Today

Are Suffering From PHD.

With An Acute

Co-Morbidity Of MD.


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... and no GOD!

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💵 is their God. 👹

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Exactly. 💯 % #Truth

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People find it hard to believe when I tell them the media has suppressed so much information on vaccine related, deaths, and the falsity of the PCR test. Your article will go a long way to help me convince the brainwashed that they’re not getting the truth from the main stream media Thank you. 🙏

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That's exactly why I went through the trouble to reprint the entire court finding, THANK YOU 🙏 😃!

I tried to hold myself back a bit, as well (it was HARD)! 💪 💕

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Que bom! A verdade vence. Para bens, 🇵🇹.

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❤️ 🙌 ❤️

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I was leery at the start about PCR testing and sticking that swab so deeply up the nose.

Why? In a previous life I was a major crimes detective in a large metro/suburban sheriff’s department. Then many years managing evidence and CSI-related services.

Polymerase chain reaction process testing for trace evidence was developed into a method for amplifying faint traces of DNA, what we called touch DNA. It got better over the years, to get a testable sample to compare with a known subject specimen.

CSI guys and gals would collect their scene samples and package them correctly. Later I might collect a sample (with written consent or a search warrant) from a subject. Open mouth, gently swab for epithelial cells on the inside of the cheeks, then package and mark and document properly.

Which comes back to why the invasive sample from deep up the nose?

Considering my experience with why samples are collected at all and what PCR testing is used for, at least in criminal cases, I initially thought (and still do) believe the “health authorities” get themselves a discrete DNA sample, noting date, biographical info that can further downstream be compared with jab type and status.

Those DNA samples can be checked for any changes in the person's DNA over time. Then what? Future development of targeted individuals or even population for future bioweapons, whether to protect an army or population and target an enemy?

Keep coming with your study of what's going on here with court cases like this. It's very dynamic right now as more stories are coming out about manipulation of stats for the whole pandemic and how PCR and testing was critical to achieve that.

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Very perceptive profession, crimes and forensics. Yes, absolutely true that the tip of the PCR nasal swab is a swirl exactly like that used for DNA testing!

With the Chinese lab illicitly running in California, holding body fluids and such, one cannot help but think that they keep a DNA Bank.

Israel has done this to almost their whole population, with roadside CR testers run amuck such that they "went out of business" and thousands of DNA samples were "lost"!

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Absolutely the tip of the PCR nasal swab is the same spiral point used for DNA samples. Couple that with the illegal Chinese lab:


And with what they did in Israel, you can bet there's a huge warehouse somewhere with DNA samples:


After all, they have been offering DNA sampling freebies to our Veterans:


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I recall that a large sheriff's department in southern California suspended testing when they found out samples and/or data were sent to a Chinese company.

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Keri Mullis stated the uses and limitations of the test, but what would the creator of the test know about it?

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Mullis had a video where he directly stated that the PCR is NOT for diagnosis. I cannot seem to locate this video.

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We knew that they could make anyone have the Covid by adjusting the equipment! 98% false positives what a joke!

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I remember looking at pictures of the pcr test swabs and they look like metal chimney sweeps with barbs on the ends. A video I watched showed the barbs broke off into a meat sample and stuck there. These are delivery systems not sample systems. A cotton swab on a stick pulles stuff off, a brittle barbed wire deliveres a payload.

Not to mention graphene oxide found on the pcr test and 100 times legal limit of etheline oxide used to sterilize the fake tests.

On top of that PCR tests have been debunked since the creator who conveniently died in 2019 debunked them himself as being useless for diagnosis of disease.

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Dr. Aranda your publication is amazing!

I tried sharing on my FB Page but it was immediately taken down with a warning to me about spreading misinformation.

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Oh thank you! 🙏 ❤️ And are you on Twitter/X? You can post over there and even open a backup account using your substack email address.

You're probably barbararew@substack.com ;) and you can tag me on Twitter anytime @TheRebelPatient ;) 🙌

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Yes, thanks that’s me. I’ll tag you 😊

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What's your Twitter? I'm @TheRebelPatient https://twitter.com/therebelpatient

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Can an EU Court intervene?

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I would think that any court can use these results of the Portuguese Court- because it doesn't take an MD to figure it out !

If one judge in one country can make this determination, so can others.

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I’m asking if an EU Court of law is able to overcome a member state decision if say the EU refuses to accept that decision.

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I'm not a Constitutionalist on EU law. Maybe @AndreaShaffer knows.

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I can see PCR originator, Kary Mullis, explaining that it was a replication process and should never be used as a test. Personally, I belueve thats why Mullis died in August of 2019.. so he could not protest the misuse of the PCR. He also described how it downloaded in an “Aha moment” while he was driving. I admired Mullis soooo much!

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Yes, I too believe that Mullis was killed by them... the timing is too perfect! He seemed like a very good man and he wouldn't have agreed with what they have done.

Plus note that suddenly, a "PCR test" can be used to test cow milk in grocery stores. They think we are stupid.

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Some progress…keep pushing! Yes, they caused a lot of havoc!

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So many rulings have now been shown to be unconstitutional... and having these things in place will hopefully prevent future reoeated injustices. Stay tuned as other laws keep finding favor with citizens' rights.

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