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Jun 14
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By writing this up. I am calling her out on this. And we must keep in mind that they might be threatening her. Like Scott Schara pointed out earlier in the week, she may be getting warmer...

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Jun 14
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I have never followed Naomi's work until seeing this video. It calls into question everything that she stands for. One cannot serve both God and Satan. Please keep praying for her ~ ❤️ 🙏 and have hope that she can see the light.

She may also be in fear of her life and unable to directly rebuke the darkness... we don't know.

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Some say Alex Jones is also 'planned opposition' because they used him to create a basis to impose journalistic restrictions.

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Jun 14Edited
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I believe that, yes. As the pieces of the puzzle are put together, more people who are "trusted" will be falling by the wayside! I was thinking I could start a new section, "ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST" but then I thought we should PRAY and INTERCEDE for these lost souls that are so evil... maybe one could turn into a Whistleblower!

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Worse than, less than foolish to make oaths to man's inventions, imaginations, or influences.

Not understanding where we are, how we got here, and why we are here is seen in this nonsense except for those that lean into and towards dEvil. One is with HIM, and IF not, one is with him. Not a hard choice for the truly GOoD and decent.

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Exactly. And we don't have to search for the antidote. The only answer is Christ, who has already defeated Satan and all his minions. And to turn to God for answers and strenghth, as He empowers us with His Armor.

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Yes. And only those who are here in the fight, those who will stand need HIS Armor.

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Absolutely!!! 💯 % #Truth !!!

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You right, it appears she wants to break free. Yes, I will pray for her. Thanks for all the research you undertook to unvover Yale, and all its dark operations that it brings to it's students and puts them into bondage.

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You know, if it was me, I would want someone to bring these things to my attention. Especially given that Naomi is studying the Bible, reading it on another Substack, she is searching for answers. We pray she finds THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE -only available through Christ. She will be a formidable fighter!!!

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Another thing is that she was an outspoken feminist which she no longer is. She is also a Jew incidentally, and this is good because she, I think, has a relationship with the Lord Jesus, which I do not know how strong it is since you made me aware of her ties to “skull and bones”. But, yes, having said all that, it definitely appears she is having a struggle to get free from her Yale initiation and connection.

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Naomi just needs to know the true Christ, for sure. 🙏

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Margaret, if you don't mind me calling you by your first name, I cannot agree with you more about her needing to know the real Christ. It reminds me of what the apostle Paul taught 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 "³ But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. ⁴ For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it! (NKJV).

We note from what Paul teaches in verse 4 that we must be aware of those who would:

1. Preach another Jesus whereby deceiving us,

2. Lead one to receive another spirit,

3. Lead one to acknowledge another gospel.

Besides the secret societies that deviate one's attention from knowing the truth, like what occurred with Naomi, and prevented her from a relationship with Jesus Christ, I believe the eyes of her understanding are opening (Ephesians 1:15-21). It appears she may have some way to go still, but as you have discovered, Margaret, there are still strongholds that need to be broken which perhaps will happen soon for her. We will continue to pray.

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All my medical life, I have insisted that people call me, "Margaret". I am just a person like you, and while God gave me the gift of healing, that is a gift enough to satisfy my reason for being so blessed to be in anyone's life.

Thank you for the Biblical references, they are beautiful Scriptures, indeed! Feel free to continue doing so! The Word gets multiplied, sowing seeds and blessing our souls 🙏 🙌 Thank You and God Bless You!

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We are coming up on 200 year anniversary of a most astonishing event.

A popular NY congressman decided to not only quit the occultic secret society. But also to set to writing a book, exposing the practices, and to then also put forward that it’s truly unrighteous and against some founding principles of our new nation.

He swiftly paid a price; snuffed and stuffed into a bag, body taken across Canadian border.

When the conspiracy was revealed, a better people than we have now, turned against the FMs, and even voted enthusiastically for a new political party, named “The Anti-Masonic Party”

~1826, the backlash for the killing of William Morgan was profound. (Yet largely forgotten today)

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That is so very pertinent to today. And there will be a time for all of us to either proclaim or deny Christ as Lord ~ to the point of being beheaded, martyred for Him. And then our reward will be greater.

And this brings us back to the spiritual battle against the powers of darkness: it is a battle for souls.

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You are aware she is Jewish yes? I don't think you're going to get her to become a Christian TBH but I have found her to be a very spiritual human being and she does spend a great deal of time reading and searching for truth and understanding in the Bible. I am a bit confused by this entire article. Her writing, to me, seems to be perfectly aware that we are in a spiritual war. I will have to go read her "revelation".

