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This case is awful in scope, and only gives caution to every other hospital death suffered by anyone who was left alone. Very sad doctors and nurses were killing patients- and STILL are.

Stay out of the hospital!

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I’ve actually been poisoned many times by doctors.

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Oh! I am sorry, Bill! Poisoned by prescriptions?

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Praying daily for this lawsuit to bring justice to these Demons. God Bless You & your efforts! 🙏

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You are awesome to stop by and comment! Thank you for caring and having such a SWEET heart! And for keeping these lawsuits in your prayers. 🙌

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MINDCUROLOGY gives you the option of treating diseases without drugs.

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Yes by prescriptions mostly, when I was a little boy I was given penicillin with Augmentin and had very bad reactions but they kept giving it to me… Where I would vomit violently as my body tried to get rid of the poison and then in 2006, the same thing happened even though I let my doctor know that I have a bad reaction to augment him he still prescribed amoxicillin with Augmentin, and again I had a bad reaction had to be taken to the emergency room, and I was still under the reaction of it, which is very weak, sweating vomiting, and they released me from the emergency room, and I had to sit in the cold parking lot by myself barely able to move until it wore off. Finally a friend came and picked me up. And there was one other time to in the late 1990s the same thing happen. Also I’ve been in emergency rooms where the doctors and nurses gave me drugs that made no sense like when I had the reaction to the Augmentin and I was throwing up violently in the emergency room, the doctor prescribed a barbiturate because he said it would make my stomach feel better. Another time in the hospital I was given an IV and my veins swelled up because I’ve been giving some thing that was not clean of bacteria. It’s my opinion that most doctors don’t know what they’re doing. Especially the young ones. so I’ve had to become a holistic healer for myself as I don’t trust the outside world anymore. I have found that all the healing that we need is within our own bodies. We’re all cut from the same cloth is a Universe. Being a yoga, instructor has helped me with healing quite a bit as well. We are all miracles of the universe.

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On behalf of the doctors who miss handled you, I offer you an apology.

And I am sorry you suffered not once, but multiple times. In the end, though, it seems that it helped push you forward to realizing that God made our bodies to heal themselves. For that, I am grateful and especially because you are a yoga instructor, you understand the value of being inherently sensitive to our own bodies. That spiritual aspect of something that is sorely missing from all of allopathic medicine.

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That is a beautiful statement. Thank you very much. Although you’ve never done any ill towards me. I appreciate your kindness and the effort you were making towards changing the world and making it a better place. Thank you.

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AwE! Thank you, it's all my pleasure and from the bottom of my heart. For all the negativity in this world, we need to spread positivity wherever possible. I'm constantly apologizing for doctors. And it's the least I could do. They have a high suicide rate, were burned out before the plandemic, and then it boxed them into keeping their jobs. You watch. They will be committing suicide for all the pain and murder they have caused. God bless their souls, and may at least one of them turn whistleblower for the world.

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True. Keep it up the good fight my friend!

Peace and Love, Bill

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Oh, thank you! Appreciate your prayers that help strengthen and keep our light strong! All Blessings!! Margaret

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