Jul 6Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you. Very kind and helpful.

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I'm glad, Ann! I worked to put it out this weekend so people can have a chance to order;)

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Ok. TY

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Had no idea you could get into this at such a low price point now. Amazing.

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I don't think anyone knew, unless they already bought one. (Honestly, $22 for a digital microscope?) Shocking but in a good way!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you for sharing all of this. It’s so important. I’m traveling right now and won’t be able to order a microscope & get myself plugged into doing blood checks for a couple more weeks. I’ve done my share of finger sticks blood raws, IV starts but THIS MAKES ME QUEASY, wondering what’s in my blood and that of my family. And the rain water. geo engineering makes me so angry, and no one is interested in stopping it. And why are the healthcare freedom gurus not addressing this? This is where I have to judge their platform as inaccurate and misleading. If they know, why are they staying silent? We can take IVM, boost our immune systems with nutraceuticals all day long but what about the self assembling nano particles, blinking quantum dots and metallic chips showing upon our blood?

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I'm not in the position to answer for Dr. A but I will share some observations of my own. First I noted that some years ago in Arizona that there was an article in the local paper that docs were no longer to have microscopes in their offices. I believe that someone misinterpreted that Darkfield was no longer allowed. It however became generalized. So scopes went away..this hamstring the doctors. They could no longer look at blood and orher things like they used to.

Then you started seeing new regulations that changed the healthcre landscape and not for the better over time. Scare tactics over control of medicine practice from CDC the FDA became the norm. So the fear of losing a license kicked in heavily. We saw this long before Covid arrived but it became especially heinous during Covid. Many docs stood up like Dr. Nixon in Australia and lost their license to practice. Thousands walked away from their jobs including nurses. Others who spoke out were outright killed.

They had to join other practices that were more Holistic or created their own niche to practice in. So even now the threats and financial payouts are big hurdles.

Med schools have been controlled by the Rockefeller's and Rothchilds for many years by the donations that direct what they will teach and what curriculum will be provided. It all comes down to money, power and control. So many are indoctrinated with ideas and values that would have not stood in the 50's and 60's. Change is NOT ALWAYS GOOD!

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I agree. Patti, and please call me Margaret. Rockefeller medicine and oil-based pharmaceuticals feed into one another. And the medical freedom doctors who aren't looking under a microscope should think about doing it now.

I predict that soon, patients will know more than doctors about microscopy. And doctors won't be able to have a conversation about it ~ they will be embarrassed, then angry, then offensive.

They may try to badmouth us, ridicule us, and separate us from one another.

So stay strong, support one another, and most of all, THE BOLDER THEY ARE, THE BOLDER WE SHALL BE!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I’ve walked away from all of our Doctors. One was someone I was friends with for 27 years. They will deny everything we are seeing and experiencing. Even at the expense of their own health. 2 are physicians that are my former co workers who are now jab injured. One had a heart attack, the other one also a former neighbor, Infectious disease Dr that had a little chicken pox party so his kids would get sick and have natural immunity back when. He had a stroke and lost 80% of his vision.

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That is just a crying pity. What a shame that doctors could not heal themselves.

Very sad. But they have no one to blame but themselves. They/We were THE ONES that were supposed to figure it out and protect the public. 😞

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The Truth can be hard to face, but it thst very Truth that will set you free 🕊️

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I totally agree. I had to fire a doc in Mesa a year or so ago because she wouldn't write an order for a DDIMER test even after I showed her pictures of pretty severe rouloux. She had no idea what she was looking at. And she had no intention of being schooled by a nurse of all people. How's that for bias! We all need our minds opened wide no matter our training and specialities. This last 5 years has been testing all of us to the max on all levels. We are all in the same boat and need all hands on deck to figure out how to save humanity!

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💯 %! They want us to be divided!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Dear Dr Aranda. I live in Woodland Hills and a few months ago did a blood analysis with a high powered microscope. I would love to introduce you. I don’t think I can upload the pictures here in the comments, but it was fascinating. I had some graphenated parasites which were creepy looking. She is connected with Robert O. Young but lives in Simi. Here to help!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I should clarify, I don’t own the microscope, but a friend came to my house with slides.

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Please email me therebelpatient@substack.com :)

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Just for reference to Sterling and others the label 1080 with letters following like 1080P "my camera," refers to the type of camera you are using for scope pictures. The resolution is referred to as " megapixils" most low cost cameras come with 1.5, 5, 8, 10 and higher megapixils 5 mp is not great quality. 10 mp's, is the lowest I would recommend for good clear scope pictures. The higher the megapixils the better the quality of the shots taken. I have 10 megapixils in the office and 18 megapixils in my home office. All cameras will not work on all scopes. Check with the seller to see if your camera works with any scope that you may consider purchasing.

The operating program for digital work makes a big difference for your learning curve and the level of frustration you may experience while learning your scope. Just remember be patient with yourself, step back rest read whatever, when things aren't coming into view with your adjustments. Make small tiny moves with your focusing knobs and soon all will come into view.

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I started getting a little headache from going up and down too fast on the focus. Took a break. Totally get what you're saying, thank you!

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I saw it, thank you. Can you shoot a video using it in action, please?

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you're a wise woman, i believe - WHY promote shopping on the big A?

Please people, STOP! There ARE other choices.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Author

Our audience is pretty astute. People can make their own decisions about whether or not to shop Amazon.

You miss the whole point: microscopes are affordable. That opens the door to BLOOD MICROSCOPY for millions of people in the general public. Surprising that you overlook this to complain.

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not a complaint. a raw mention that they get too much press. TOO MUCH

i see where you're going.

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I'm going to keep using their links as an example, so please note that, thank you!

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You’re a geek’s best friend!🙏❤️❤️❤️

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I have been trying to reach the woman with the microscope, but she hasn’t called yet.

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