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And I say this in the context of having found her writing to be some of the most beautifully thoughtful and honest expressions of fear for our country, disbelief and outrage at how her political beliefs have been hijacked on the alter of woke, and at the destruction of the female body (and babies) at the altar of "safe and effective". She has been a warrior in this fight and I am dismayed to think that someone could use this type of information to attack and discredit her amazing body of work in the last 4 years.

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Naomi spoke for herself and has obviously studied these matters in great detail. Maybe listen at 47 minutes.

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In this spiritual war, there are only two sides to choose from. We pray that Naomi goes with God, through Christ 🙏

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Amen in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I agree in prayer for Dr.Naomi Wolf. May she repent and seek salvation in Christ. I pray that all people who are on the fence or lost are visited by Lord Jesus Christ in visions and dreams to repent and seek only Him. Amen🙏🙌❤️

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🙌 Amen!!! We pray in agreement to your lovely prayer.🙏 ❤️ Thank you.

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Well done and how wonderful to witness a courageous sister in action on the front line… “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11 KJV

All things tied to witchcraft, spells, programming, and mind control are in play. Skull & Bones initiation is steeped in sexual Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). It is all Luciferian and nothing else!

Naomi’s curiosity and exploration of the Geneva Bible (but Torah only) has recently led her to original Hebrew language used in the Gospel yet she is still completely amiss at recognizing the Word of God. It is mystifying and perplexing to see her getting so close to the Truth. Can you see the hot/cold game from heaven? You’re getting warm, getting warmer, you’re hot, really hot… you’re right there! My God, My God, please open Naomi’s eyes so that she may get a glimpse of the Kingdom this very day in the mighty name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach! Thank you Father!!!

“Then I will pour out the Spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.” Zechariah 12:10 NLT … contemplate this was written ~520BC! Read and eat it Naomi! You’re right there!!!

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This bothered my spirit to no end, and I had to shine the light on this darkness!

I too feel she is close, thank you! 🙏 🙌 and in a position to potentially bring in millions of souls for God's Kingdom!

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Agreed, so shall it be, in the name of Jesus Christ! ✝️🙏❤️🔥🙌🏻🗝👑

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🙌 🙏 AMEN AND AMEN 🙏 🙌!!!

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I had the good doctor on my suspect list, but your article just confirms it.

The alleged 'Freedom Movement' is JAMMED PACKED with Controlled Opposition who are sucking all the air out of the public space, and taking the income, while distracting us and deceiving us.

Have you read Katherine Watt's latest article on the long list of truths that the 'medical freedom movement' is distracting us all from. It puts a huge question mark over the heads of many.

But as to our good doctor and her 'secret society' loyalties. I am 100% behind you regards to the Top Down Tyranny, which considering all the myriad of organizations they've built since WW2, and many date back much longer than that, it was dead easy to do as Prince Charles said when he launched the Great Reset for the World Economic Forum in mid-2020 'use all the levers at our disposal' - to do it top down. All of the secret societies, e.g. Freemasons, along with all of the intnerational institutions, and the multinationals via the W.E.F. and Pope Francis with the World Council of Churches - they all issued INSTRUCTIONS in early 2020 to FOLLOW THE W.H.O., the World Council of Churches worked with the W.H.O. and sent out a huge document, which included countering 'misinformation.' I've checked dozens of these institutions and they all did it.

So either the good doctor just doesn't have the imagination or she's a disinformation agent.

And considering her content I suspect her role is to get all the Christians believing this is a Satanic war by demonic non-human forces, so they'll quiver in fear and take their eyes off the real evil which is right in front of them - the Zionist enemies within every nation, who want World Communism.

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You bring up many good points. And the list is long. I recently started following Katherine Watts and will add more articles on those that she has keenly identified as being NOT on our side.

Yes, they want to enslave us ~ they're all in on it and we need to KEEP SHINING THE LIGHT ON EVIL!

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"Presently, to say that something is good in our culture about institutions, tradition and forbears is often met with derision, denunciation and repudiation. Chantal Delsol argues that it is no longer possible to define or say what the good is."

Perhaps Chantal's point is that in a cultural paradigm where it is held that there is no such thing as evil, there's nothing against which to define good. That's a really good point, but it is structured within the Greek/Western concept of dichotomy. Take for example the identity of the person who visited Daniel in his last vision. A Greek would ask, "Was that an angel or was that a theophany?" A Hebrew would answer, "Yes." Similarly, the concept of a triune God is Greek, whereas a Hebrew -- including Messianic Jews -- answers "echad" (one). A Greek would scream "unacceptable" while a Hebrew would be quite comfortable with both. The Trinity may be the best that someone with a Greek mind can do in conceptualizing that which is beyond human conception, but a Hebrew has no problem with the apparent plurality because he understands echad. Once that "argument" is moved out of the way, the two can focus together upon the unity that brings peace. Such people are able to wear the full armor.

