Satan is out in force across the world.

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Indeed, and we must continue to be BOLDER and BOLDER, as they are! They have NO SHAME!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes, that’s right and please look at my comments below because the Miko ice cream symbol means they prefer a little girls. It’s a pedophilia symbol.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

🎯 Ice cream and pizza

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Exactly right. And that is the exact symbol. Anybody could look it up if they want to it had todo with pizza gate.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

(Brendon O Connell Post) Those are paid crisis actor and yall falling for it again, Robert De Niro movie Wack the Dog, Change the Story, Change the lead , not a new concept... Mad Monk 35 - The Last Supper In Paris - Change The Lead Change The Story, The crisis actors and Foundation funding system at work in Paris. The [BLANK Censored Word] Last Supper goes viral. They are shocked at the response. https://www.patreon.com/posts/109051669

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Please contact the IOC. France needs to reprimanded and blocked from hosting future Summer and Winter Olympics.


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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The devil is a defeated foe— anyone who’s on his team better pray and turnaround things before it is too late - a dark eternity is unthinkable. Glad sponsors are pulling out. I refuse to watch the Olympics and I’m sure it will all collapse. I feel sad for the hardworking athletes who deserve better.

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I won't watch a peep, either! And I will definitely boycott everything and anything made in France. Their nation should repent, AS SHOULD AMERICA, for allowing this to be seen by our children!

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Did you see the disgusting tweet from Kamala Harris “America this is what we need to strive toward”. I can’t even fathom what will happen if she is elected.

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Lower than low!

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We are steering closer to the Tribulation each day. Evil is upon us. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yeah I can’t support something that blasphemes my beliefs. It’s a sad day in the Olympics. What a terrible waste.

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Agree 💯 %!!!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I’m very disappointed!

I don’t do business with the companies mentioned, a few I’m already boycotting for other reasons. Maybe I’ll just boycott anything made in France?

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SAME! I filled out that form and told them that I am boycotting everything made in France!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes, I like Coca-Cola. I have been boycotting Coke and Pepsi. They are both terrible.

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Haven't had a Diet Peosi in over 15 years... 🙌 KEEP IT UP!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

👍 i havent had a coke, etc in over 20 years. Had friends that worked there said drink very little coke and NEVER drink the diet stuff.

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Why not drink the diet? Just wondering...

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They said it was killing the mice?

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Jul 30·edited Jul 31Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I read a post at Mercola.com years ago that claimed the things the diet soda did to your gut were even worse than the sugars in a normal coke.

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That's crazy! Who knew?

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Yes, I was eating sugar-free popsicles every day and I ended up getting a leaky gut from the fake sugar

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I started boycotting Coke so long ago that I can’t remember why! As far as Pepsi, I always liked it but had to give up all sugary drinks a few years back because of diabetes.

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It's not good for you anyway; best to ditch all the sodas that contain phosphorus and eat away at your bones;)

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I’ve already ditched them all except for a very rare ginger ale. My blood sugar thanks me!

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🙌 ✅

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yeah I’d boycott the Statue of Liberty also.(make no graven images). This is the sort of thing like the pentagram that is in the shape of the pentagon and the streets in the capital are all occult Luciferian places. If you are Christian you can’t be involved with darkness. So you are without excuse when you leave this world.

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Statue of Liberty came from France so it’s definitely a good boycott target for many reasons.

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Certainly it makes one think... 🤔

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

My mom despised the French for their religious persecution of the Reformation era French Huguenots which had to flee the country or be killed for their faith.

My heart is saddened that so many in the world are deluded by the Great Deceiver, satan.

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I agree!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

More destructive filth. Vote with your money!

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Goodness knows they care about $$$$$!

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It is particularly galling that Barbara Butch carried out a blatant attack on Judaism by mocking the PASSOVER Ceremony. Easter in the Christian calendar tracks Passover in the Jewish calendar because the Crucifixion was held the day before passover and the Roman execution detail finally killed Christ with a spear because they feared Jews visiting from Nazareth and Capernaum would riot if they found Christ being murdered. Passover marks the day God

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

set Jews free from bondage in Egypt. The Death Angel passed over the homes of Jews but killed an Egyptian in every family. Christ represents the fulfillment of the Passover to Christians, because just as the Passover set Jews free from slavery to Pharoah, the crucifixion and Resurrection will set the world free from Satan. So it is galling to see a person of Jewish ancestry insult

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

the holiest day in Judaism.

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I didn't realize that, Bob, thank you. That saddens me for the Passover, too. A double crime.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Easter is pagan, Passover is the celebration christians should follow. It’s biblical. Communion is something made up by the churches that have erred in their observation of Passover need to learn the proper was to celebrate it once a year when it comes around. Sadly the dominate church passed Sunday as a day of rest contrary to what the Bible says. When you break a commandment you put yourself in a precarious position, especially when you know you’re doing wrong. Passover should be celebrated not Easter. And Friday night sun down to Saturday night sun down is sabbath. Let’s hope the church changes its ways.

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There are many pagan rituals incorporated into Christianity. Saturday church is upheld by the Seventh Day Adventists and others.

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I do not use the term Easter. I recognize Resurrection Sunday. As we should.

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One fundaments of the faith: Christ is died, Christ is Risen. Also fundamental (and of Jewish origins) Ash Wednesday at the Beginning of Lenten period of fasting and sacrifice: From dust thou art made and to dust you shall go (words to that effect.) With the cross of ashes on your forehead to remind you - everything of the body is temporal, it is the SPRIT where you will find eternal life, NOT the body.

