Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Count me out ...John C Rader was a survivir of the Álamo 1836 and here I am defending another fort 2024...RR

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I'm not familiar with him. Do you have a link? Thanks!

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The Legend of John C. Rader

In the heart of Texas, amid the dust and smoke of battle, stood John C. Rader, a man whose courage matched that of the legendary defenders of the Alamo. Born and raised in the Lone Star State, Rader had known from a young age the call of freedom and the spirit of independence that burned fiercely in the hearts of all Texans.

As the Mexican army, led by General Santa Anna, advanced on the Alamo in 1836, Rader joined the ranks of the defenders without hesitation. Alongside Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William B. Travis, he stood firm against overwhelming odds, determined to defend Texas soil to the last breath.

During the siege, Rader's bravery shone brightly. He manned the walls, firing his rifle with deadly accuracy, and rallying his comrades with words of encouragement. When the Mexican forces breached the walls and chaos engulfed the Alamo, Rader fought ferociously, refusing to yield an inch of ground.

In the final moments of the battle, as the defenders realized that victory was impossible, Rader remained undaunted. With the enemy closing in around him, he made a decision that would echo through the annals of history. Seizing a keg of gunpowder, Rader rushed toward the advancing enemy lines, his heart aflame with the spirit of sacrifice.

With a resounding roar, the gunpowder exploded, engulfing Rader and a host of Mexican soldiers in a blaze of glory. In that moment, John C. Rader became a legend, his name forever enshrined among the heroes of the Alamo.

Though the Alamo fell that day, the spirit of defiance and the legacy of courage lived on in the hearts of all Texans. And in the annals of history, the name of John C. Rader burned bright as a beacon of bravery and sacrifice, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Lone Star State. RR

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They would tell us to vote for?! then what would be the point of voting if they all told us to vote for the same person!!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

So-called voting is already rigged ! So what is the point? Only difference is, they are now becoming more overt. To hell with them!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You are absolutely right! Camela Has a 24% approval rating and They might even make her win. The system is finished and yes, they are really overt To the point that the people who are still asleep are making me really angry!!!

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They are BOLDER than ever, so WE MUST BE BOLDER THAN THEM!

Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Light! No one goes to the Father except by Him!


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A lot of people feel it makes no difference to vote! And now we see it is part of their "system" that has probably been rigged for a long time.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They just WANT us to give up, but if voters hadn't turned out in the numbers they did in 2020 they wouldn't have been able to prove it was stolen! VOTE!!!

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How do you like to counter the argument so many have against elections, that it is man's system and not God's. In this case, it is deemed ungodly to vote. This avoids thev appearance of evil, which we are all instructed to do.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That we can't change it if we don't keep proving it's rigged. We can't prove it's rigged if only libtards show up to vote.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I'd also ask what scripture they are perceiving as we shouldn't vote? I'd also ask where they all were when Disney was caught putting sexual subliminal messages in movies, or took prayer out of school, or when Roe VS Wade passed, or if they are part of the do 10 miles over the speed limit while texting?! Bottom line we have all failed God. Unfortunately. Me included. I carried on with my life thinking this is the pastors etc jobs since the rest of us couldn't just take off to protest something to death. Sad part is we didn't need to...we just needed to show up whenever we could as much as possible! Everyone works different hours...different days...my husband is a shift worker and even works nights...so as a collective entity we could have come together and made more of a difference than Disney, Anheuser Busch, and Target just losing some money. I'd also ask if they sincerely thought NOT voting was wise or would change anything? I think we've all witnessed what not doing anything does?! 🥴

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

There is no Global, it's another Evil Luciferian jew Hoax!!! The Luciferian and Talmudic jews have to hide "God, the Creator of the Universe"!

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Repentance and salvation are the only solutions!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is all very satanic. The whole hacking people has begun with the mRNA shots and the mysterious 5G towers. Harrari wants to be bigger than God. This is Tower of Babel, Anti Christ demonic. The global climate crisis is an excuse, the “pandemic” was is the beginning of messing with people’s DNA

Immune systems, the whole confusing kids about their own sex, transgender, invasion chaos at border, financial collapse.. all leads to there robotic

Future. These people are so keen on total control

Owning everyone’s thoughts, emotions, and souls

But they will not be subjected to their own plans.

Best we can do is expose them. Ephesians 5: 5-14

Thanks Dr Aranda 🙏⚡️

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AMEN! 💯 %!

Ephesians 5: 5-14

5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a] 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,

rise from the dead,

and Christ will shine on you.”


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Thanks for typing that all out!!!


Christ not only shines on you but Through

You too.

Gods words are our way of combatting such evil is being

Played on us. I used to fight this

Absurd evil on my own, which is


You’re absolutely right we must fight back, I heard Dr Ben Carlson say

“No home of the Free

With out home of the Brave.”

Thanks for your Brave Spirit❤️

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

We have been at war with these soulless creatures since Cain. Harai is of that bloodline. For all their talk, their end is written: the head will be crushed, but they will have their day in the sun.

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And we must be prepared to be rounded up, quarantined, and beheaded for not bowing down to the anti-Christ! COUNT ME IN!