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Your knowledge base is quite strong here. It seems that we can philosophize good and evil away, and this was predicted in Isaiah 5:20 ~

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

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In general terms, we started our research with empirical evidence, the proof and we've reached conclusions that are very much in line with what you Mr. Icke have been saying for a long time now.

The most important evidence we have come up with is that the COVID disease is acute radiation syndrome enhanced by a material that is graphene - firstly in the anti-flu vaccines used for old people's homes, and we found graphene oxide in the injectables using micro Raman technique.

Then to the metaphysical point: La Quinta discusses alien abductions and implant technology used in Covid injections. In their opinion inhuman, not human, techology is deployed. Here is Charles UIpton. UFO's and the Demonic. https://youtu.be/zINb1Usx3EQ?t=21.

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I ran across this in Notes newsfeed, and I read everything that you quoted that she said, and she is not saying at all that she does not believe in Christ or that she is not a Messianic Jew. She is studying the book of Matthew in Hebrew right now and doing videos about what Jesus said. What college student isn't influenced by Sororities in College? I'm sure that whatever it was she now regrets it and sees it as idolatry and has asked for forgiveness from Jesus Christ, because she is a Christian. You're way off about her with this if you don't mind me saying, because I've heard her profess her faith in Christ many times. She's only saying what she knows to be true of secret societies and demonic activity that has earthly power. Also, that the societies are using witchcraft and are trying to enter the kingdom of heaven to usurp it for themselves by entering in some other way than by Christ, the door. As did many in even DaVinci's time through alchemy and demonic presences. You can't hold her to what other people have done and for being a naive student who just thought these things were happening out of popularity and fun. I don't think that she had experience behind her enough at that age to determine what was actually happening. I think you are misrepresenting her intentions to alert people that these things of the past and present are real, and to guard yourself against them. She's actually a Biblical scholar, lol.

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I appreciate your candor, thank you.

I understand that we have come to know many who we now believe to be heroes and heroines. I only know what I heard with my own eyes and ears.

Naomi told us herself that she STILL keeps her oath to a "prestigious" Satanic cult. And you are right, Naomi can repent and be born again. Maybe she already converted AFTER this video, because she openly professed her faith and loyalty to a Satanic cult. And consider that she is slowly awakening, studying to become Christian. There are a lot of possibilities. I have no idea what her intentions are, and I am only interested in praying for her to turn her back on Satan 100%. She can truly save her soul and someone with her stature could bring millions into the kingdom. That is my prayer, the saving of souls for God's Kingdom.

Otherwise, It is impossible to serve both God and Satan. And that is the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Please stay in prayer for Dr. Naomi.

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No she didn’t. She is keeping her word that she would not divulge what the ceremony was to others. I would call that being honest and not breaking my word. She already is a Christian. She’s not pledging or upholding them or what they stand for. Wouldn’t you think that there are probably repercussions for doing so? It’s probably no different than the Masonic oath not to tell what it is punishable by death. Would you risk it from these crazies? I wouldn’t.

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It's totally between her and God, how and when she undoes what she did. I am asking for people to pray for her, and thank you for your concern.

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I just take what she said differently. I think she is trying to do right, and by breaking a promise not to say what the ceremony contained, would be lying if she did. I'm sure there were witnesses to hold you accountable if you did. Like she said, the other Yale societies were life-long networks of people who still associate with each other if they are called upon. I don't think I'd be wanting any unwanted attention drawn to myself concerning them. She told us what she could without telling us, and referred to others she'd heard about but not been privy to. If you noticed, she went out of her way to say that what she was saying was not pertaining in any way to it. I caught that affirmation two or three times in her stressing of that aspect. She can't undo it. It's her past. She's forgiven, just like the rest of us who put their faith and trust in Christ.

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I'm going to pray for all of us to make it. I just want us all to be peaceful and be one. We all have a job to do in the body of Christ, and it wouldn't be right to tarnish someone's experiences or expertise in their calling if she's able to reach the lost for Christ through those things. She's well versed in Hebrew and we need her to help us decipher the New Testament from Greek to English so that we can understand it better. She's reading from the Geneva Bible to get a clearer understanding of God's word. She's really been doing some hard work.

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