Preparing You to Have a Conversation Defending Our Children Against COVID-19 Shots
Your Key to Basic Data using CDC Website, Defenders, and Lawsuits
Have A Discussion On Key Topics - Know the Data
We hope this helps you critique the data, disallow your children from receiving another COVID shot, defend your position on not vaccinating them, and go to bed at night knowing you did your homework and are doing the right thing.
Lastly, if you would like to join a parent group to develop a lawsuit against the COVID-19 shots, we will provide that for you also.
What ingredients are in a COVID shot? See my article for a complete list. Many components are Pregnancy Category C, toxic to the fetus: acetamide and tromethamine. Poly ethylene glycol (PEG) can cause life-threatening anaphylaxis. Other components with unknown effects are mRNA, spike protein produced by a child’s body, and the lipid nanparticles encapsulating the mRNA can cross the blood:brain barrier. RISK FACTORS: pregnancy, supraventricular tachycardia in the fetus, children, myocarditis in youth.
How many estimated COVID shot doses have been discarded? 1.1 billion. From India to the USA, the demand is decreasing - perhaps people do not want one more booster.
How many states have NO mandates against childhood COVID vaccines? 21.
What big names are availble to sue up to 50 states for childhood COVID vaccine mandates, for FREE? Del Bigtree and ICAN.
What is the timeline of COVID vaccine “misinformation” about transmission of COVID after a shot? See my article. First we did it for our grandmothers and for the world, now it was never even tested for transmission.
Sponsored by on October 24, 2022, a panel including Dr. Naomi Wolf, Attorney James Ostrowski and Craig Klein generated a handout and Webinar,
How to Take Legal Action Against Individuals Who Will Inject American Kids with mRNA Vaccines Post-CDC Recommendation
Here is the link to the Webinar:
Here is the link to their 7-page Handout:
Here is a link to a complete guide showing how to to filing civil lawsuits pro se.
Includes a draft complaint one can modify to cover mandatory vaccines:
V-SAFE COVID V Injury Data
On October 3, 2022 ICAN, Del Bigtree, Robert F Kennedy, Jr win lawsuit against CDC, who was forced to turn over their “V-SAFE COVID V Injury Data” - this after they sued TWICE. Here you find the records of 10 million vaccine recipients and over 144 million health entries, posted to ICAN’s V-SAFE Dashboard:
![Twitter avatar for @delbigtree](
Here is the link to download the data on your own - just click “Downloads”:
Thank you to ICAN, Del Bigtree and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr for all your hard work!
I think the government does not want you to learn how to read scientific papers on your own, critiqing them with an objective eye. In that light, I think they tried to hide the V-SAFE data, which Ptizer also wanted to hide from us for 75 years.
What do we do with the data now?
For those of you out of a job or with extra time, especially our statisticians and researchers, there is a plethora of data here for your eyes.
Help our nation come to conclusions as to the real COVID shot adverse effects, because if you don’t help, we may miss important information pertinent to all our children.
Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Ask around. There is enough work here to keep hundreds of scientists busy for years.
Starting November 1, 2022, this section will only be available to paid subscribers. Thank you for supporting our writings. Proceeds go to help needy patients.
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Pfizer should be dissolved and their staff should be held criminally liable for death and destruction of our children, our parents, and our loved ones.
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