Russia was banned from the Olympics. Watch the West & corrupt media blame them.

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Do you know what happened in Sweden at the opening of the bridge through the mountain in 2020? Google it and see how God was marked then as well!

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Correction, I meant to say tunnel through the mountain in Sweden and how they mocked God during the ceremony.

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Someone just wrote about 63 people got killed after they did some Satanic ritual in Rio de Janeiro in 23

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The statue of Jesus Christ got hit with lightning in 63 people died in 2023 right after they mocked our Savior

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Believers know things will not fare well in Paris for its anti-humanity satanic celebration by overt perverse & complex means to mock the Lord God. Believers will starkly see God’s hand, all others coincidences.

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Could this be an environmental terrorist attack?

Hoping it’s Gods force!

The opening ceremony crossed the line. Worthy of


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Viros, probably not. They love their Teslas. But for La Cité Lumiere to go dark during their Olympic events, does not require Divine intercession. All it takes is a little sabotage.

Considering that yesterday's big news was a major scheduling foulup at Societé National des Chemins de Fer, resulting in thousands of eco-friendly folks not able to catch their electric train ride to the Capital to make it to the Games, then this evening's news was that Parisians had no television on which to watch the Games and cold food by candle light, it smells much like sabotage. Which leaves open the question if believers are taking action there. Islam also condemns blasphemy and France is crawling with refugees from Syria who find not much to like about their hosts.

Is this the beginning of the end for the WEF?

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Anything thought word action that leads to the ending of the WEF is fine by me!! It just seems to me these globalist use climate change, and invading western countries as two of their strategies to bring down countries. Including the sexual demoralizing by flamboyantly pressing drag queens, pedophiles,

Black screens, cold meals the empire of evil screams.

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Your lips to God's ears but I fear not so easy. No, the seals are being broken, a Pale Horse is riding = Death Rides and Hades follows.. all according to? Plan.

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I can think of many things to say that aren't very nice, but I think I'll just say thank you Margaret.

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While there was a blackout in Paris,one solitary church's lights remained on. Coincidence 🙏

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Interesting that a failure attributed to infrastructure decay was “expected”. Move along just a coincidence.

We are witnessing daily what the out in the open tool of Evil deceit & horrors committed upon humanity is to simply “Imagine” what can be, “unburdened” from the past.

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