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Willie - Jesus COMMANDED that whenever we observe the Lord’s table we do it in remembrance of HIM.

The Passover as beautiful as it is - was under Old Testament Jewish law & rituals. When Christ died on the cross the temple veil was rent in two - those of us who are New Testament believers remember Christ’s sacrificial death, buried, & resurrection when we partake of the Lord’s table - it does not have to be limited to the Old Testament Passover, as amazing as that was & is.

1 Corinthians 11:24, Mark 14:24, and Luke 22:19

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Amen! 🙏

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That’s right I’m a Christian

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San- If you knew what you were talking about you might get somewhere. Tell me where you see communion in the Bible.

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What did Jesus say about the law?

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Jesus was dead before the spear went in. He drank the sour wine and uttered "it is finished" then gave up the ghost.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Here’s my take. We are to love our enemies, and people who are definitely so in need of attention.

It would be ok if they stayed in their own lane.

It is quite obvious the deep state has set out to demoralize we who are of Faith and heterosexual.

It is apparent that they want everyone normalized to their own sinful nature. There is no honor in shocking people nothing noble or life affirming.

These are 1% of the people celebrating their own desires to be accepted, and they call this community tolerance.

First of all please dress more appropriately we don’t need to see so much cleavage. Or a man’s privates

Kamala and Jill Biden thought this was a great show.

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The depravity...

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes I got to find the word Paul used

When I find it will send ….

Yes delravity and the sickest thing is they are eager to infect the children

And the even more frightening part is parents encourage this.

I just think once a person becomes

Too far from God they lose any moral compass and any attention is acceptable, and this leads to Sodom and gamora(sp?)

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... and that's when God steps in, to STOP it!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I had to look up definition of delravity:

“That every part of a being is corrupted by sin”

I find it interesting that people will hate their Creator and embrace

The do whatever you please path:

Sin “ lack of conformity to the holiness of God.”

Barbara Butch a “ queer” lesbian

I would tell miss Butch do as you please just close your door!

I don’t go forcing my Bible or exercise or eating responsibilities down your throat.

We do live in a fallen world.

Christ is our only hope.

She just mocked her only hope

And I bet she is very proud of her

Moment of glory. Eternity is a long


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I have never heard "deleavity"... and what a perfect description of this event!!!


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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I actually mispelled depravity!


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😂 ❤️

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The word I think I was looking for was: licentiousness:

Immoral conduct or practices harmful or offensive to society.

I’m still searching for the word Paul

Wrote lol :)

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The TRUE GOD will not be mocked 🙏🌎

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You guys have to understand!!

Miko, the ice cream !

That symbol of the heart means they prefer a little girls

They are pedophiles. I’m not joking. Look it up.

Please look it up hearts inside of hearts was the part of pizza gate

Madonna has it in her video

It’s really sick and it has to be exposed please !!

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Give us some links, 🔗 please!

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I had not heard of The Kinsey Study, thank you. And I never saw this FBI Report. Thank you! I will write this up.

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I’d never heard of that study either. If that’s real, that’s absolutely awful. When will we put an end to horrific things done to people under the guise of “science?” We all know that’s not really what it’s about. It’s pure evil.

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Amen ! 🙏

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Yes, it's quite horrific.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Evil people

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Satanic. They will get their punishment.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Suffice to say France Butched the opening BIG TIME!

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Jill and Kamala loved it - that is all a sane person needs to know how evil it was

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Today i attended the Special Olympics… The opening ceremony was a lot more living, respectful & enjoyable than wtf this crap 💩is…

I have forevermore lost any love gor all these “sponsors” of antiChrist celebrations in front of regular athletes and gentle Christian folks, insulting all Real Women by the clownface/🤡💯womanface extreme mockery “put-on” show it fronted with.

PS… maybe try that with Muslim’s culture &beliefs next time, huh?

What🤡…? too chicken? 🤔buck buck cluck cluck..

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We live in a paradoxical society where two sets of rules keep people in check.

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It seems those two “sets of rules” evolved by 🤔 the “standard bad jerks” of life ruling over the general populace of gentle-tempered, good-natured souls of life. 🌳UsingOurGoodNatureAgainstUs … mostly because they have none.🙃

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Jul 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Here is a bit of an article from a Russian defector who explained what this is: a long term plan for Demoralizing American 🇺🇸 Society —-

“Examples of Bezmenov’s predictions coming true can be seen across the Western world, where conflict is created by mass immigration. In order to ‘control’ the resulting chaos and violence, more and more laws are put in place that restrict the rights of the public. These laws often contradict the fundamentals of a republican style of governance and the rule of law.

These laws are usually selectively enforced to move society further into an ideologically communist state. For example, Muslims are brought into the West in significant numbers and then act violently toward those who criticize or mock their religion. In response, the state enacts “hate-speech” laws meant to prevent the public from inciting a reaction from Muslims. This shifts the blame from those who act violently to those who say things Muslims typically respond to with violence.”.

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Just like the PREP Act protects doctors who kill, and security searches at airports resulted after 911... ✅

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Talk about “ultra-gas-lighting!”…This hideous beast checks all the boxes-UUUUGH!!!

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Fuck France. I'll never visit that shit-hole sewer of a country.

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