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Perhaps our Redeemer will rapture us before the worst part begins 🙏

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Only God is our light and our salvation. His light leads our way out of this.

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And He made us His light!


5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a] 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.

8 For you were once darkness, but now 👉 you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 👈

10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,

rise from the dead,

and Christ will shine on you.”

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes & Amen! This is one of my favorites I have highlighted💜

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Me too!

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Harari and the rest of these hug-a-tranny post-humanists are nothing but rotten roots and (spiritually speaking), empty vessels. Straw-men and straw-women are groomed by entities with superior technological capabilities and they apply them to covertly manipulate events in our sphere. The covert entities work with and through transnational special interest groups. They can be conceived of as ventriloquists for an agenda diametrically opposed to human freedom and spiritual evolution: this is de facto satanism. It is very easy for these entities to psychically prey on any human being who is philosophically and spiritually inert. A person can easily corroborate this thesis by evaluating the spiritual stasis of those individuals in positions of great power and influence, whether in politics, entertainment or whatever. By contrast, it is very difficult if not impossible to mind control people not gripped by spiritual stasis. The negative alien forces hoover up select particles of humanity from both high and low places and pre-selected individuals drive the agenda of the entities for whom humanity is nothing but fodder. This leads to deprivation, suffering and civilizational collapse. The only antidote is to retain a genuine philosophical and spiritual awareness of the sanctity of freedom. No political, material or molecular antidote will suffice in and of itself. The human species needs to go through trial and triage in order to evolve. Foolish judgemental people thinking themselves to be in the know by inculpating specific human interest groups and bloodlines (the usual suspects) miss the point. They only add fuel to the fire by furthering division instead of working on themselves. Playing the blame game is a fool's paradise. People need to work on themselves first and foremost. What did Christ say about throwing stones? The living Christ is a state of mind not a reference point. Love and learning are completely intertwined. They need to be fully exercised as the foundation for a functioning immune system to defeat diabolical forces which infiltrate both from without and from within.

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Exposing the darkness isn't throwing stones, and note that we pray for the evils ones to find Christ. 🙌

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I did not say exposing dark forces is throwing stones. Identifying the darkness is key.

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Absolutely, thank you!

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Miaow :)

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

People will not want to reincarnate here anymore. There are many worlds better than this one.

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Heaven is everything, not because of the "place" but because of "being in the presence of God". 🙌 ❤️

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The time or age of "Humankind" will come to an end but not by THE Liars will nor by his lying children that work much harder for their father than HIS Kids often work for HIM. HIS Words not mine. The age of man was made for a particular purpose. It has a Holy timer. So awesome for those that truly know.

ONWARD GOoD People! Fear not what they can do to human flesh or putting you in youtube jail.

Every GOoD leader and despot is allowed to rule or fail by HIS RULE and our loyalty or not to his way.

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We fight for God! We defend Christ Jesus! ALL THE WAY TO THE END!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Mostly I'm fascinated by the purpose of Schwab's scam. Who does he think will believe this?

Anybody who ever read EEG results knows this stuff.

An EEG machine measures how much electricity our brains use, second by second, using wires glued to our scalp.

The test can diagnose diseases like epilepsy, where during a seizure, the brain shuts off, consumes a big spike of electricity, shuts down a second time, then increases power use more slowly, creating a peak-and-dome pattern. Typically when the oeak and dome pattern end, the person awakens from the seizure.

Can measuring power consumption enable us to read individual thoughts?

Of course not.

So that brings us to the question: Klause Schwab is a smart man. If he pretends to believe this bunk, who is he trying to trick, and why?

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Maybe it's a coverup for the living biometrics, our electricity.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Your thoughts were my thoughts... They can TRY all of this, but 1 they are psychopaths. Just because they believe they can, doesn't mean they can! 2 God created us in His own image. They can't alter that. They can kill us all off and replace us with robots, but they can't put our soul (thoughts etc) into a robot! 3 There's no way they can monitor our thoughts and EVERYTHING we do. They'd have to depopulate ALOT more! But do these whack jobs thrive on believing they can...1000% yes! Smart cities would probably break down more than work and only accomplish making us all miserable. Which would delight these weirdos, but they'd never admit what a complete FAILURE it all was!

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Can you imagine thinking you are a god because you make AI robot ts? They suffer from PRIDE!

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Jul 28Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Like I said...psychopaths. You know what they say about what Pride comeths before!

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So True ! 👌

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Do you want to throw a wrench in this plan? HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE👈THAT is the Trojan Horse that funds them. Revolutionary support for Rep Massie to push this bill all the way to the presidents desk for his signiture is the JOB OF THE PEOPLE...YOU.... DONT FRET, GET ACTIVE ON THIS ONE BILL...do so as if your life depends on it. ENDTHEFED today like Ron Paul said a long time ago. REALIZE IT, VISUALIZE IT, ACT IT OUT...WHATEVER IT TAKES...PASS THIS BILL HR8421👈👈👈👈👈🙏🏼

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Need to investigate!

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Satan is using technology to attempt to replace God.

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He wants us to be borgs!!!

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